Usually he worked overnight—he regularly booked Tuesday and Thursday nights. It was not all work on biology. He had, in particular, a 'bell ringing' program. Bell ringing? Working through every possible permutation? For whom did the bell toll?
Ask not. ... But usually he could be expected to emerge in the morning waving around print-outs to anyone who was around—'giraffe spots', 'pineapples' or whatever—and then go home to sleep until the afternoon.
This night work was reflected in what was perhaps the most progressive feature of his manual, in which he explained how he made the machine itself do the secretarial work of keeping track of experiments and modifications.
Even in this technical piece of writing, there was a high-level scientific play with the idea of 'rules' and 'descriptions': the programmer was allowed to use the machine in its logical sense, the engineer to use it in its physical sense, and the 'formal mode',
as he defined it, was to print out the description of the operation that was 'complete' in another, higher level, sense:There are a number of modes or styles in which the machine may be used, and each mode has its conventions, restricting the operations considered admissible.
The engineers for instance will consider the removal of a valve or the connection of two points temporarily with crocodile clips to be admissible, but would frown on certain uses of a hatchet. The removal of valves and all alterations of connections are certainly not permitted to the programmers and other users, and they have additional taboos of their own.
There are in fact a number of modes of operation which might be distinguished, but only the formal mode will be mentioned here. This mode has rather stringent and definite conventions. The advantage of working in the formal mode is that the output recorded by the printer gives a complete description of what was done in any computation.
A scrutiny of this record, together with certain other documents should tell one all that one wishes to know. In particular this record shows all the arbitrary choices made by the man in control of the machine, so that there is no question of trying to remember what was done at certain critical points.
But apart from such by-products of his work, in this case anticipating the introduction of a computer 'operating system', the other users of the machine did not now have more than the vaguest idea of what he was doing with it; after the summer of 1951 there was virtually no contact between them.