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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第11章2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
There had been soulful music playing on the ship’s sound system of course.飞船音响系统里正放着灵魂乐——理所当然。
And he had, of course, been slightly drunk.而他,理所当然地,有点醉了。
In other words, all the usual conditions which bring on a bout of soul-searching had applied, but it had, nevertheless, clearly been an error.换句话说,会让人想要探求一下灵魂深处的一切因素都备齐了。可惜,那显然绝对是个错误。
Standing now, silent and alone in the dark corridor he remembered the moment and shivered. His one head looked one way and his other the other and each decided that the other was the way to go.如今,静静地独自站在漆黑的走廊上,他记起当时的状况,于是一阵战栗。他的一个头是这种表情,另一个头是那种表情,两个都觉得,对方的可能比自己稍稍好点儿。
He listened but could hear nothing.他侧耳倾听,但什么也没有。
All there had been was the “wop”.只有“喔”。
It seemed an awfully long way to bring an awfully large number of people just to say one word.把如此数量庞大的人弄到如此遥远的地方,竟然只是为了说一个字。
He started nervously to edge his way in the direction of the bridge. There at least he would feel in control. He stopped again. The way he was feeling he didn’t think he was an awfully good person to be in control.他紧张地慢慢挪动自己,想靠近控制台。在哪儿他至少觉得自己处于控制地位。他又停下了。原因是他觉得自己真不是个适合处于控制地位的家伙。
The first shock of that moment, thinking back, had been discovering that he actually had a soul.回想起来,当时,他心头一震,发现自己的确有个灵魂。
In fact he’d always more or less assumed that he had one as he had a full complement of everything else, and indeed two of somethings, but suddenly actually to encounter the thing lurking there deep within him had giving him a severe jolt.其实,从前他一直假设自己是有个灵魂,正如他拥有一切那样——有的东西还有俩呢——直到此时此刻,发现潜藏在黑暗中的自己,他却极大地震惊了。
And then to discover (this was the second shock) that it wasn’t the totally wonderful object which he felt a man in his position had a natural right to expect had jolted him again.随后,他又发觉(这是第二次心头一震),处在他这样地位的人,灵魂真不是特别值得期待的东西,于是再次感到震惊。
Then he had thought about what his position actually was and the renewed shock had nearly made him spill his drink. He drained it quickly before anything serious happened to it. He then had another quick one to follow the first one down and check that it was all right.接着他就想,到底自己是个什么地位呢?这次的震惊让他几乎把酒全给洒了出来。于是他赶快喝了一大口,以免有更严重的事发生。紧接着他又喝了一大口,看看第一口是否还好。
Freedom, he said aloud.“自由噢!”他高声嚷道。
Trillian came on to the bridge at that point and said several enthusiastic things on the subject of freedom.崔莉安来到控制台,对他说了一些关于自由的比较积极的话。
I can’t cope with it, he said darkly, and sent a third drink down to see why the second hadn’t yet reported on the condition of the first. He looked uncertainly at both of her and preferred the one on the right.“我真受不了。”他阴郁地说着,仰头喝了第三口,以便看看第二口为什么还没报告第一口的情况。他从两边分别看着崔莉安,觉得右边看的更漂亮。
He poured a drink down his other throat with the plan that it would head the previous one off at the pass, join forces with it, and together they would get the second to pull itself together. Then all three would go off in search of the first, give it a good talking to and maybe a bit of a sing as well.他又往另一个喉咙里灌了一口酒,计划着要它追上前一口,它们俩齐心合力,去把第二口也拉上,然后三个一起去找第一口,跟它好好聊聊,还可以一起唱唱歌啥的。
He felt uncertain as to whether the fourth drink had understood all that, so he sent down a fifth to explain the plan more fully and a sixth for moral support.他不知第四口酒是否明白了,于是让第五口酒去解释解释,第六口去表示一下精神支持。
You’re drinking too much, said Trillian.“你喝得太多了。”崔莉安说。
His heads collided trying to sort out the four of her he could now see into a whole position. He gave up and looked at the navigation screen and was astonished to see a quite phenomenal number of stars.他把两个头碰在一起,努力想看清楚此时眼中的四个她。他放弃了,转而去看导航屏幕,惊讶地发现有如此巨大数量的星星。
Excitement and adventure and really wild things, he muttered.“刺激和冒险,都特别爽。”他喃喃地说。
Look, she said in a sympathetic tone of voice, and sat down near him, it’s quite understandable that you’re going to feel a little aimless for a bit.“你瞧,”她在他身边坐下,同情地说,“你觉得有点迷茫,这是可以理解的。”
He boggled at her. He had never seen anyone sit on their own lap before.他吃惊地看着她,他还没见过有谁坐在自己的大腿上呢。
Wow, he said. He had another drink.“哇。”他说,又喝了一口酒。
You’ve finished the mission you’ve been on for years.“你已经完成了多年以来为之努力的任务。”
I haven’t been on it. I’ve tried to avoid being on it.“我没有为之努力。我在努力不为之努力。”
You’ve still finished it.“你还是完成了啊。”
He grunted. There seemed to be a terrific party going on in his stomach.他嘟哝了一下,胃里像在举行一个疯狂的派对。
I think it finished me, he said. Here I am, Zaphod Beeblebrox, I can go anywhere, do anything. I have the greatest ship in the known sky, a girl with whom things seem to be working out pretty well…“我想是他完成了我。”他说,“我,赞福德·毕博布鲁克斯,我哪都能去,什么都能做,我有太空中最棒的飞船,有个什么都会的姑娘……”
Are they?“是吗?”

There had been soulful music playing on the ship’s sound system of course.
And he had, of course, been slightly drunk.
In other words, all the usual conditions which bring on a bout of soul-searching had applied, but it had, nevertheless, clearly been an error.
Standing now, silent and alone in the dark corridor he remembered the moment and shivered. His one head looked one way and his other the other and each decided that the other was the way to go.
He listened but could hear nothing.
All there had been was the “wop”.
It seemed an awfully long way to bring an awfully large number of people just to say one word.
He started nervously to edge his way in the direction of the bridge. There at least he would feel in control. He stopped again. The way he was feeling he didn’t think he was an awfully good person to be in control.
The first shock of that moment, thinking back, had been discovering that he actually had a soul.
In fact he’d always more or less assumed that he had one as he had a full complement of everything else, and indeed two of somethings, but suddenly actually to encounter the thing lurking there deep within him had giving him a severe jolt.
And then to discover (this was the second shock) that it wasn’t the totally wonderful object which he felt a man in his position had a natural right to expect had jolted him again.
Then he had thought about what his position actually was and the renewed shock had nearly made him spill his drink. He drained it quickly before anything serious happened to it. He then had another quick one to follow the first one down and check that it was all right.
Freedom, he said aloud.
Trillian came on to the bridge at that point and said several enthusiastic things on the subject of freedom.
I can’t cope with it, he said darkly, and sent a third drink down to see why the second hadn’t yet reported on the condition of the first. He looked uncertainly at both of her and preferred the one on the right.
He poured a drink down his other throat with the plan that it would head the previous one off at the pass, join forces with it, and together they would get the second to pull itself together. Then all three would go off in search of the first, give it a good talking to and maybe a bit of a sing as well.
He felt uncertain as to whether the fourth drink had understood all that, so he sent down a fifth to explain the plan more fully and a sixth for moral support.
You’re drinking too much, said Trillian.
His heads collided trying to sort out the four of her he could now see into a whole position. He gave up and looked at the navigation screen and was astonished to see a quite phenomenal number of stars.
Excitement and adventure and really wild things, he muttered.
Look, she said in a sympathetic tone of voice, and sat down near him, it’s quite understandable that you’re going to feel a little aimless for a bit.
He boggled at her. He had never seen anyone sit on their own lap before.
Wow, he said. He had another drink.
You’ve finished the mission you’ve been on for years.
I haven’t been on it. I’ve tried to avoid being on it.
You’ve still finished it.
He grunted. There seemed to be a terrific party going on in his stomach.
I think it finished me, he said. Here I am, Zaphod Beeblebrox, I can go anywhere, do anything. I have the greatest ship in the known sky, a girl with whom things seem to be working out pretty well…
Are they?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
aimless ['eimlis]


adj. 无目的的,没有目标的

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

jolt [dʒəult]


n. 震摇,摇动,颠簸,振奋物,少量 vt. 震摇,敲击

uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn]


adj. 不确定的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

corridor ['kɔridɔ:]


n. 走廊

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

enthusiastic [in.θju:zi'æstik]


adj. 热情的,热心的

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,





