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  • I got my co-host Jennifer Aniston and the lovely and talented Portia de Rossi.
  • 这是我的共同主持Jennifer Aniston 和可爱 有天赋的Portia de Rossi
  • And the two of you are the same age. Is that correct?You both turn...right?
  • 你们两个差不多大 是吗? 你们都...是吗?
  • pretty much. A couple of years.I'm a couple years older.oh,ok,so but I love being forty.
  • 差不多 差几年 我比她大几岁 哦 好吧 但我喜欢到四十岁
  • I am more excited than turning thirty honestly.I mean just be fine so far.
  • 老实说 我比迈入三十几岁时还激动 到目前为止还不错
  • you are ok?yeah, I'm totally are doing great. nothing's changed
  • 你还好吗?好 我完全没事 你做得很好 什么都没变
  • no, nothing's changed, and we are gorgeous.I'm fifty-five.
  • 什么都没变 我们都很棒 我已经55岁了
  • I don't, I really don't ever think about it.I think it's like, you know, I don't ever talk about it.
  • 我不去想这件事情 就像是 你懂的 我从不谈论这件事情
  • I don't either.That's why I don't understand why every time when someone is mentioned on a magazine.they put a number of age next to it.
  • 我也不去想 这就是我为什么不能理解 为什么每次杂志上提到某人 都要在旁边写上年龄
  • And I go what is the importance of the information when this story is being told.
  • 我想 说这件事和年龄这个信息有关系吗?
  • right.I know. that's I see that"Ellen, fifty-five, sells another house. "
  • 我懂的 我看到“Ellen 55岁 又卖了一套房子”
  • Like why do I have to be.what is that to do with that house?what do that have to do with selling the house?
  • 为什么我必须是 这和房子有什么关系? 那个和我卖房子有什么关系?
  • Portia, forty, forced to move again.all right, let's talk about. We are running out of time.
  • Portia, 40岁 又被迫搬家 好的 时间差不多了
  • and I wanna talk about "arrested Development"which is everybody is so exctied about.
  • 我想说一说 发展受阻 大家都很期待
  • this is... so exciting, so exciting.Yeah, seven years.So excited.
  • 太让人激动了 是 七年了 太激动了
  • I know. I just think that must have been like a dream come true to have one of the most beloved show be taken away way
  • 我知道 那感觉一定像是梦想成真 有一个这么受喜爱的节目很可惜那么早就被砍掉后
  • before it's time and then have it come back.And and, you know, have, have everybody be there.
  • 又重新复活了 而且全部演员都回归了
  • and it's, doesn't seem. it seems to seamless,and your fans must be so excited.
  • 感觉不像是... 感觉就像没有中断过一样 还有你的粉丝一定很兴奋


I got my co-host Jennifer Aniston and the lovely and talented Portia de Rossi.

这是我的共同主持Jennifer Aniston 和可爱 有天赋的Portia de Rossi

And the two of you are the same age. Is that correct?You both turn...right?

你们两个差不多大 是吗? 你们都...是吗?

pretty much. A couple of years.I'm a couple years older.oh,ok,so but I love being forty.

差不多 差几年 我比她大几岁 哦 好吧 但我喜欢到四十岁

I am more excited than turning thirty honestly.I mean just be fine so far.

老实说 我比迈入三十几岁时还激动 到目前为止还不错

you are ok?yeah, I'm totally are doing great. nothing's changed

你还好吗?好 我完全没事 你做得很好 什么都没变

no, nothing's changed, and we are gorgeous.Im fifty-five.

什么都没变 我们都很棒 我已经55岁了

I don't, I really don't ever think about it.I think it's like, you know, I don't ever talk about it.

我不去想这件事情 就像是 你懂的 我从不谈论这件事情


I don't either.That's why I don't understand why every time when someone is mentioned on a magazine.they put a number of age next to it.

我也不去想 这就是我为什么不能理解 为什么每次杂志上提到某人 都要在旁边写上年龄

And I go what is the importance of the information when this story is being told.

我想 说这件事和年龄这个信息有关系吗?

right.I know. that's I see that"Ellen, fifty-five, sells another house. "

我懂的 我看到“Ellen 55岁 又卖了一套房子”

Like why do I have to be.what is that to do with that house?what do that have to do with selling the house?

为什么我必须是 这和房子有什么关系? 那个和我卖房子有什么关系?

Portia, forty, forced to move again.all right, let's talk about. We are running out of time.

Portia, 40岁 又被迫搬家 好的 时间差不多了

and I wanna talk about "arrested Development"which is everybody is so exctied about.

我想说一说 发展受阻 大家都很期待

this is... so exciting, so exciting.Yeah, seven years.So excited.

太让人激动了 是 七年了 太激动了

I know. I just think that must have been like a dream come true to have one of the most beloved show be taken away way

我知道 那感觉一定像是梦想成真 有一个这么受喜爱的节目很可惜那么早就被砍掉后

before it's time and then have it come back.And and, you know, have, have everybody be there.

又重新复活了 而且全部演员都回归了

and it's, doesn't seem. it seems to seamless,and your fans must be so excited.

感觉不像是... 感觉就像没有中断过一样 还有你的粉丝一定很兴奋

重点单词   查看全部解释    
talented ['tæləntid]


adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,





