15. Pants with a lot of pockets – 4.8 percent 15. 穿有许多口袋的裤子 4.8%
We start off with a bit of a surprise, as cargo pants have become pretty ubiquitous in Japan. Still, when you’re lugging around at least one handheld video game system, a cutting edge smartphone, and a fistful of 100-yen coins to drop at the arcade or bank of anime trinket vending machines, it’s nice to have enough pockets to keep everything separated. 这种多袋裤在日本还是很常见的,所以它能榜上有名着实让人有点吃惊。不过当你要左手拿一个游戏机,右手拿一个高端智能机,还要预留一堆硬币用于在动漫饰品贩卖机上购买东西的时候,你就会发现多一些兜将物品分开装真是极好的。 来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/read/201405/297351.shtml