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编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • they have choice.because they are hungry.they are the most spoild cats.they are.I love them so much.
  • 它们有选择 因为它们很饿 它们是被宠坏的猫咪 是 我又很爱它们
  • what else,anything else?that's all.That's all.move on.what's next?really?
  • 还有什么 有其他的吗? 就这些了 就这些了 继续 接下来是什么? 真的?
  • well,actually,while we are here.Oh,no well,it's, it's no surprise that we move a
  • 其实 既然说到这个了 是这样的 我们经常搬家这件事一点都不让人惊讶 不
  • And that was a little tricky to get used to.yeah.I mean the first four years.
  • 这有点难适应 是 前四年
  • I thought like we have nine houses in eight and a half years.Did you know that?no.I count it.
  • 我想我们八年半都有九栋房子了 你知道吗?不 我数过
  • But the first four years I thought ok,like when we move again.
  • 但前四年 当我们又搬家的时候 我想 好吧
  • this will be it,right? This will be our home. And we will live there.
  • 应该就是它了 这就是我们的家了 我们将住在这里
  • And now I realize it's just we will live there for six months.
  • 现在我才知道 其实我们就是在那里住六个月而已
  • So now like when I put things away. I always think about
  • 所以现在我把东西搬出来的时候总是考虑
  • how easy it's gonna be to like collect it all back up together again in the box.
  • 这些再装回盒子会不会很容易
  • yeah, but you like it. You admit it, you love moving now,too.
  • 是 可你也喜欢 你必须承认 你现在也喜欢搬家了
  • because you did that to is fine, it is is fine.I love real estate.
  • 那是因为你 没关系 没关系 没关系 我喜欢房地产
  • I like whole, I like architecture and design and I love doing it.
  • 我喜欢建筑和设计 我喜欢这么做
  • it is weird. It is surprised that I like it as much.It's hard for me too.
  • 很奇怪的是 很惊讶我也和她一样喜欢 这对我也很难
  • Because I get attached to the home you are in and then you leave it.
  • 因为挺喜欢那栋房子的 结果你们却搬走了
  • yeah you I feel like I'm affected too.yeah you konw.really?
  • 是 我觉得我也受到了影响 是 你知道吗 真的?
  • you konw how heart broken I was when you sold that beautiful house to Ryan Seacrest?
  • 你知道我有多伤心吗? 当你把那漂亮的房子卖给Ryan Seacrest的时候
  • yeah, you but, we told you about that house.You should've bought that house.
  • 是 但是我们和你说了这个房子 你应该买下来
  • I, I, I...I couldn't affort that house.yes, you could' we go with this again.
  • 我 我 我 我买不起 你怎么会买不起 我们又这样了
  • yes, you could. Anyway.we are ont gonna talk about this on television.
  • 是 你买的起 总之 我们不要在电视上谈这个
  • ok,we are running out of time anyway.we are?but anyway, so ah, let's take a break.ok.
  • 好吧 我们时间快不够了 是吗? 但总之 让我们休息一下 好
  • and then we will talk about "Arrested Development" and other things.sure.all right, we will be back.
  • 然后我们谈论一下 发展受阻 和一些其他事情 好 好 我们马上回来


they have choice.because they are hungry.they are the most spoild cats.they are.I love them so much.

它们有选择 因为它们很饿 它们是被宠坏的猫咪 是 我又很爱它们

what else,anything else?that's all.That's all.move on.what's next?really?

还有什么 有其他的吗? 就这些了 就这些了 继续 接下来是什么? 真的?

well,actually,while we are here.Oh,no well,it's, it's no surprise that we move a

其实 既然说到这个了 是这样的 我们经常搬家这件事一点都不让人惊讶 不

And that was a little tricky to get used to.yeah.I mean the first four years.

这有点难适应 是 前四年

I thought like we have nine houses in eight and a half years.Did you know that?no.I count it.

我想我们八年半都有九栋房子了 你知道吗?不 我数过

But the first four years I thought ok,like when we move again.

但前四年 当我们又搬家的时候 我想 好吧

this will be it,right? This will be our home. And we will live there.

应该就是它了 这就是我们的家了 我们将住在这里

And now I realize it's just we will live there for six months.

现在我才知道 其实我们就是在那里住六个月而已

So now like when I put things away. I always think about


how easy it's gonna be to like collect it all back up together again in the box.


yeah, but you like it. You admit it, you love moving now,too.

是 可你也喜欢 你必须承认 你现在也喜欢搬家了

because you did that to is fine, it is is fine.I love real estate.

那是因为你 没关系 没关系 没关系 我喜欢房地产

I like whole, I like architecture and design and I love doing it.

我喜欢建筑和设计 我喜欢这么做

it is weird. It is surprised that I like it as much.It's hard for me too.

很奇怪的是 很惊讶我也和她一样喜欢 这对我也很难

Because I get attached to the home you are in and then you leave it.

因为挺喜欢那栋房子的 结果你们却搬走了

yeah you I feel like I'm affected too.yeah you konw.really?

是 我觉得我也受到了影响 是 你知道吗 真的?

you konw how heart broken I was when you sold that beautiful house to Ryan Seacrest?

你知道我有多伤心吗? 当你把那漂亮的房子卖给Ryan Seacrest的时候

yeah, you but, we told you about that house.You should've bought that house.

是 但是我们和你说了这个房子 你应该买下来

I,I,I...I couldn't affort that house.yes, you could' we go with this again.

我 我 我 我买不起 你怎么会买不起 我们又这样了

yes, you could. Anyway.we are ont gonna talk about this on television.

是 你买的起 总之 我们不要在电视上谈这个

ok,we are running out of time anyway.we are?but anyway, so ah, let's take a break.ok.

好吧 我们时间快不够了 是吗? 但总之 让我们休息一下 好

and then we will talk about "Arrested Development" and other things.sure.all right, we will be back.

然后我们谈论一下 发展受阻 和一些其他事情 好 好 我们马上回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy

estate [is'teit]


n. 财产,房地产,状态,遗产

declaration [.deklə'reiʃən]


n. 宣布,宣言

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

concrete ['kɔnkri:t]


adj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的
n. 水





