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  • Well, I'd like to say it in a different way,But it's Ye Olde wedding watch
  • 本来是想换个说法的 但是这么说更英国化
  • But sometimes I'll say other words,This is true,Don't think
  • 不过有时候我会换个说法 我说真的 别以为
  • This is a joke just because I messed up the whole beginning
  • 我开玩笑的 因为我没有开个好头
  • I got a letter,This is from the New England genealogical
  • 我收到了一封信 信的地址是新英格兰宗谱协会
  • Society which of course I thought it was from my lady doctor
  • 所以显然我认为是我的妇科医生给我写的
  • And so I said why was she writing me,Turns out means family
  • 她为什么要给我写信 结果这个词是家族的意思
  • So anyway,Hold on to you crumps everybody,This is really exciting,This is true
  • 所以无论任何 各位稳住了 这真的很激动人心 我没骗你
  • Dear Ellen,Our trusty genealogist have been working on Kate Middleton's genealogy with the big royal wedding coming up
  • 亲爱的Ellen 随着隆重的皇家婚礼临近 我们德高望重的 系谱学家一直在研究Kate Middleton系谱
  • As we were doing the research, we discovered that you are related to Kate via a man named sir Thomas Fairfax's wife Agnes Gascoigne
  • 在调查的途中 我们发现由于 你是皇妃家的远房亲戚通过 Thomas Fairfax爵士和他的妻子Agnes Gascoigne的关系
  • You were distant cousins,You are 15th,But cousin is still the same
  • 你是她远房的表姐 中间大概隔了15重关系 但你还是她表姐
  • Sincerely Tom Shampole from the New England Historic Genealogical Society
  • 来自新英格兰宗谱协会的Tom Shampole
  • So how about that,I'm related to Kate,I'm definitely invited to the wedding now
  • 瞧见没 我是未来王妃的亲戚 我肯定会被邀请参加婚礼
  • Well between the Packer's wining Super Bowl and this I'm having a good week
  • 再加上包装工队赢得了超级碗 我这一周过的很滋润
  • So Kate,cuz,Let me know where you're registered first of all
  • Kate 表妹 要登记注册的话先和我说下
  • cause I have a Pier 1 and a Target real,real close to my house
  • 我家附近有Pier1和Target家具店
  • And let me know if you need me to plan a bachelorette party
  • 如果你需要举办单身派对一定要告诉我
  • cause I found some straws that shape like...well never mind
  • 因为我找到了一些吸管的形状很像 算了 不说了
  • I'm so excited, I'm so so excited,Oh, I'm so excited I forgot to dance
  • 我很激动 我太激动了 我激动得都忘记跳舞了


Well, I'd like to say it in a different way,But it's Ye Olde wedding watch

本来是想换个说法的 但是这么说更英国化

But sometimes I'll say other words,This is true,Don't think

不过有时候我会换个说法 我说真的 别以为

This is a joke just because I messed up the whole beginning

我开玩笑的 因为我没有开个好头

I got a letter,This is from the New England genealogical

我收到了一封信 信的地址是新英格兰宗谱协会

Society which of course I thought it was from my lady doctor


And so I said why was she writing me,Turns out means family

她为什么要给我写信 结果这个词是家族的意思

So anyway,Hold on to you crumps everybody,This is really exciting,This is true

所以无论任何 各位稳住了 这真的很激动人心 我没骗你

Dear Ellen,Our trusty genealogist have been working on Kate Middleton's genealogy with the big royal wedding coming up

亲爱的Ellen 随着隆重的皇家婚礼临近 我们德高望重的 系谱学家一直在研究Kate Middleton系谱

As we were doing the research, we discovered that you are related to Kate via a man named sir Thomas Fairfax's wife Agnes Gascoigne

在调查的途中 我们发现由于 你是皇妃家的远房亲戚通过 Thomas Fairfax爵士和他的妻子Agnes Gascoigne的关系

You were distant cousins,You are 15th,But cousin is still the same

你是她远房的表姐 中间大概隔了15重关系 但你还是她表姐

Sincerely Tom Shampole from the New England Historic Genealogical Society

来自新英格兰宗谱协会的Tom Shampole

So how about that,I'm related to Kate,I'm definitely invited to the wedding now

瞧见没 我是未来王妃的亲戚 我肯定会被邀请参加婚礼

Well between the Packer's wining Super Bowl and this I'm having a good week

再加上包装工队赢得了超级碗 我这一周过的很滋润

So Kate,cuz,Let me know where you're registered first of all

Kate 表妹 要登记注册的话先和我说下

cause I have a Pier 1 and a Target real,real close to my house


And let me know if you need me to plan a bachelorette party


cause I found some straws that shape like...well never mind

因为我找到了一些吸管的形状很像 算了 不说了

I'm so excited, I'm so so excited,OhI'm so excited I forgot to dance

我很激动 我太激动了 我激动得都忘记跳舞了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sincerely [sin'siəli]


adv. 真诚地,真心地

genealogy [,dʒi:ni'ælədʒi]


n. 宗谱;家系;血统;系谱学

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场





