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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I wanna live as normal life as I possible can,because my life is not normal
  • 我想尽可能的过平凡人的生活 因为我的生活不平凡
  • Like I travel so much,I'm away from my friends,When people say I'm not normal,it's wrong
  • 我要到处去巡回演出 我远离了我的朋友 人们说我不平凡 他们错了
  • I'm as normal as it gets,I like hang out with my friends,I go to the movie
  • 我其实是很平凡的 我喜欢我和朋友一起疯玩 我会去看电影
  • I might not go in the front entrance but I still go,Right
  • 我或许不会从前门进 但是我还是会去 没错
  • But that's what's really hard because people love you so much and they don't wanna take your life away from you
  • 但是做到这一点真的很难因为人们太爱你了 他们不想打扰你的生活
  • But in a way your fans are just crazy when they see you and it's hard for you to have
  • 但是另一方面你的粉丝看到你近乎疯狂 所以你很难过正常人的生活
  • I know your mom is in the audience and your grandparents too,Yes what's up,Hi Petty, How are you
  • 我知道你母亲和祖父都在观众席 是的 嗨 佩蒂 你好
  • And that's what's great about the movie too,you are not one of these moms that push and say get out there
  • 这部电影的成功之处 你明白 你并不像一般母亲那样强迫孩子做事
  • I mean yo certainly support him And you say how special he was early on
  • 毫无疑问你支持他 并且很早就察觉到了他的与众不同
  • But that must be hard for you to watch him become so big that's hard for him to balance out his life
  • 但是对你来说看着他变得如此出名以至于 令他的普通生活也变得困难
  • He's definitely balancing at, but one day at a time,Yeah,But he's doing, right?Yeah, he's doing great
  • 确实他的生活很不平衡 但是要一步一步来 没错 但是他在努力 是吧 是的 他做的很棒
  • Yeah cause I like when you were at home,your grandparents and they made you clean your room and you couldn't just leave
  • 我很喜欢的一个画面是 你在家的时候 你的祖父母命令你打扫房间 你不能一走了之
  • You get off the bus,you get off the tour bus and you wanna go out and play and they made you clean your room,you couldn't just leave
  • 你刚从车上下了 你刚从巡游演出车上下来 刚想要出去玩 他们让你打扫房间 你不能一走了之


I wanna live as normal life as I possible can,because my life is not normal

我想尽可能的过平凡人的生活 因为我的生活不平凡

Like I travel so much,I'm away from my friends,When people say I'm not normal,it's wrong

我要到处去巡回演出 我远离了我的朋友 人们说我不平凡 他们错了

I'm as normal as it gets,I like hang out with my friends,I go to the movie

我其实是很平凡的 我喜欢我和朋友一起疯玩 我会去看电影

I might not go in the front entrance but I still go,Right

我或许不会从前门进 但是我还是会去 没错

But that's what's really hard because people love you so much and they don't wanna take your life away from you

但是做到这一点真的很难因为人们太爱你了 他们不想打扰你的生活

But in a way your fans are just crazy when they see you and it's hard for you to have

但是另一方面你的粉丝看到你近乎疯狂 所以你很难过正常人的生活

I know your mom is in the audience and your grandparents too,Yes what's up,Hi Petty, How are you

我知道你母亲和祖父都在观众席 是的 嗨 佩蒂 你好

And that's what's great about the movie too,you are not one of these moms that push and say get out there

这部电影的成功之处 你明白 你并不像一般母亲那样强迫孩子做事

I mean yo certainly support him And you say how special he was early on

毫无疑问你支持他 并且很早就察觉到了他的与众不同

But that must be hard for you to watch him become so big that's hard for him to balance out his life

但是对你来说看着他变得如此出名以至于 令他的普通生活也变得困难

He's definitely balancing at, but one day at a time,Yeah,But he's doing, right?Yeah, he's doing great

确实他的生活很不平衡 但是要一步一步来 没错 但是他在努力 是吧 是的 他做的很棒

Yeah cause I like when you were at home,your grandparents and they made you clean your room and you couldn't just leave

我很喜欢的一个画面是 你在家的时候 你的祖父母命令你打扫房间 你不能一走了之

You get off the bus,you get off the tour bus and you wanna go out and play and they made you clean your room,you couldn't just leave

你刚从车上下了 你刚从巡游演出车上下来 刚想要出去玩 他们让你打扫房间 你不能一走了之

重点单词   查看全部解释    
deduct [di'dʌkt]


vt. 扣除

indicate ['indikeit]


v. 显示,象征,指示
v. 指明,表明

diplomatic [.diplə'mætik]


adj. 外交的,古字体的,老练的

depressed [di'prest]


adj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平

resumed [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m]


n. 履历;个人简历;摘要 vt. 重新开始;重新获得





