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  • What makes the world go round?Love?Money ?Energy ?Or science and technology ?
  • 是什么东西让世界延续?爱?金钱?能源?还是科学技术?
  • Yes ,all of them ,but there's another important element, the spirit of courage and determination .
  • 是的,所有这些东西,但还有另外一个关键的因素,勇气和决心。
  • To illustrate this ,let me share a true story .
  • 为了证实这一点,让我与大家分享一个真实的故事。
  • Once there was a young girl who dreamed of becoming the best swimmer in the world .
  • 以前有一个女孩梦想成为世界最优秀的游泳运动员。
  • Driven by the dream,she practiced hard.Each day ,she swam twice or even three times further than the distance a football player covers on the ground during a match .
  • 在这个梦想的驱动下,她努力训练。她每天游两次,甚至三次,距离比一个足球运动员在一场比赛中所跑过的还长。
  • She quietly continued with her training ,and finally,won a gold medal in the 1992 Olympic in Barcelona.
  • 她静静地继续着训练,终于在一九九二年巴赛罗那奥运会上夺得金牌,
  • This woman is my hero,Lin Li.
  • 这个女人是我的偶像,名叫林莉。
  • When I first entered middle school in 1994 ,I found it hard to cope with the pressure and fell behind the class.
  • 当我在一九九四年刚进入高中时,我发现很难承受那种压力,而使学习跟不上。
  • Then the school took us to interview LinLi.We watched her swim and then sat around the pool listening to her story .
  • 于是学校让我们去访问林莉,我们看着她游泳,然后围在游泳池边听她的故事。
  • LinLi said plainly ,"During the match ,the only thing in my mind was to push through ,push through ,and make the best out of myself ."
  • 林莉平静地说:“比赛当中,我只有一个念头,向前,向前,发挥我最好的水平。”
  • Her words echoed in my mind.I knew I ,too,could overcome the obstacles in my study ,as she did in her training .
  • 她的话在我的脑海中回响着,我知道我也能够克服我学习上的困难,就像她在训练所做到的一样。
  • Gradually ,I got used to middle school .One year later ,I won a scholarship.
  • 我逐渐适应高中生活,一年后,我拿到了奖学金。
  • This was the first time I experienced the Olympic spirit.It was not intangible or distant as I had once thought.
  • 那是我第一次体验奥运精神,并不是我以前想的那么不可触知,那么遥远的。
  • Rather ,it was the courage to meet the challenge head on ,to persevere,and to push oneself to the limit.
  • 相反,那是迎接挑战的勇气,坚持不懈,把自己推到极点。
  • Indeed ,this is the spirit that unites us in striving for the best .A french major in my school won a silver medal in Men's Foil at the Sydney Olympics last year .
  • 真的,这是团结我们争取最好的精神。我校一名法语系的学生在去年的悉尼奥运会上夺得了男子花剑的银牌。
  • He started to learn fencing at age ten and spent a great part of his life on our national fencing team.
  • 他十岁开始练剑术,在我们的国家剑术队里,他花了大量的时间。
  • Now he always says:"I will learn French the way I learned fencing ."
  • 现在他总是说:“我会像学习剑术那样学习法语。”
  • As his fellow students ,we have all heard how he learned fencing .About half a year before Sydney ,he injured his ligament during a match in Europe.
  • 作为他的校友,我们都听说了他是如何练习剑术的。大约去悉尼的半年前,他在欧洲的一次比赛中扭伤了韧带。
  • The doctor advised him to have an operation .However ,since that would mean missing the Olympics,
  • 医生建议他做手术,但是这意味着要错过奥运会,
  • he postponed the operation and continued his training with an injured leg.
  • 他推迟手术,带着伤腿继续训练。
  • At our New Year's party ,he thanked us for helping him make up the lessons after his return from Sydney.
  • 在我们的新年晚会上,他感谢我们在他从悉尼回来后帮他把功课赶上来。
  • A classmate of his ,however ,said in reply,"You have done more for us than we have done for you ,because you have instilled in all of us the hardworking spirit of the Olympics."
  • 然而他的一位同学回答说:“你为我们做的比我们为你做的多得多,因为你为我们所有人灌输了奥运会的刻苦努力的精神。”
  • Yes, we need the Olympic spirit as we strive to get rid of poverty and build China into a modern country.
  • 是的,我们需要奥运精神,正如我们努力消除贫困,把中国建设成现代化国家一样。
  • This is why many classmates and I regard ourselves as "bid supporters,"and as one can see on our Olympics website,
  • 这是我和我的同学把我们自己看成申奥拥护者的原因,从我们的奥运会网战上,
  • there are millions of us.Indeed ,we are ready to live out this spirit .
  • 可以看到数百万和我们一样的人。真的,我们准备着让人在精神在。
  • Yang Xia,a gold medallist in weight lifting,came from a Tujia minority village.
  • 杨霞一位举重运动的金牌得主,来自土家少数民族的村庄。
  • When she went home after coming back from Sydney,a television crew followed her .
  • 当她从悉尼回家里,一队电视工作者跟随着她。
  • So we saw on TV how she thanked the townfolk in her local dialect and how the entire village came out to welcome their daughter .
  • 所以我们可以从电视里看到她用家乡话感谢父老乡亲,整个村庄的人走出来迎接他们的女儿。
  • She told the anchorman,"I can always see strength and encouragement in their eyes."As a student can also see the strength and encouragement .
  • 她告诉主持人:“我总能在乡亲们的眼中看到力量和鼓励。”
  • I can see them in the eyes of Yang Xia ,Lin Li and many other athletes.I can see them in the eyes of millions of Chinese people who support Beijing's bid for the Olympics.
  • 我可以从杨霞,林莉和其他许我运动员眼中看到它们,我可以从无数支持北京申奥的中国人眼中看到它们,
  • I can see the determination and commitment with which China is marching into the 21st century .
  • 我们可以看到中国跨越二十一世纪的决心和承诺。
  • Beijing's bid drives us forward .It promotes the Olympic spirit in China.
  • 北京申奥促使我们前进,在中国宣扬了奥运精神,
  • And it is a prophecy that China will contribute more to the world in this new century .Thank you.
  • 预示着中国将在新世纪里为世界作出更多贡献。谢谢。
  • Thank you very much indeed contestant number two .You've made ,a ,a very persuasive case indeed for explaining to us why it is that the Olympic spirit,
  • 真的非常感谢二号选手,你用非常令我们折服的方式,向我们解释了为什么奥运精神,
  • um, helps people to achieve even more than they thought they could in whatever field they happen to be ,uh ,to be working in.
  • 能帮助人们,在他们涉足的任何领域里取得比他们认为的还要多的成就。
  • But I wonder what sort of balance you think there should be for know athletes, um, in their ordinary lives,
  • 但我想知道你认为出了名的运动员在他们的日常生活中是如何平衡,
  • between exercise and their work.What sort of balance should there be for all those of us who are not going to be participants in the Olympics between exercise and work?
  • 锻炼与工作,我们那些不参加奥运会的人该如何平衡锻炼与工作的?
  • Of course ,there should be a balance because the majority of us are not athletes and we're not going to enter the Olympic games.
  • 当然,那存在着平衡因为我们当中绝大多数人不参加奥运会。
  • But as I mentioned the most important thing is the Olympic spirit.Actually there are a lot of people around us who have lived out the Olympic spirit in their lives,
  • 但正如我所提到的,最重要的是奥运精神。事实上,我们周围有很多人在他们的一生中都贯穿着奥运精神,
  • who have applied Olympic spirit in their lives.Actually ,once I volunteered to work for a group of disabled people but though they can't move as freely as each of us ,
  • 那些人在他们在的一生中都运用着奥运精神。事实上,一次我志愿为残疾人士服务,虽然他们不像我们每一个人那样可以自行动,
  • but the passion ,the love ,they hold towards sports are no less than each of us .I remember that it was extremely hot day in summer time and I couldn't believe what we saw in front of me .
  • 但他们对运动的热爱和激情并不比我们每一个人少。我记得那是夏天异常炎热的一天,我难以相信我们眼前的一切,
  • The room was not air conditioned but these people kept on training .Though they're not going to participate in the Olympics games ,
  • 一间没有空调的房间里,这些人在继续训练着。虽然他们没有参加奥运会,
  • but you can see sweat running all over their bodies soaking their T-shirts.
  • 但是你可以看到他们全身大汗,湿透了他们的T恤。
  • But despite of this they kept on training .Many of them had got done a good job in their studies and their work.
  • 他们全然不顾,继续训练,他们许多人在学习上和工作上很出色。
  • So ,I think a balance should be kept because we want to keep healthy to stay in good condition while doing sports.
  • 所以我们需要平衡因为我们需要在运动中保持健康,保持良好的状态。
  • But the important thing is that we need to balance our study and our work.We need to apply the Olympic spirit ,either in the Olympic ,in the sports and in our life .Thank you .
  • 但重要的是我们需要在我们的学习和工作中得到平衡,我们需要在奥运会上,在运动中和我们的生活里运用奥运精神。谢谢。
  • Thank you very much .Thank you contestant two .Um ,as an educator I was very delighted to hear ,
  • 非常感谢。谢谢二号选手。作为一名教育者,我很高兴地听到,
  • um, your concerns about education and the importance of education and ,uh ,China ,uh ,becoming a major world power .
  • 中国成为一个世界大国,你对教育和教育的重要性的关注,
  • Um,I'm particulary interested in the fact that you mentioned ,um ,the need for teachers in poverty areas ,
  • 我对你提到的事实特别感兴趣,那就是贫困地区对教师的需求,
  • uh,especially with regard to teaching of , uh ,females.Uh,what do you consider to be the most important qualities that a teacher working in these poverty areas should have given the kinds of students that they are going to be working with?
  • 特别是关于女教师。你认为这些在贫困地区工作的,教育各种各样的学生的老师应该具备哪些最重要的素质?
  • I think to be a good teacher there are many qualities one should has.But the one I think the most important of all is the love towards the students.
  • 我认为作为一名好老师需要许多方面的素质,但我认为最重要的是对学生的爱。
  • And ,actually I believe no matter if a teacher who along the coastal area or in the western part of China,
  • 事实上,我相信无论一名老师是在沿海地区还是在中国的西部,
  • as long as they have the love towards students and that can make a good teacher .
  • 只要爱护学生就是一名好老师。
  • Actually when I was in the primary school one of my classmate's parents had a divorce.
  • 事实上,我上小学时,我的一位同学的父母离婚了,
  • The girl suffered terribly from this .Her academic performance failed dramatically.
  • 那个女孩为此伤心欲绝,她的学习成绩直线下降。
  • But ,the teacher paid special attention to her ,to talk to her for hours ,and helped her with her study.
  • 但是老师对她特别关注,与她谈心数小时,帮助她解决学习困难。
  • And I think for the teachers in the weatern part of China,of course, the most important quality is to love their students ,to care about their thoughts ,
  • 我认为对于中国西部的老师,当然最重要的素质是热爱学生,关心他们的思想,
  • not only their academic performance ,but their development both physically and mentally .Thank you .
  • 不仅仅是他们的学习,而且是他们的身体和思想的成长,谢谢。
  • Thank you .
  • 谢谢。


What makes the world go round?Love?Money ?Energy ?Or science and technology ?

Yes ,all of them ,but there's another important element, the spirit of courage and determination .
To illustrate this ,let me share a true story .
Once there was a young girl who dreamed of becoming the best swimmer in the world .
Driven by the dream,she practiced hard.Each day ,she swam twice or even three times further than the distance a football player covers on the ground during a match .
She quietly continued with her training ,and finally,won a gold medal in the 1992 Olympic in Barcelona.
This woman is my hero,Lin Li.
When I first entered middle school in 1994 ,I found it hard to cope with the pressure and fell behind the class.
Then the school took us to interview LinLi.We watched her swim and then sat around the pool listening to her story .
LinLi said plainly ,"During the match ,the only thing in my mind was to push through ,push through ,and make the best out of myself ."
Her words echoed in my mind.I knew I ,too,could overcome the obstacles in my study ,as she did in her training .
Gradually ,I got used to middle school .One year later ,I won a scholarship.
This was the first time I experienced the Olympic spirit.It was not intangible or distant as I had once thought.
Rather ,it was the courage to meet the challenge head on ,to persevere,and to push oneself to the limit.
Indeed ,this is the spirit that unites us in striving for the best .A french major in my school won a silver medal in Men's Foil at the Sydney Olympics last year .
He started to learn fencing at age ten and spent a great part of his life on our national fencing team.
Now he always says:"I will learn French the way I learned fencing ."
As his fellow students ,we have all heard how he learned fencing .About half a year before Sydney ,he injured his ligament during a match in Europe.
The doctor advised him to have an operation .However ,since that would mean missing the Olympics,
he postponed the operation and continued his training with an injured leg.
At our New Year's party ,he thanked us for helping him make up the lessons after his return from Sydney.
A classmate of his ,however ,said in reply,"You have done more for us than we have done for you ,because you have instilled in all of us the hardworking spirit of the Olympics."
Yes, we need the Olympic spirit as we strive to get rid of poverty and build China into a modern country.
This is why many classmates and I regard ourselves as "bid supporters,"and as one can see on our Olympics website,
there are millions of us.Indeed ,we are ready to live out this spirit .
Yang Xia,a gold medallist in weight lifting,came from a Tujia minority village.
When she went home after coming back from Sydney,a television crew followed her .
So we saw on TV how she thanked the townfolk in her local dialect and how the entire village came out to welcome their daughter .
She told the anchorman,"I can always see strength and encouragement in their eyes."As a student can also see the strength and encouragement .
I can see them in the eyes of Yang Xia ,Lin Li and many other athletes.I can see them in the eyes of millions of Chinese people who support Beijing's bid for the Olympics.
I can see the determination and commitment with which China is marching into the 21st century .
Beijing's bid drives us forward .It promotes the Olympic spirit in China.
And it is a prophecy that China will contribute more to the world in this new century .Thank you.
Judge:Thank you very much indeed contestant number two .You've made ,a ,a very persuasive case indeed for explaining to us why it is that the Olympic spirit,
um, helps people to achieve even more than they thought they could in whatever field they happen to be ,uh ,to be working in.
But I wonder what sort of balance you think there should be for know athletes, um, in their ordinary lives,
between exercise and their work.What sort of balance should there be for all those of us who are not going to be participants in the Olympics between exercise and work?
Long Xiang:Of course ,there should be a balance because the majority of us are not athletes and we're not going to enter the Olympic games.
But as I mentioned the most important thing is the Olympic spirit.Actually there are a lot of people around us who have lived out the Olympic spirit in their lives,
who have applied Olympic spirit in their lives.Actually ,once I volunteered to work for a group of disabled people but though they can't move as freely as each of us ,
but the passion ,the love ,they hold towards sports are no less than each of us .I remember that it was extremely hot day in summer time and I couldn't believe what we saw in front of me .
The room was not air conditioned but these people kept on training .Though they're not going to participate in the Olympics games ,
but you can see sweat running all over their bodies soaking their T-shirts.
But despite of this they kept on training .Many of them had got done a good job in their studies and their work.
So ,I think a balance should be kept because we want to keep healthy to stay in good condition while doing sports.
But the important thing is that we need to balance our study and our work.We need to apply the Olympic spirit ,either in the Olympic ,in the sports and in our life .Thank you .
Judge :Thank you very much .Thank you contestant two .Um ,as an educator I was very delighted to hear ,
um, your concerns about education and the importance of education and ,uh ,China ,uh ,becoming a major world power .
Um,I 'm particulary interested in the fact that you mentioned ,um ,the need for teachers in poverty areas ,
uh,especially with regard to teaching of , uh ,females.Uh,what do you consider to be the most important qualities that a teacher working in these poverty areas should have given the kinds of students that they are going to be working with?
Long Xiang:I think to be a good teacher there are many qualities one should has.But the one I think the most important of all is the love towards the students.
And ,actually I believe no matter if a teacher who along the coastal area or in the western part of China,
as long as they have the love towards students and that can make a good teacher .
Actually when I was in the primary school one of my classmate's parents had a divorce.
The girl suffered terribly from this .Her academic performance failed dramatically.
But ,the teacher paid special attention to her ,to talk to her for hours ,and helped her with her study.
And I think for the teachers in the weatern part of China,of course, the most important quality is to love their students ,to care about their thoughts ,
not only their academic performance ,but their development both physically and mentally .Thank you .
Judge:Thank you .

重点单词   查看全部解释    
challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

strive [straiv]


vi. 奋斗,努力,力求

prophecy ['prɔfisi]


n. 预言,先兆,预言能力 =prophesy

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt]


n. 鼓励

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

foil [fɔil]


n. 箔,箔纸,陪衬物,(击剑运动用的)花剑, 钝头剑<





