一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Serena:Dan, hey.
Dan:I-I-I was in the neighborhood...uh, give or take 70 blocks. I just wanted to tell you in person that, uh, the end of last night may have not been my finest hour. There was a, uh, a wave.
Serena:I-I-I, saw that,
Dan:Yeah, yeah, and since then, I've just been wondering, uh...are you hungry?
Serena:Yes. Actually, I've had the worst morning.
Dan:Well, you...you wanna...you wanna talk? And eat? Not necessarily in that order.
Serena:Yes, I would love to do both, but, food first, because I'm starving.
Dan:你想,想谈谈吗? 然后一起吃饭?不是非要先谈再吃。
Serena:好,两样都要, 但先吃吧,我饿死了。