Von Neumann had noticed that ‘Hilbert space’ was exactly what was needed to make precise the idea of the ‘state’ of a quantum-mechanical system, such as that of an electron in a hydrogen atom.
One characteristic of such ‘states’ was that they could be added like sounds, and another was that there would generally be infinitely many possible states, rather like the infinite series of harmonics above a ground.
Hilbert space could be used to define a rigorous theory of quantum mechanics, proceeding logically from clear-cut axioms.
The unforeseen application of ‘Hilbert space’ was just the kind of thing that Alan would produce to support his claim for pure mathematics.
He had seen another vindication in 1932, when the positron was discovered.
For Dirac had predicted it on the basis of an abstract mathematical theory, which depended upon combining the axioms of quantum mechanics with those of special relativity.
But in arguing about the relationship between mathematics and science, Alan Turing found himself tackling a perplexing, subtle, and to him personally important aspect of modern thought.