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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • well, it's because of the fans really that this happened.You know, Because they kept asking over and over
  • 这剧能够复活真的是因为粉丝们 因为他们不断追问一遍又一遍
  • when is there gonna be another movie and wanna see more of us
  • 什么时候再拍 发展受阻 电影 因为他们想再多看点
  • and so it was lovely and a little like blackmail actually.
  • 他们真的很可爱 其实 甚至有点在威胁我们
  • but they are really smart.and they eh, you years. And here.It's like a cycle.
  • 但是他们很聪明 他们 你懂的 七年了 到现在 就像一个循环一样
  • seven years. So would you love to do a Friends reunion?what do you mean?
  • 你想不想老友记也来个重聚? 什么意思?
  • reunion. How long has it been?I just sort of did one now.
  • 重聚 已经多少年了? 我刚拍的那个应该算一个吧 你懂的
  • Yeah. Kind of felt like it. But it would be longer than this next time
  • 对 是有点那个感觉 但是下次要拍的长一点
  • It would be longer, than that?You wanna announce it here?Do I? Don't you wanna do it? Say you wanna do it.
  • 要长点的吗? 你要在这宣布吗? 你觉得呢? 难道你不想拍一个呢? 说你想拍
  • I will say this though, I will say...I think it would be like
  • 我会说这个 我会说 我觉得会像
  • work doing that little bit with Matty and Coury was was...
  • 我和Matty和Court拍的那个小短片的时候
  • We all were very nostalgic,and miss working together and love each other.
  • 我们都非常怀念 怀念一起工作 我们很爱彼此
  • And it's great thing to get to go back to your family like that.And also know that people will love it and enjoy it.
  • 很高兴想回归大家庭的感觉 也知道有人喜爱和欣赏
  • Yeah people would love it.It's really amazing.That's good.I'm so excited you're today. This is a good day.
  • 是 大家都很喜欢 感觉真的很好 那样很棒 我今天很兴奋 今天是个好日子
  • We thought this would be a fun day to co-houst, to have the three of us together, and it was a fan time.
  • 我们之前就觉得一起主持肯定很有趣 我们三个在一起 今天也确实很好玩
  • The brand new season of the "Arrested Development" is been released on May 26.
  • 新的一季 发展受阻 会在五月二十六号在Netflix上映
  • You don't have Netflix, you say.Well, don't worry because Roku are giving everybody here a two-year subscription at Netflix and a Roku III.
  • 你如果没有Netflix 没关系 Poku公司将给在场的每一位观众 两年的Netflix会员 每人也将拿到一个Roku III
  • Let everybody see that thing. To your TV!You all gonna watch "Arrested Development".we'll be right back!
  • 直达你家的电视!你们都可以看到 发展受阻 不要走开 马上回来


well, it's because of the fans really that this happened.You know, Because they kept asking over and over

这剧能够复活真的是因为粉丝们 因为他们不断追问一遍又一遍

when is there gonna be another movie and wanna see more of us

什么时候再拍 发展受阻 电影 因为他们想再多看点

and so it was lovely and a little like blackmail actually.

他们真的很可爱 其实 甚至有点在威胁我们

but they are really smart.and they eh, you years. And here.It's like a cycle.

但是他们很聪明 他们 你懂的 七年了 到现在 就像一个循环一样

seven years. So would you love to do a Friends reunion?what do you mean?

你想不想老友记也来个重聚? 什么意思?

reunion. How long has it been?I just sort of did one now.

重聚 已经多少年了? 我刚拍的那个应该算一个吧 你懂的

Yeah. Kind of felt like it. But it would be longer than this next time

对 是有点那个感觉 但是下次要拍的长一点

It would be longer, than that?You wanna announce it here?Do IDon't you wanna do it? Say you wanna do it.

要长点的吗? 你要在这宣布吗? 你觉得呢? 难道你不想拍一个呢? 说你想拍

I will say this though, I will say...I think it would be like

我会说这个 我会说 我觉得会像

work doing that little bit with Matty and Coury was was...


We all were very nostalgic,and miss working together and love each other.

我们都非常怀念 怀念一起工作 我们很爱彼此

And it's great thing to get to go back to your family like that.And also know that people will love it and enjoy it.

很高兴想回归大家庭的感觉 也知道有人喜爱和欣赏

Yeah people would love it.It's really amazing.That's good.I'm so excited you're today. This is a good day.

是 大家都很喜欢 感觉真的很好 那样很棒 我今天很兴奋 今天是个好日子

We thought this would be a fun day to co-houstto have the three of us together, and it was a fan time.

我们之前就觉得一起主持肯定很有趣 我们三个在一起 今天也确实很好玩

The brand new season of the "Arrested Development" is been released on May 26.

新的一季 发展受阻 会在五月二十六号在Netflix上映

You don't have Netflix, you say.Well, don't worry because Roku are giving everybody here a two-year subscription at Netflix and a Roku III.

你如果没有Netflix 没关系 Poku公司将给在场的每一位观众 两年的Netflix会员 每人也将拿到一个Roku III

Let everybody see that thing. To your TV!You all gonna watch "Arrested Development".we'll be right back!

直达你家的电视!你们都可以看到 发展受阻 不要走开 马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

announce [ə'nauns]


vt. 宣布,宣告,声称,预示
vi. 作播音

announced [ə'naunst]



feud [fju:d]


n. 长期不和,争执 n. 封地 v. 长期斗争,结世仇

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

nostalgic [nɔs'tældʒik]


adj. 怀旧的,乡愁的

blackmail ['blækmeil]


n. 勒索
vt. 勒索,讹诈

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

engagement [in'geidʒmənt]


n. 婚约,订婚,约会,约定,交战,雇用,(机器零件等)

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,





