Father. Let us hope that Massasoit and his men may keep the peace with us so well that there will be no need for guns and swords when you are a man, Edward.
Mother. Squanto is a true friend to us. He has been a great help in this new home of ours. He will do all he can in helping us to keep peace with Massasoit.
John Alden. He has taught us many things. We knew nothing about corn until he taught us to plant it in the hills.
Father. And to hoe the earth around the stalks, if we wished to have fat ears of corn.
Edward. Squanto taught Robert and Richard how to catch eels. They go down to the shore and stamp them out of the mud with their feet. Sometimes the mud is full of fat eels.
Oh, I wish that I were as big as Richard. Then I would tread out eels! [In his excitement he stamps his feet as though he were treading out eels.]
Mother. Often we would have gone hungry, if it had not been for a pot of good eel broth.

Aunt Ruth. Squanto showed the lads where to find lobsters, too, and how to catch them.
Mary. And he taught us how to pound the corn into meal, and how to cook the meal.
Betty. [Leaving the kettle and going to Mother.] Mother, will you teach me how to make a journey-cake from pounded meal?
Mother. Yes, Betty, but do not forget to stir the meal in the kettle, or we may have scorched porridge before we have a journey-cake.
[Betty goes back hastily to the fire-seat and again stirs the porridge. At this moment laughter and boyish voices are heard outside. The door suddenly opens, and the two lads, Robert and Richard, enter.]
Aunt Ruth. Here are our builders. How did the building of Isaac Allerton’s house go on today?
Robert. It is almost finished. There were five of us at work on it this afternoon.