Quantum mechanics presented a fine example of where the expansion and liberation of mathematics for its own sake had paid off in physics.
It had proved necessary to create a theory not of numbers and quantities, but of ‘states’ – and ‘Hilbert space’ offered exactly the right symbolism for these.
Another related development in pure mathematics, which quantum physicists was now busy exploiting, was that of the ‘abstract group’.
It had come about through mathematicians putting the idea of ‘operation’ into a symbolic form, and treating the result as an abstract exercise.
On the other hand, the movement towards abstraction had created something of a crisis within pure mathematics.
If it was to be thought of as a game, following arbitrary rules to govern the play of symbols, what had happened to the sense of absolute truth? In March 1933 Alan acquired Bertrand Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, which addressed itself to this central question.
The crisis had first appeared in the study of geometry.