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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • your husband is right there,what's your husband's name,Danny,Hi Danny, how are you doing
  • 你的丈夫也来了 你的丈夫叫什么名字 丹尼 嘿 丹尼 你好吗
  • Oh,God,Hi I love you,I love you too,So where do you live
  • 噢 天啊 我爱你 我也爱你 你住在哪里
  • we live in Beaverton Oregon right outside the Portland
  • 我们住在比佛顿 俄勒冈 波特兰外
  • So I pretty much just described your story,you are saying pretty positive somehow,how do you say so positive
  • 在我描述你的故事的时候 你表现的十分乐观 你怎么做到如此乐观的
  • God you know we have a beautiful 11 month old son,cute little picture, I saw the picture
  • 天啊 你知道吗 我们有一个美丽的11个月大的男孩 可爱的小照片 我看到了那张照片
  • It looks like a painting you find in an emtpy,that doesn't look real
  • 就像是一幅在美术馆里的水彩画 那看起来不像是真的
  • that's like one of those 1950s portraits that you buy,Look at that,there he is
  • 倒像是你20世纪50年代买的肖像画 看这个 他在那里
  • So you have a little baby that you've go to say positive for,We have a baby we watch you everyday
  • 你有一个小宝宝 所以你很积极对吗 我们有一个宝宝 我们每天都看你呢
  • I have to tell you I have an alarm set on my cellphone at 5-3 for your show
  • 我得告诉你我给我的手机上了闹铃 5点至3点为了看你的节目
  • and everytime my alarm goes off,my husband goes time to watch Ellen,that's exactly what it is,that's sweet
  • 每次我的闹铃响的时候 我的先生都会说 看艾伦的时间到了 真是那样的 真好
  • So we have a beautiful son,and lost my job,a lot of things kind of went on in about 6 months
  • 我们有一个美丽的儿子 我却丢了工作 糟糕的事持续了6个月
  • how are you getting by,so you are like 20 dollars left over at the end of the month,pretty much
  • 你是怎样走过来的呢 你每个月都只剩20美元 差不多
  • alright, well we wanna help,I know you want to bought a house,It needs reparing,it needs a lot of different things
  • 好的 我们想要帮助你 我知道你想要买一所房子 它需要修理 它需要很多不同的东西
  • So let me start, let see,we are gonna first of all give you a one year supply of Huggies diapers
  • 让我们开始吧 让我看看 所以我们要为你提供 一年的Huggies尿布
  • so that will help to have a one year supply of Huggies right,then to help with your home repairs
  • 一年的Huggies尿布的提供会给你们带来帮助 然后为了帮助你们修理房屋
  • True Value hardware is giving you a 5000 dollars worth of supplies
  • 真品质的五金给你提供 价值5000美元的工具
  • for your tools from your local True Value store and also True Value wants to give you this as well
  • 来自你们当地的真品质商店 同时真品质还想给你们这个


your husband is right there,what's your husband's name,Danny,Hi Danny, how are you doing

你的丈夫也来了 你的丈夫叫什么名字 丹尼 嘿 丹尼 你好吗

Oh,God,Hi I love you,I love you too,So where do you live

噢 天啊 我爱你 我也爱你 你住在哪里

we live in Beaverton Oregon right outside the Portland

我们住在比佛顿 俄勒冈 波特兰外

So I pretty much just described your story,you are saying pretty positive somehow,how do you say so positive

在我描述你的故事的时候 你表现的十分乐观 你怎么做到如此乐观的

God you know we have a beautiful 11 month old son,cute little picture, I saw the picture

天啊 你知道吗 我们有一个美丽的11个月大的男孩 可爱的小照片 我看到了那张照片

It looks like a painting you find in an emtpy,that doesn't look real

就像是一幅在美术馆里的水彩画 那看起来不像是真的

that's like one of those 1950s portraits that you buy,Look at that,there he is

倒像是你20世纪50年代买的肖像画 看这个 他在那里

So you have a little baby that you've go to say positive for,We have a baby we watch you everyday

你有一个小宝宝 所以你很积极对吗 我们有一个宝宝 我们每天都看你呢

I have to tell you I have an alarm set on my cellphone at 5-3 for your show

我得告诉你我给我的手机上了闹铃 5点至3点为了看你的节目

and everytime my alarm goes off,my husband goes time to watch Ellen,that's exactly what it is,that's sweet

每次我的闹铃响的时候 我的先生都会说 看艾伦的时间到了 真是那样的 真好

So we have a beautiful son,and lost my job,a lot of things kind of went on in about 6 months

我们有一个美丽的儿子 我却丢了工作 糟糕的事持续了6个月

how are you getting by,so you are like 20 dollars left over at the end of the month,pretty much

你是怎样走过来的呢 你每个月都只剩20美元 差不多

alright, well we wanna help,I know you want to bought a house,It needs reparing,it needs a lot of different things

好的 我们想要帮助你 我知道你想要买一所房子 它需要修理 它需要很多不同的东西

So let me start, let see,we are gonna first of all give you a one year supply of Huggies diapers

让我们开始吧 让我看看 所以我们要为你提供 一年的Huggies尿布

so that will help to have a one year supply of Huggies right,then to help with your home repairs

一年的Huggies尿布的提供会给你们带来帮助 然后为了帮助你们修理房屋

True Value hardware is giving you a 5000 dollars worth of supplies

真品质的五金给你提供 价值5000美元的工具

for your tools from your local True Value store and also True Value wants to give you this as well

来自你们当地的真品质商店 同时真品质还想给你们这个

重点单词   查看全部解释    
tangled ['tæŋɡld]


adj. 紊乱的;纠缠的;缠结的;复杂的

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成





