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英国语文第五册(MP3+中英字幕) 第81期:围攻魁北克(6)

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  • Meantime the French had given way, and were flying in all directions.
  • 与此同时,投降的法军四散奔逃。
  • A grenadier officer seeing this, called out to those around him, "See! they run!" The words caught the ear of the dying man.
  • 一个掷弹兵看到这一幕,对身边的人喊道:“看!他们跑了!“乌尔夫听到了这句话。
  • He raised himself, like one aroused from sleep, and asked eagerly, "Who run?" "The enemy, sir," answered the officer; "they give way everywhere."
  • 他大梦初醒般地坐起身来,急切地问:”谁跑了?“”敌军跑了,长官,“掷弹兵回答道;”他们四散奔逃。“
  • "Go, one of you, to Colonel Burton," said Wolfe: "tell him to march Webbe's (the 48th) regiment with all speed down to the St. Charles river, to cut off the retreat."
  • “你们去找波顿上校,”乌尔夫说:“让他马上向圣查尔斯河出击,向韦布进军,阻止敌军后撤。”
  • His voice grew faint as he spoke, and he turned on his side, as if seeking an easier position. When he had given this last order, his eyes closed in death.
  • 他的声音微弱无力。他翻了个身,好像在找一个舒服点的位置。下达了这最后一道命令,他就闭上了双眼,阖然长逝。
  • When the news reached England, triumph and lamentation were strangely intermingled.
  • 当这一消息传到英国,举国上下又悲又喜。
  • Astonishment and admiration at the splendid victory, with sorrow for the loss of the gallant victor, filled every breast.
  • 他们感叹和崇拜这一场辉煌的胜利,同时由于痛失英才而悲痛填满心间。
  • Throughout all the land were illuminations and public rejoicings, except in the little Kentish village of Westerham,
  • 全国上下都张灯结彩,百姓欢呼雀跃,只有一个地方除外,
  • where Wolfe had been born, and where his widowed mother now mourned her only child.
  • 那就是韦斯特勒姆郡的肯特村。那是乌尔夫的出生地,他母亲如今孤身一人,正为痛失唯一爱子而悲痛。
  • Wolfe's body was embalmed, and borne to the river for conveyance to England. The army escorted it in solemn state to the beach.
  • 他们收拾好乌尔夫的尸身,放到水上顺流而下直到英国。一路上沿岸都有威严的士兵护送。
  • They mourned their young general's death as sincerely as they had followed him in battle bravely.
  • 他们为这位年轻统帅的死而悲痛,这种悲痛之情就和他们追随他四处征战一样真诚。
  • His remains were landed at Plymouth with the highest honours: minute-guns were fired, flags were hoisted half-mast high, and an escort with arms reversed received the coffin on the shore.
  • 在普利茅斯,人们以最高荣誉来交接烈士们的遗体:放隔分礼炮,降半旗致哀,并一路上由士兵护送棺木。
  • They were then conveyed to Greenwich, and buried beside those of his father, who had died but a few months before.
  • 随后遗体被送至格林威治,葬在他们几个月前刚刚为国捐躯的父辈身边。
  • After further successes of the British in other parts of Canada. under Generals Amherst, Haviland, and Sir William Johnson, the French cause became utterly hopeless.
  • 英军在加拿大其它地区的战场也捷报频传。在阿默斯特将军,哈维兰将军和威廉约翰逊爵士领导的英军面前,法军已经毫无希望。
  • On the 8th of September, 1760, a British force of 16,000 men assembled before Montreal; and on the same day a capitulation was signed which severed Canada from France for ever.
  • 1760年9月8日,一支16000人的英军在蒙特利尔前集结;同一天,法军签署投降协议,终止对加拿大的统治。
  • One of the most momentous political questions that have ever moved the human race was decided in this struggle.
  • 这场战争决定了人类有史以来其中一个最重要的政治问题。
  • When a few English and French emigrants first landed among the Virginian and Canadian forests it began: when the British flag was hoisted on the citadel of Quebec it was decided.
  • 这个问题从几个英国人和法国人踏上弗吉尼亚和加拿大森林那一刻开始:英军的旗帜在魁北克城头上高高飘扬的那一刻,这个问题解决了。
  • From that day Providence pointed out to the Anglo-Saxon race that to them was henceforth intrusted the destiny of the New World.
  • 从那一天开始,上帝就托付给盎格鲁-撒克逊人一个使命:创造一片新天地。


Meantime the French had given way, and were flying in all directions. A grenadier officer seeing this, called out to those around him, "See! they run!" The words caught the ear of the dying man. He raised himself, like one aroused from sleep, and asked eagerly, "Who run?" "The enemy, sir," answered the officer; "they give way everywhere." "Go, one of you, to Colonel Burton," said Wolfe: "tell him to march Webbe's (the 48th) regiment with all speed down to the St. Charles river, to cut off the retreat." His voice grew faint as he spoke, and he turned on his side, as if seeking an easier position. When he had given this last order, his eyes closed in death.



When the news reached England, triumph and lamentation were strangely intermingled. Astonishment and admiration at the splendid victory, with sorrow for the loss of the gallant victor, filled every breast. Throughout all the land were illuminations and public rejoicings, except in the little Kentish village of Westerham, where Wolfe had been born, and where his widowed mother now mourned her only child.

Wolfe's body was embalmed, and borne to the river for conveyance to England. The army escorted it in solemn state to the beach. They mourned their young general's death as sincerely as they had followed him in battle bravely. His remains were landed at Plymouth with the highest honours: minute-guns were fired, flags were hoisted half-mast high, and an escort with arms reversed received the coffin on the shore. They were then conveyed to Greenwich, and buried beside those of his father, who had died but a few months before.
After further successes of the British in other parts of Canada. under Generals Amherst, Haviland, and Sir William Johnson, the French cause became utterly hopeless. On the 8th of September, 1760, a British force of 16,000 men assembled before Montreal; and on the same day a capitulation was signed which severed Canada from France for ever.
One of the most momentous political questions that have ever moved the human race was decided in this struggle. When a few English and French emigrants first landed among the Virginian and Canadian forests it began: when the British flag was hoisted on the citadel of Quebec it was decided. From that day Providence pointed out to the Anglo-Saxon race that to them was henceforth intrusted the destiny of the New World.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
admiration [.ædmə'reiʃən]


n. 钦佩,赞赏

flag [flæg]


n. 旗,旗帜,信号旗
vt. (以旗子)标出

retreat [ri'tri:t]


n. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居
v. 撤退,向后倾

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

victor ['viktə]


n. 胜利者 Victor: 维克托(男子名)

triumph ['traiəmf]


n. 凯旋,欢欣
vi. 得胜,成功,庆功

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

sincerely [sin'siəli]


adv. 真诚地,真心地

faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模





