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Liz: The world moves. You just suspect it can all happen without you. Situations are not conduce of what you want for yourself. Someone else's needs, someone else's plate is going to be stronger than yours is. I think people just get frustrated with how harsh life can be, so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration, we calling it anger. Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation, to all those tinny things that have come together to make it what it is.

Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product, so I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why.

Not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, most of the time but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.

Officer: Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

Liz: I loved my mother so much I mean. She was a drug addict, she was an alcoholic, she was legally blind, she was schizophrenic. But I never forgot that she did love me, even if, if she did, all the time, all the time. I hope you all know how much I really need this. I can't go to college or anything without it

地球没了谁都会照样转动。Situations are not conduce of what you want for yourself. Conduce, 得益于,导致。生活状况不会因为你想要什么,就会自己变好。some people just get frustrated with how harsh life can be, so they're spending their time dwelling on that frustration. harsh, 严厉的,严酷的。dwell on “居住;存在”,再比如:Don’t dwell on past failures. 不要沉浸在过去的失败中。整句话意思是,有些人被失败打倒。在了解了生活的残酷之后,变的不知所措,于是终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,我们把这种迷茫称之为“愤怒”。可是,这样只能让人Keep their eyes shut to the wholeness of the situation,对整体形式视而不见。对造成这样结果的原因视而不见。

而Liz认为自己有一点是幸运的。父母的糟糕状态逼迫她不得不看得更深。她知道那样的糟糕状态是怎样一点一点积累起来的。所以,她never inclined to wonder,inclined to,倾向于。她从不会去想为什么会这样,为什么会那样。因为她知道为什么。

但Liz在那样的一群人里是特别的,特别在于她always knew she needs to get out. 她知道自己要挣脱出去。

她爱自己的妈妈,即便她是个drug addict, 瘾君子;alcoholic,酗酒的;legally blind, 视障;法定盲人;还患有schizophrenic,精神分裂症。即便她做了那么多错事,我依然爱她。最后在Liz取得奖学金的庆典上,她也有相同的表述。如果时间可以倒转,她依旧希望的是一个完整,幸福的家。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
dwelling ['dweliŋ]


n. 住处

frustration [frʌs'treiʃən]


n. 挫折,令人沮丧的东西

harsh [hɑ:ʃ]


adj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<


关键字: 口语 影音 时尚




