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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
All eyes were fixed on the dome, other than those of Hotblack Desiato’s bodyguard, which were looking intently at Hotblack Desiato, and those of Hotblack Desiato himself which the bodyguard had closed out of respect.所有目光都集中在穹预上,除了霍特布莱克·迪西亚托的保镖的两只眼睛,它们正专注地盯着霍特布莱克·迪西亚托,还有就是霍特布莱克,迪西亚托自己的眼睛,它们已经被保镖不礼貌地给合了起来。
The bodyguard leaned forward over the table. Had Hotblack Desiato been alive, he probably would have deemed this a good moment to lean back, or even go for a short walk. His bodyguard was not a man which improved with proximity. On account of his unfortunate condition, however, Hotblack Desiato remained totally inert.保镖的身体向前靠了靠。如果霍特布莱克·迪西亚托还活着的话,他也许会往后靠靠,甚至站起来走两步,以避开保镖。因为靠近之后,他的保镖显得更加凶恶。然而,由于他所处的不幸状况,霍特布莱克·迪西亚托仍然一动不动。
“Mr. Desiato, sir?” whispered the bodyguard. Whenever he spoke, it looked as if the muscles on either side of his mouth were clambering over each other to get out of the way.“迪西亚托先生,先生?”保镖低声说无论什么时候,只要他说话,他左边嘴角的肌肉就会向右拧,右边的则向左拧。看上去,仿佛嘴角两边的肌肉都急于逃走似的。
“Mr. Desiato? Can you hear me?”“迪西亚托先生’你能听到我吗?”
Hotblack Desiato, quit naturally, said nothing.很自然地,霍特布莱克·迪西哑托一言不发。
“Hotblack?” hissed the bodyguard.“霍特布莱克?”保镖继续小声喊道:
Again, quite naturally, Hotblack Desiato did not reply. Supernaturally, however, he did.很自然地,霍特布莱克·迪西弧托还是没有回答。然而,以某种超自然的方式,他这么做了。
On the table in front of him a wine glass rattled, and a fork rose an inch or so and tapped against the glass. It settled on the table again.在他面前的餐桌上,一个酒杯咔咔作响,一把叉子升起来差不多有一英寸,敲打了几下酒杯,然后义落到桌面上。
The bodyguard gave a satisfied grunt.保镖满意地“哼”了一声。
“It’s time we get going, Mr. Desiato,” muttered the bodyguard, “don’t want to get caught in the rush, not in your condition. You want to get to the next gig nice and relaxed. There was a really big audience for it. One of the best. Kakrafoon. Five-hundred seventy-six thousand and two million years ago. Had you will have been looking forward to it?”“我们该走了,迪西亚托先生。”保镖咕哝着说,“你目前的状况不适于和别人挤成一团。你肯定想舒适松弛地去参一场表演吧。肯定会有大量的观众。那是最棒的演出之一,在卡库拉冯,五十七万六千零二个百万年之前。难道你就一点儿也不期待吗?”
The fork rose again, waggled in a non-committal sort of way and dropped again.那把叉子叉升了起来,停在空中,含混不明地来回摆动了几下,然后落下来
“Ah, come on,” said the bodyguard, “it’s going to have been great. You knocked ‘em cold.” The bodyguard would have given Dr. Dan Streetmentioner an apoplectic attack.“噢,走吧,”保镖说,“那将会曾经很精彩的。你太冷漠了。”听了这个保镖所用的时态,唐·史崔特门肯定会气得中风。
“The black ship going into the sun always gets ‘em, and the new one’s a beauty. Be real sorry to see it go. If we get on down there, I’ll set the black ship autopilot and we’ll cruise off in the limo. OK?”“黑色飞船,直直撞向太阳。这种场面总能抓住观众,新的这艘相当漂亮,看着它撞过去真的很遗憾。下到停车场后,我把这艘黑色飞船设定为自动导航,我们自己乘那艘豪华飞船。怎么样,”
The fork tapped once in agreement, and the glass of wine mysteriously emptied itself.那把叉子赞同地敲了敲,杯子里的酒则莫名其妙地消失了了。
The bodyguard wheeled Hotblack Desiato’s chair out of the Restaurant.保镖推着霍特布莱克·迪西亚托的轮椅出了餐馆。

All eyes were fixed on the dome, other than those of Hotblack Desiatos bodyguard, which were looking intently at Hotblack Desiato, and those of Hotblack Desiato himself which the bodyguard had closed out of respect.
The bodyguard leaned forward over the table. Had Hotblack Desiato been alive, he probably would have deemed this a good moment to lean back, or even go for a short walk. His bodyguard was not a man which improved with proximity. On account of his unfortunate condition, however, Hotblack Desiato remained totally inert.
Mr. Desiato, sir?” whispered the bodyguard. Whenever he spoke, it looked as if the muscles on either side of his mouth were clambering over each other to get out of the way.
Mr. Desiato? Can you hear me?”
Hotblack Desiato, quit naturally, said nothing.
Hotblack?” hissed the bodyguard.
Again, quite naturally, Hotblack Desiato did not reply. Supernaturally, however, he did.
On the table in front of him a wine glass rattled, and a fork rose an inch or so and tapped against the glass. It settled on the table again.
The bodyguard gave a satisfied grunt.
Its time we get going, Mr. Desiato,” muttered the bodyguard, “dont want to get caught in the rush, not in your condition. You want to get to the next gig nice and relaxed. There was a really big audience for it. One of the best. Kakrafoon. Five-hundred seventy-six thousand and two million years ago. Had you will have been looking forward to it?”
The fork rose again, waggled in a non-committal sort of way and dropped again.
Ah, come on,” said the bodyguard, “its going to have been great. You knockedem cold.” The bodyguard would have given Dr. Dan Streetmentioner an apoplectic attack.
The black ship going into the sun always getsem, and the new ones a beauty. Be real sorry to see it go. If we get on down there, Ill set the black ship autopilot and well cruise off in the limo. OK?”
The fork tapped once in agreement, and the glass of wine mysteriously emptied itself.
The bodyguard wheeled Hotblack Desiatos chair out of the Restaurant.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
unfortunate [ʌn'fɔ:tʃənit]


adj. 不幸的,令人遗憾的,不成功的

relaxed [ri'lækst]


adj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(

dome [dəum]


n. 圆屋顶

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

proximity [prɔk'simiti]


n. 接近,亲近

inert [in'ə:t]


adj. 惰性的,迟钝的

bodyguard ['bɔdi.gɑ:d]


n. 警卫员,保卫人员,保镖

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说





