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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Yes you will,” enthused Zaphod, “there’s a whole new life stretching out ahead of you.”“不,你会喜欢的。”赞福德热情地说,“全新的生活即将展现在你面前。”
“Oh, not another one,” groaned Marvin.“噢,别再来什么全新的生活了。”马文抱怨说。
“Will you shut up and listen!” hissed Zaphod, “this time there’s going to be excitement and adventure and really wild things.”“你给我闭嘴,然后听着!”赞福德打断他说,“这件事将是巨大的刺激、冒险,真正的疯狂!”
“Sounds awful,” Marvin said.“听起来很糟糕。”马文说。
“Marvin! All I’m trying to ask you…”“马文!我要求你做的全部事情仅仅是……”
“I suppose you want me to open this spaceship for you?”“我精你是想让我替你打开这艘太空船?”
“What? Er… yes. Yeah, that’s right,” said Zaphod jumpily. He was keeping at least three eyes on the entrance. Time was short.“什么?嗯……啊……是的。是啊,你说得对。”赞福德神经质地说。他至少用一只服睛盯着A,D。时间已经不多了。
“Well I wish you’d just tell me rather than try to engage my enthusiasm,” said Marvin, “because I haven’t got one.”“那么,我希望你直接告诉我,而不是试图激发起我的热情,”马文说,“因为我根本段有那玩意儿。”
He walked on up to the ship, touched it, and a hatchway swung open.他走到飞船前,摸了摸它。一道舱门打开了。
Ford and Zaphod stared at the opening.福特和赞福德望着打开的地方。
“Don’t mention it,” said Marvin, “Oh, you didn’t.” He trudged away again.“不用谢。”马文说,“哦,你不会谢的,”说完,他蹒跚着走开了。
Arthur and Trillian clustered round.阿瑟和崔莉恩围了过来。
“What’s happening?” asked Arthur.“发生什么事了?”阿瑟问。
“Look at this,” said Ford, “look at the interior of this ship.”“瞧这个,”福特说,”瞧这艘飞船的内部。”
“Weirder and weirder,” breathed Zaphod.“古怪,越来越古怪了。”赞福德吸了口气说。
“It’s black,” said Ford, “Everything in it is just totally black…”“黑色的,”福特|兑,“里面所有东西全部都是黑色的……”
In the Restaurant, things were fast approaching the moment after which there wouldn’t be any more moments.餐馆里正在迅速逼近某个时刻,而在那个时刻之后,将不会再有任何时刻了。

Yes you will,” enthused Zaphod, “theres a whole new life stretching out ahead of you.”
Oh, not another one,” groaned Marvin.
Will you shut up and listen!” hissed Zaphod, “this time theres going to be excitement and adventure and really wild things.”
Sounds awful,” Marvin said.
Marvin! All Im trying to ask you…”
I suppose you want me to open this spaceship for you?”
What? Eryes. Yeah, thats right,” said Zaphod jumpily. He was keeping at least three eyes on the entrance. Time was short.
Well I wish youd just tell me rather than try to engage my enthusiasm,” said Marvin, “because I havent got one.”
He walked on up to the ship, touched it, and a hatchway swung open.
Ford and Zaphod stared at the opening.
Dont mention it,” said Marvin, “Oh, you didnt.” He trudged away again.
Arthur and Trillian clustered round.
Whats happening?” asked Arthur.
Look at this,” said Ford, “look at the interior of this ship.”
Weirder and weirder,” breathed Zaphod.
Its black,” said Ford, “Everything in it is just totally black…”
In the Restaurant, things were fast approaching the moment after which there wouldnt be any more moments.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

engage [in'geidʒ]


v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的





