10. An increasing number of girls – 18.9 percent 10. 越来越女性化 18.9%
For most of the '80s and '90s, the otaku world was largely a boys’ club, but the increasing number of anime and video game titles designed for girls, spurred on by their willingness to pay for them, means you’re more likely than ever to find female otaku. 对许多80后90后的人来说,御宅族就是男人的天下,但现在越来越多的动漫和电玩都设计成女性向的,这样可以拉动女性人群的消费能力,这就意味着你将会在日本发现更多的宅女。 来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201405/297351.shtml