By this time it was being widely said that it was the Cambridge approach, which made concession to the human user, that held the key to the future.
The Cambridge group called themselves the 'space cadets' and the rest, the 'primitives', and Alan Turing had made himself an arch-primitive by insisting on being able to follow the Manchester machine's operations digit by digit, although on another level, he was the boldest Dan Dare of them all, embarrassing the responsible scientists with his anthropomorphic view of machines.
The application of computers to commercial purposes received serious discussion, and M.J. Lighthill, the new Professor of Applied Mathematics at Manchester, proposed that by 1970 'the use of the machine shall permeate the whole undergraduate course.
This complaint at the base-32 notation espoused by Alan was to be vindicated; it would soon be thought absurd to expect ordinary users to adjust themselves in this way, although in 1951 this was far from clear.
This conference was Alan's last appearance as a contributor to the programming or operating of computers, and he was already passing into legend—a ghost from the past in a science without history.
Mike Woodger gave a talk about the relative performance of the Manchester and NPL machine instruction codes.
Alan had invited him to stay at Hollymeade for the week of the conference.
His guest would have been rather frightened if he had known that Alan was homosexual, but of this he remained unaware.
What he did encounter, however, was the great muddle of pots and pans full of weeds and smelly mixtures, in which Alan was pursuing his desert island hobby, seeing what chemicals he could make out of natural materials, and in particular doing some electrolytic experiments.
Mike Woodger made a big hit when he admired the brick path, but did not do so well when Alan tried to explain his progress with morphogenesis.