Sheldon, congratulations.Brought you a cheesecake from work.You know, 'cause of your award,not because a busboy sneezed on it.
谢尔顿 恭喜恭喜从店里给你带了芝士蛋糕这是给你庆祝得奖的不是因为小工对着它打了喷嚏
I'm not accepting the award. Why not?
我不接受奖项了 为什么
Turns out the great Sheldon Cooper has stage fright.
That's no reason to back out.You know, I once got a pretty big honor in high school,and I was terrified about appearing in front of a big crowd,but I went through with it, and you know what?The world looked pretty darn goodsitting on a haystack in the back of a Ford Fas a member of the Corn Queen's court.
那也没有理由退出啊我以前在高中时 得了个很大的奖而我很怕面对一大群人但我挺过来了 知道吗作为玉米皇后团的成员之一坐在福特F后面放的干草堆上那是相当的风光啊
Thank you.Yeah, I'll bear that in mind if I'm ever nominated for the Hillbilly Peace Prize.
谢谢 我会牢记在心的 如果我被提名乡巴佬和平奖的话
Sheldon, you're being ridiculous.
谢尔顿 你小题大做了
Am I?
Let me tell you a story.
Where's 70 children when you need them? I was 14 and graduating summa cum laude from college.
咱现在就需要70个儿童 我14岁时以Summa cum laude的成绩从大学毕业
"Summa cum laude" is Latin for "with highest honors." I just love how you always skip over the part where no one asks.
Summa cum laude在拉丁语里是指最高荣誉你要是能跳过 没人问的东西就好了
I was valedictorian and expected to give an address. Even now, I can remember that moment when I walked up to the podium and looked out at the crowd.
我要在毕业典礼上做致词我到现在还记得当时我走上讲台 看着人群
There must have been thousands of people.My heart started pounding in my chest.I began to hyperventilate.My vision became blurry, and before I knew it...Oh, dear.
台下数以千计的人我的心开始剧烈跳动然后开始大口呼气视力渐渐模糊 还没来得及...晕啊
Oh, my God.
Sheldon, are you okay?
谢尔顿 你没事吧
Don't trample me.