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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第11章4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Trillian nodded patiently to herself, counted to an even higher number, tossed the tray lightly aside, walked to the transport room and just teleported herself the hell out of his life.崔莉安忍耐地点点头,从一数到一个更大的数字,把托盘随手一扔,去了传输室,以便尽快离开那个家伙.
She didn’t even programme any coordinates, she hadn’t the faintest idea where she was going, she just went a random row of dots flowing through the Universe.她连坐标都没输。她根本不在意要去哪,只要走就行——宇宙中随便哪个点都行。
Anything, she said to herself as she left, is better than this.“不管去哪儿,”她临走之前自言自语道,“都比这好。”
Good job too, muttered Zaphod to himself, turned over and failed to go to sleep.“干得好。”赞福德自个嘀咕着,翻了个身,继续失眠。
The next day he restlessly paced the empty corridors of the ship, pretending not to look for her, though he knew she wasn’t there. He ignored the computer’s querulous demands to know just what the hell was going on around here by fitting a small electronic gag across a pair of its terminals.第二天,他在飞船走廊里焦躁地踱来踱去,假装不是在找她,虽然他知道她不在这儿。电脑抱怨着问到到底怎么了,他无视电脑的问题,用一个小小的电路塞堵住了它的终端电路。
After a while he began to turn down the lights. There was nothing to see. Nothing was about to happen.过了一会儿,他开始关灯。什么也看不见。什么也不会发生了。
Lying in bed one night and night was now virtually continuous on the ship he decided to pull himself together, to get things into some kind of perspective. He sat up sharply and started to pull clothes on. He decided that there must be someone in the Universe feeling more wretched, miserable and forsaken than himself, and he determined to set out and find him.一天夜里他躺在床上——现在飞船上只有夜晚了——他决定重整旗鼓,做点什么。他猛地坐起来,开始穿衣服。他想,宇宙中一定有人比他更不幸、更悲惨、更为人所弃,他下定决心把那个人找出来。
Halfway to the bridge it occurred to him that it might be Marvin, and he returned to bed.在去控制台的途中,他一闪念,想起那个人可能是马文,于是转身回床上去了。
It was a few hours later than this, as he stomped disconsolately about the darkened corridors swearing at cheerful doors, that he heard the “wop” said, and it made him very nervous.又过了几个小时,他正在走廊里孤独地踏来踏去,咒骂着那些快乐的门,然后听见“喔”声,于是感到十分紧张。
He leant tensely against the corridor wall and frowned like a man trying to unbend a corkscrew by telekinesis. He laid his fingertips against the wall and felt an unusual vibration. And now he could quite clearly hear slight noises, and could hear where they were coming from they were coming from the bridge.他绷紧了神经,背靠在走廊墙上,眉头锁得那么厉害,就像要用意念把瓶塞起子弄直似的。他用指尖轻触墙壁,感觉到不寻常的振动。现在,他清楚地听见了一些声音,听得出它们从哪儿来—— 它们来自控制台。
Computer? he hissed.“电脑?”他轻声道。
Mmmm? said the computer terminal nearest him, equally quietly.“嗯?”最靠近他的电脑终端答道,同样是大气也不敢喘。
Is there someone on this ship?“飞船上是不是有其他人?”
Mmmmm, said the computer.“嗯哼。”电脑答道。
Who is it?“是谁?”
Mmmmm mmm mmmmm, said the computer.“嗯哼嗯嗯哼。”电脑说。
Mmmmm mmmm mm mmmmmmmm.“嗯哼嗯嗯嗯哼嗯。”
Zaphod buried one of his faces in two of his hands.赞福德把一个头埋进双手。
Oh, Zarquon, he muttered to himself. Then he stared up the corridor towards the entrance to the bridge in the dim distance from which more and purposeful noises were coming, and in which the gagged terminals were situated.“噢,赞空啊。”他自言自语道。然后,他朝走廊另一头望去,不远处就是控制台,那意有所指的声音便来自那里。塞住的终端电路也在那儿。
Computer, he hissed again.“电脑。”他有轻声问道。
When I ungag you…“一会我要是拔了塞子……”
Remind me to punch myself in the mouth.“就叫我打自己的嘴巴。”
Mmmmm mmm?“嗯嗯嗯?”
Either one. Now just tell me this. One for yes, two for no. Is it dangerous?“随便哪个。现在回答我一个问题。嗯一声表示‘是’,嗯两声表示‘不是’。那边危险吗?”

Trillian nodded patiently to herself, counted to an even higher number, tossed the tray lightly aside, walked to the transport room and just teleported herself the hell out of his life.
She didnt even programme any coordinates, she hadnt the faintest idea where she was going, she just went a random row of dots flowing through the Universe.
Anything, she said to herself as she left, is better than this.
Good job too, muttered Zaphod to himself, turned over and failed to go to sleep.
The next day he restlessly paced the empty corridors of the ship, pretending not to look for her, though he knew she wasnt there. He ignored the computers querulous demands to know just what the hell was going on around here by fitting a small electronic gag across a pair of its terminals.
After a while he began to turn down the lights. There was nothing to see. Nothing was about to happen.
Lying in bed one night and night was now virtually continuous on the ship he decided to pull himself together, to get things into some kind of perspective. He sat up sharply and started to pull clothes on. He decided that there must be someone in the Universe feeling more wretched, miserable and forsaken than himself, and he determined to set out and find him.
Halfway to the bridge it occurred to him that it might be Marvin, and he returned to bed.
It was a few hours later than this, as he stomped disconsolately about the darkened corridors swearing at cheerful doors, that he heard thewopsaid, and it made him very nervous.
He leant tensely against the corridor wall and frowned like a man trying to unbend a corkscrew by telekinesis. He laid his fingertips against the wall and felt an unusual vibration. And now he could quite clearly hear slight noises, and could hear where they were coming from they were coming from the bridge.
Computer? he hissed.
Mmmm? said the computer terminal nearest him, equally quietly.
Is there someone on this ship?
Mmmmm, said the computer.
Who is it?
Mmmmm mmm mmmmm, said the computer.
Mmmmm mmmm mm mmmmmmmm.
Zaphod buried one of his faces in two of his hands.
Oh, Zarquon, he muttered to himself. Then he stared up the corridor towards the entrance to the bridge in the dim distance from which more and purposeful noises were coming, and in which the gagged terminals were situated.
Computer, he hissed again.
When I ungag you
Remind me to punch myself in the mouth.
Mmmmm mmm?
Either one. Now just tell me this. One for yes, two for no. Is it dangerous?

他绷紧了神经,背靠在走廊墙上,眉头锁得那么厉害,就像要用意念把瓶塞起子弄直似的。他用指尖轻触墙壁,感觉到不寻常的振动。现在,他清楚地听见了一些声音,听得出它们从哪儿来—— 它们来自控制台。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
perspective [pə'spektiv]


n. 远景,看法,透视
adj. 透视的

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

punch [pʌntʃ]


n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打
n. (酒、水、糖

unbend [,ʌn'bend]


vt. 弄直;使松弛;卸下 vi. 变直;松弛,变融洽

flowing ['fləuiŋ]


adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

dim [dim]


adj. 暗淡的,模糊的,笨的
v. 使暗淡,





