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  • Last December ,I were to Boston to visit my parents. One day ,when I was skating at Boston Common ,
  • 去年十二月,我去波士顿探望我父母.有一天,当我正在波士顿公园滑冰的时候,
  • I came to know a skating coach by the name of the Joe Toliver , a very nice man.
  • 我认识一个滑冰教授,一个非常好的男人,名字叫乔.托立弗.
  • Joe was teaching serveral boys and girls ,black and white.We talked ,and he told me how much he loved sports.
  • 乔在教几个男孩和女孩,有白人和黑人.我们谈话中他告诉我,他是如此喜欢运动.
  • He said,"Sports are a sort of art, or a sort of music ,that bring people together without the need of translation ."
  • 他说:"运动是一种艺术,或一种音乐,无需翻译就能把人们团结在一起."
  • Those lovely boys and girls were here and there ,giggling ,shouting ,and frolicking with joy .
  • 到处都是这些男孩和女孩,笑着,喊着,欢乐地嬉闹着.
  • At that moment ,an idea came to me ,or rather a heart -felt wish :What if these children some day go to China ,and play with Chinese boys and girls?
  • 那时,我的一个想法冒出来了,或者是一个心里的希望:如果有一天这些男孩和女孩去到中国,与中国的男孩和女孩一起玩,那该那么好!
  • Sincerely ,I wish they will come .I wish they will grow into strong and handsome young men and women ,and come to Beijing in the year 2008 for the grand Olympic Games.
  • 诚然,我希望他们能来.我希望他们将成长为强壮的年轻美男和美女,在二零零八年来到北京参加奥林匹克运动盛会.
  • Why they come I don't really care.They may come to compete in sports events other than skating.
  • 他们为什么来我并不在乎,除了滑冰,他们可以来角逐体育奖牌.
  • They may even come ,not to play sports ,but to cheer for their national teams.
  • 他们甚至不是来参加体育比赛,而是来为他们的国家队加油.
  • What's important is that they come.What's more important is that people all over the world will gather in Beijing for the bliss of peace and friendship.
  • 他们到来的重要性,世界各国人民汇聚北京更重要的事情是祝愿世界的和平和友谊.
  • As Mr.Samaranch has said that the essence of Olympia is not confrontation ,rather ,the Olympic spirit is the desire for a healthy life ,the disire for a better world.
  • 正如萨马兰奇先生所说,奥林匹克的精髓不是竞技,奥林匹克的精神是对健康生活的渴望,对一个更好的世界的渴望.
  • An astronaut once said,"From the spaceship I looked at our globe ,so lovely and peaceful like a sleeping baby.
  • 一位宇航员曾说过,"从太空中看我们的地球,她是如此的可爱和平静,就像是一个熟睡的婴儿.
  • Suddenly ,I felt the impulse to ask myself ; where are the national boundaries ?Why couldn't I see them?
  • 突然间,我有一种冲动而自问:国家之间的界线在哪里?为什么我看不见它们?
  • Then the answer dawned upon me ;When God created human beings, He never divided them by drawing any lines .
  • 于是我悟到了答案,当上帝创造人类时,他从来没有用任何线条把他们划分开,
  • It is poeple who keep themselves apart by wars and confrontations."
  • 那是人类自己用战争和对抗来分隔彼此."
  • Come to recall the sight of the Sydney games,however ,we see the athletes of North and South Korea parading as one team .
  • 回顾悉尼奥运会的一幕,我们看到了南北朝鲜作为同一个队伍出场,
  • We see American and Chinese women footballers hugging each other with tears in their eyes.
  • 我们看到美国和中国的足球姑娘们热泪盈眶地拥抱在一起.
  • There used to be no boundary in human world, and there shouldn't be.
  • 人类世界本来就没有界线,也不应该有。
  • The Olympic flag represents a dream .Pople from the five continents join their hands like the five rings tightly connected.
  • 奥林匹克旗代表了一个梦,来自五大洲的人们手牵手像五个紧密相连的环,
  • Misunderstandings are gone ,confrontations are gone.
  • 误会消除了,障碍消除了.
  • Not long ago ,I got an e-mail From Joe .He told me the children were making great progress.
  • 不久前,我收到乔的一封电子邮件.他告诉我孩子们正有很大的进步,
  • and he hoped they would turn out to be brilliant athletes.He also wished Beijing good luck ,saying if Beijing succeeds, he will come to China with his family to witness the great Olympics,and have a taste of well-know Beijing roast duck.
  • 他希望他们会成长为出色的运动员.他也祝愿北京好运,说如果北京成功了,他会带着家人来到中国见证这个盛会,而且品尝著名的北京烤鸭.
  • Reading Joe's e-mail ,I fell in deep thought .2008 ,what will I be like at that time ?
  • 读了乔的电子邮件,我陷入了沉思中.那时候我会变成怎么样呢?
  • I may no longer be a student of law ,and have probably become a lawer as I have always wished.
  • 我不再是法律系的学生,可能已经一如所愿地成了一名律师.
  • I maybe working in Beijing ,maybe not .But ,no matter where I'll be ,what I'll be doing ,my heart will stand by it .
  • 我可能在北京工作,或者不是.但是,无论我在哪里,无论我在干什么,我的心永远准备着.
  • I'll act as a common volunteer and do whatever I can for Beijing ,for Olympics,for a better world .
  • 我将作为一名普通的志愿者,为北京,为奥运,为一个更好的世界尽我所能.
  • My dear friends ,let us firmly believe that under the guidance of the Olympic Flame ,we will march together and sing together ,
  • 亲爱的朋友,我们坚信在奥林匹克的圣火指引下,我们能够一起迈步,一起歌唱.
  • for the peace of the world ,for the brotherhood of mankind.That day will come ,when our songs cross the time and space and go everlasting .
  • 为了世界的和平,为了人类的手足之情,我们的歌声穿越时空持续永远的日子将会到来.
  • And that will be the very day ,when the Olympic dream comes true.Thank you ,Thank you .
  • 那也是奥林匹克实现的一天.谢谢,谢谢.
  • Contestant number twenty ,what major effects will China's membership of the World Trade Organization have on the country?
  • 第二十号选手,中国加入世贸组织对于国家有什么主要的影响?
  • Thank you for the question .Well, the um,sorry ,the topic reminds me of a story .
  • 谢谢您的问题.对不起,这个问题让我想起了一个故事.
  • One day a poet went down to the seaside to think about the ending of this new poem.
  • 有一天,一位诗人去海边想他的新诗篇的结尾.
  • Suddenly he caught sihgt of a figure dancing in the distance..
  • 突然间,他看到远处有个人影在舞动,
  • He was very curious and he walked up to the figure.It turned out to be a young man who was actually not dancing but picking up something from the beach.
  • 他觉得很奇怪,就向人影走过去.原来是一个年轻人,实际上他并不是在跳舞,他正从沙滩上捡东西.
  • He stopped the young man and asked him ,"Could you please tell me what are you doing here my young man?"
  • 他拦住年轻人问他:"年轻人,你能不能告诉我你正在干什么呢?"
  • The young man answered,"The sun is about to rise and if the starfish remain on the beach ,they will be dried and dead .I want to save them ."
  • 年轻人回答说:"太阳就要升起来了,如果海星仍然留在海滩上,它们会被烤干致死,我想挽救它们."
  • On hearing this ,the poet laughed and said ,"But can't you see there are hundres of starfish remaining on the beach .
  • 听完之后,诗人笑着说:"但是难道你没看到海滩上有上千条海星吗?
  • The sun is about to rise in just a few minutes .You cannot possibly save all the starfish ."
  • 几分钟内,太阳就要升起来了,你不可能挽救所有的海星的."
  • There was a silence.Then the young man picked up another starfish ,looked the poet in the eye and said ,
  • 一阵沉默,接着年轻人又捡起另外一条海星,看着诗人的眼睛说:
  • "That is very true.But if I take action right now ,I can at least make a difference to this one ."
  • Again ,the young man ran to the sea and threw the lucky starfish into the beautiful blue water .
  • 年轻人又跑到海里把这条幸运的海星归还给碧蓝的大海.
  • Thinking about a topic, the major effect of China's becoming a member of the World Trade Organization ,in my opinion,is to give China such spirit.
  • 想想这个主题,加入世贸对中国的主要影响,依我之见,是给中国如此精神.
  • Is to stimulate the Chinese people , to make them realize that we cannot sit there waiting for the tree lunch like what we did years ago.
  • 鼓舞中国人民,让他们意识到我们不能像多年前那样等待免费午餐.
  • On the contrary ,we should stand up right away to work ,to compete ,to take the challenges.
  • 相反,我们应该努力工作,奋斗,接受挑战.
  • This is the time of knowledge economy ,the age of changes and speed,the era of development and surpassing the outpack of competition and cooperation .
  • 这是知识经济的时代,变化和飞速发展的年代,是发展和超越过去 ,竞争和合作的时代.
  • Tomorrow is so far away ,seize the day .Thank you.
  • 明天是如此遥远,把握现在每一天,谢谢.
  • Thank you very much indeed candidate number twenty .You ,you gave us a very moving and vivid picture of world peach and ,uh ,uh ,uh as you rightly say ,
  • 二十号选手,真的非常谢谢你.你给我们描绘了一幅非常感人和生动的世界和平图,正如你所说,
  • the, uh,Olympic ideal promotes ,umm, good relations between nations .But it's not the only thing that does.
  • 奥林匹克的精神在于促进国家之间的良好关系.但那不是唯一的事情,
  • And I wonder if you can think of any other things that you might just briefly mention which promote good relations between nations.
  • 我想知道你是否能想到其他促进国家之间的良好关系的方法.
  • Li Beidi:Well, I have a, a very good example about this .Uh,if I'm not mistaken ,in 1971,a group of players visited China at the invitation of Chinese government,
  • 对这,我有一个好例子.如果我没有弄错,在一九七一年,承中国政府的邀请,美国的一个乒乓球队访问中国,
  • and the next year ,a Chinese group paid back a visit to the United States and communicated with the palyers there.
  • 接着第二年,一个中国队回访美国,与其队员交流.
  • Um,uh ,in the ,in the twenty years of Cold War actually ,it was the first time that there was a closer contact between the United States and China.
  • 实际上,这是二十年冷战后,美国和中国第一次较亲近的接触.
  • It was the little ball that broke the ice between the United States and China and gave both governments a chance to build up the friendship.
  • 是这个小小的球打破了美国和中国的僵局,给中美政府建立友谊的机会,
  • It was the little ball that brought the understandigs between poeple in the two countries .
  • 是这个小小的球让两国人民互相理解,
  • Thus ,brought along communication and cooperation .Thank you .
  • 带来了交流和合作.谢谢.
  • Thank you .Well done .Thank you contestant number twenty .Um,I'd like to focus on the ,uh ,second topic you gave dealing with ,um,
  • 谢谢.说得好.谢谢二十号选手.我想集中于你的第二个主题,
  • the effect that involvement in the World Trade Organization will have,an as China becomes more globalized,
  • 中国加入世贸的影响,随着中国更加国际化,
  • as all countries are becoming ,are there certain aspects of your culture that you would particularly want to make sure that ,um,
  • 正如所有国家一样.随着中国的国际化,有没有一些文化方面的东西,你特别想确定
  • China becomes more globalized it doesn't lose aspects of the culture that you think are very important for China to ,
  • 它会不会失去?一些你觉得对中国很重要的文化,
  • values that you think that it's very important for China maintain even though it becomes a more global country.
  • 你觉得它是如此重要中国应该保留的,尽管她变成了国际化的国家.
  • Well, I don't worry at all about this topic ,because I ,I believe that even ,um ,after China's entry into the WTO,
  • 我一点都不担心这个问题,因为我相信中国加入世贸组织后,
  • there is something in our culture that we can surely maintain.
  • 我们文化中的某些东西肯定可以保存下来.
  • Actually ,um,well ,I don't know whether you live in Beijing or not ,but ,um,if you go to uh some ,some like operas,
  • 实际上,我不知道你是否住在北京,如果你去一些地方,如剧院,
  • you know Beijing Opera ,you know,there are a lot of places where you can ,you can go and listen and watch the Beijing opera.
  • 你知道京剧,你知道有很多的地方你可以去,你可以去听和看京剧,
  • We were not going to lose them.And the other thing is like the ,our language ,the Chinese art ,uh ,the Chinese characters.
  • 我们不会失去它们的.另外如我们的语言,中国文字,
  • Uh,Now we have the uh,uh ,the uh, we can ,we have the Chinese acters on Internet.The ,the ,the ,domain ,we ,we ,can ,um have ,uh the, uh,all kinds of ,uh, uh ,newspapers and TVs,
  • 现在我们在因特网可以看到中国文字.在所有领域里,如报纸和电视.
  • that we ,we ,we still have the broadcasting in Chinese.We are not going to lose our language.
  • 我们仍然用中文广播,我们不会失去自己的语言.
  • And the most important thing is that Chinese,I think Chinese people like they always are, they will look at the future with smiles on their face.
  • 最重要的是中国人,我想和中国人会一如既往,他们会笑脸迎未来.
  • We are confident.We believe that nothing is so difficult if we set our minds on it.
  • 我们有信心,我们相信如果我们决定了的事情,是没有困难可吓倒的.
  • This is the most important thing for China because this is the spirit,which is rooted in Chinese nation.We are not going to lose it.Thank you.
  • 对于中国,这是最重要的事情,因为这是一种精神,是中华民族的根,我们不会失去它.谢谢.
  • Thank you.I believe I heard you say that you are a law student,not an English major .Is that right ?
  • 谢谢.我相信我听你说起过你是一名法律系学生,而不是英语专业的学生,是吗?
  • That's right .
  • 是的.
  • Well, um ,could you tell us why ?What prompted you to participate in this contest?
  • 你能不能告诉我们为什么?是什么东西促使你参加这次比赛?
  • I mean most of the students who participate in this contest are English majors.
  • 我的意思是大部分参加比赛的学生都是英语系的.
  • Well.
  • 嗯.
  • What made you decide to participate in this competition?
  • 什么东西促使你决定参加这次比赛?
  • Well,uh ,to tell you the truth,I didn't do anything special to ,to prepare for today's competition because as a student majoring in law,
  • 老实说,我并没有为今天的比赛作特别的准备,因为作为法律系的学生,
  • you ,you got to have a , a ,a large range of knowledge.You should have a ,you should be enthusiastic about the society ,not only in English ,
  • 你得有多方面的知识.你必须对这个社会有热情,不仅仅对英语,
  • but also in ,in foreign cultures like Britain or Australia.You should have a,a deeper understanding about your society and other societies.
  • 而且也包括英国和澳大利亚的国外文化.你应该对你的社会和其他社会有深层的了解.
  • So ,the preparation for today's competition ,I think is through the twenty years, from the very day I was born till today .
  • 所以对这次比赛的准备,我想贯穿了二十年,从我出生的那一天到今天.
  • I have been growing .I have been getting knowledge,that's the preparation ,not only for today's competition,but that's the preparation for my whole life .Thank you .
  • 我不断地成长,我不断地汲取知识,那就是准备,不仅仅为了今天的比赛,是为我的整个人生做准备.谢谢.


Last December ,I were to Boston to visit my parents. One day ,when I was skating at Boston Common ,

I came to know a skating coach by the name of the Joe Toliver , a very nice man.
Joe was teaching serveral boys and girls ,black and white.We talked ,and he told me how much he loved sports.
He said,"Sports are a sort of art, or a sort of music ,that bring people together without the need of translation ."
Those lovely boys and girls were here and there ,giggling ,shouting ,and frolicking with joy .
At that moment ,an idea came to me ,or rather a heart -felt wish :What if these children some day go to China ,and play with Chinese boys and girls?
Sincerely ,I wish they will come .I wish they will grow into strong and handsome young men and women ,and come to Beijing in the year 2008 for the grand Olympic Games.
Why they come I don't really care.They may come to compete in sports events other than skating.
They may even come ,not to play sports ,but to cheer for their national teams.
What's important is that they come.What's more important is that people all over the world will gather in Beijing for the bliss of peace and friendship.
As Mr.Samaranch has said that the essence of Olympia is not confrontation ,rather ,the Olympic spirit is the desire for a healthy life ,the disire for a better world.
An astronaut once said,"From the spaceship I looked at our globe ,so lovely and peaceful like a sleeping baby.
Suddenly ,I felt the impulse to ask myself ; where are the national boundaries ?Why couldn't I see them?
Then the answer dawned upon me ;When God created human beings, He never divided them by drawing any lines .
It is poeple who keep themselves apart by wars and confrontations."
Come to recall the sight of the Sydney games,however ,we see the athletes of North and South Korea parading as one team .
We see American and Chinese women footballers hugging each other with tears in their eyes.
There used to be no boundary in human world ,and there shouldn't be.
The Olympic flag represents a dream .Pople from the five continents join their hands like the five rings tightly connected.
Misunderstandings are gone ,confrontations are gone.
Not long ago ,I got an e-mail From Joe .He told me the children were making great progress.
and he hoped they would turn out to be brilliant athletes.He also wished Beijing good luck ,saying if Beijing succeeds, he will come to China with his family to witness the great Olympics,and have a taste of well-know Beijing roast duck.
Reading Joe's e-mail ,I fell in deep thought .2008 ,what will I be like at that time ?
I may no longer be a student of law ,and have probably become a lawer as I have always wished.
I maybe working in Beijing ,maybe not .But ,no matter where I'll be ,what I'll be doing ,my heart will stand by it .
I'll act as a common volunteer and do whatever I can for Beijing ,for Olympics,for a better world .
My dear friends ,let us firmly believe that under the guidance of the Olympic Flame ,we will march together and sing together ,
for the peace of the world ,for the brotherhood of mankind.That day will come ,when our songs cross the time and space and go everlasting .
And that will be the very day ,when the Olympic dream comes true.Thank you ,Thank you .
Rick:Contestant number twenty ,what major effects will China's membership of the World Trade Organization have on the country?
LiBeid:Thank you for the question .Well, the um,sorry ,the topic reminds me of a story .
One day a poet went down to the seaside to think about the ending of this new poem.
Suddenly he caught sihgt of a figure dancing in the distance..
He was very curious and he walked up to the figure.It turned out to be a young man who was actually not dancing but picking up something from the beach.
He stopped the young man and asked him ,"Could you please tell me what are you doing here my young man?"
The young man answered,"The sun is about to rise and if the starfish remain on the beach ,they will be dried and dead .I want to save them ."
On hearing this ,the poet laughed and said ,"But can't you see there are hundres of starfish remaining on the beach .
The sun is about to rise in just a few minutes .You cannot possibly save all the starfish ."
There was a silence.Then the young man picked up another starfish ,looked the poet in the eye and said ,
"That is very true.But if I take action right now ,I can at least make a difference to this one ."
Again ,the young man ran to the sea and threw the lucky starfish into the beautiful blue water .
Thinking about a topic, the major effect of China's becoming a member of the World Trade Organization ,in my opinion,is to give China such spirit.
Is to stimulate the Chinese people , to make them realize that we cannot sit there waiting for the tree lunch like what we did years ago.
On the contrary ,we should stand up right away to work ,to compete ,to take the challenges.
This is the time of knowledge economy ,the age of changes and speed,the era of development and surpassing the outpack of competition and cooperation .
这是知识经济的时代,变化和飞速发展的年代,是发展和超越过去 ,竞争和合作的时代.
Tomorrow is so far away ,seize the day .Thank you.
Judge:Thank you very much indeed candidate number twenty .You ,you gave us a very moving and vivid picture of world peach and ,uh ,uh ,uh as you rightly say ,
the, uh,Olympic ideal promotes ,umm, good relations between nations .But it's not the only thing that does.
And I wonder if you can think of any other things that you might just briefly mention which promote good relations between nations.
Li Beidi:Well, I have a, a very good example about this .Uh,if I'm not mistaken ,in 1971,a group of players visited China at the invitation of Chinese government,
and the next year ,a Chinese group paid back a visit to the United States and communicated with the palyers there.
Um,uh ,in the ,in the twenty years of Cold War actually ,it was the first time that there was a closer contact between the United States and China.
It was the little ball that broke the ice between the United States and China and gave both governments a chance to build up the friendship.
It was the little ball that brought the understandigs between poeple in the two countries .
Thus ,brought along communication and cooperation .Thank you .
Judge:Thank you .Well done .Thank you contestant number twenty .Um,I'd like to focus on the ,uh ,second topic you gave dealing with ,um,
the effect that involvement in the World Trade Organization will have,an as China becomes more globalized,
as all countries are becoming ,are there certain aspects of your culture that you would particularly want to make sure that ,um,
China becomes more globalized it doesn't lose aspects of the culture that you think are very important for China to ,
values that you think that it's very important for China maintain even though it becomes a more global country.
LiBeidi:Well, I don't worry at all about this topic ,because I ,I believe that even ,um ,after China's entry into the WTO,
there is something in our culture that we can surely maintain.
Actually ,um,well ,I don't know whether you live in Beijing or not ,but ,um,if you go to uh some ,some like operas,
you know Beijing Opera ,you know,there are a lot of places where you can ,you can go and listen and watch the Beijing opera.
We were not going to lose them.And the other thing is like the ,our language ,the Chinese art ,uh ,the Chinese characters.
Uh,Now we have the uh,uh ,the uh, we can ,we have the Chinese acters on Internet.The ,the ,the ,domain ,we ,we ,can ,um have ,uh the, uh,all kinds of ,uh, uh ,newspapers and TVs,
that we ,we ,we still have the broadcasting in Chinese.We are not going to lose our language.
And the most important thing is that Chinese,I think Chinese people like they always are, they will look at the future with smiles on their face.
We are confident.We believe that nothing is so difficult if we set our minds on it.
This is the most important thing for China because this is the spirit,which is rooted in Chinese nation.We are not going to lose it.Thank you.
Judge:Thank you.I believe I heard you say that you are a law student,not an English major .Is that right ?
LiBeidi:That's right .
Judge:Well, um ,could you tell us why ?What prompted you to participate in this contest?
I mean most of the students who participate in this contest are English majors.
Judge:What made you decide to participate in this competition?
LiBeid:Well,uh ,to tell you the truth,I didn't do anything special to ,to prepare for today's competition because as a student majoring in law,
you ,you got to have a , a ,a large range of knowledge.You should have a ,you should be enthusiastic about the society ,not only in English ,
but also in ,in foreign cultures like Britain or Australia.You should have a,a deeper understanding about your society and other societies.
So ,the preparation for today's competition ,I think is through the twenty years, from the very day I was born till today .
I have been growing .I have been getting knowledge,that's the preparation ,not only for today's competition,but that's the preparation for my whole life .Thank you .

重点单词   查看全部解释    
coach [kəutʃ]


n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱

entry ['entri]


n. 进入,入口,登记,条目

sincerely [sin'siəli]


adv. 真诚地,真心地

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的

contest ['kɔntest,kən'test]


n. 竞赛,比赛
vt. 竞赛,争取

gather ['gæðə]


v. 聚集,聚拢,集合
n. 集合,聚集

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

essence ['esns]


n. 本质,精髓,要素,香精





