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3 Exports: None.3、宇宙的出口贸易:无
See imports.参见进口贸易。
4 Population: None.4、字宙的人口:无
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.众所周知,宇宙中存在无限多个世界,因为有无限多的空间来容纳它们。然而,并不是每一个世界上都有居民。因此,有人居住的世界的数量必定是有限的。任何一个有限的数字被无限所乘,都接近于无。所以宇宙中所有行星的平均人口鼓可以说是……0,这丝毫也不奇怪。由此推论,整个宇宙的人口数同样也是……0”。如果你偶尔觉得自己遇见T什么人,这只是精神错乱所导致的幻觉而已。
5 Monetary Units: None.5、宇宙的货币单位:无
In fact there are three freely convertible currencies in the Galaxy, but none of them count. The Altairan Dollar has recently collapsed, the Flaninian Pobble Bead is only exchangeable for other Flaninian Pobble Beads, and the Triganic Pu has its own very special problems. Its exchange rate of eight Ningis to one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningi is a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles across each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency because the Galactibanks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this basic premise it is very simple to prove that the Galactibanks are also the product of a deranged imagination.实际上,银河系中有三种可以自由兑换的货币,但它们不能算数。章牛星元最近崩溃了;弗莱里恩的帕伯珠只能和其他的弗莱里恩帕伯珠交换;而特里甘尼克钚也有它自己的问题:它的汇率,8尼基兑换l钚,这本来很简单,但由于尼基是一种三角形的橡胶硬币,每一条边都有六千八百英里长,所以从来没有人集齐过足够的尼基以兑换1钚。尼基不是可兑现的货币,固为银河系银行拒绝接受币值过于微小的零钞。从这个基本前提出发,很容易证明所谓银河系银行同样也是精神错乱所导致的幻觉。
6 Art: None.6、宇宙的艺术:无
The function of art is to hold the mirror up to nature, and there simply isn’t a mirror big enough see point one.艺术的功能是在自然面前竖起一面镜子,很简单,没有足够大的镜子——参见第一点。
7 Sex: None.7、宇宙的性:无
Well, in fact there is an awful lot of this, largely because of the total lack of money, trade, banks, art, or anything else that might keep all the non-existent people of the Universe occupied.这个嘛,宇宙中的性活动其实是相当频繁的。主要是因为不存在钱、贸易、银行、艺术或者其他任何东西,所以性占用了宇宙中所有那些其实并不存在的人们的全部精力。
However, it is not worth embarking on a long discussion of it now because it really is terribly complicated. For further information see Guide Chapters seven, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one to eighty-four inclusive, and in fact most of the rest of the Guide.但这一问题不值得在此展开一场漫长的讨论,因为性这玩意儿实在是太过复杂了。如果想了解进一步的信息,请参见《指南》的第7、9、10、1l、14、16、17、19章,以及第2l到第84章——实际上,应该是《指南》内容中的大部分。

3 Exports: None.
See imports.
4 Population: None.
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.
5 Monetary Units: None.
In fact there are three freely convertible currencies in the Galaxy, but none of them count. The Altairan Dollar has recently collapsed, the Flaninian Pobble Bead is only exchangeable for other Flaninian Pobble Beads, and the Triganic Pu has its own very special problems. Its exchange rate of eight Ningis to one Pu is simple enough, but since a Ningi is a triangular rubber coin six thousand eight hundred miles across each side, no one has ever collected enough to own one Pu. Ningis are not negotiable currency because the Galactibanks refuse to deal in fiddling small change. From this basic premise it is very simple to prove that the Galactibanks are also the product of a deranged imagination.
6 Art: None.
The function of art is to hold the mirror up to nature, and there simply isnt a mirror big enough see point one.
7 Sex: None.
Well, in fact there is an awful lot of this, largely because of the total lack of money, trade, banks, art, or anything else that might keep all the non-existent people of the Universe occupied.
However, it is not worth embarking on a long discussion of it now because it really is terribly complicated. For further information see Guide Chapters seven, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one to eighty-four inclusive, and in fact most of the rest of the Guide.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

infinite ['infinit]


adj. 无限的,无穷的
n. 无限



adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

finite ['fainait]


adj. 有限的

infinity [in'finiti]


n. (时间,空间等)无限,无穷,[数]无穷大

premise ['premis]


n. 前提
vt. 提论,预述,假设

convertible [kən'və:təbl]


adj. 可改变的,可交换,同意义的 n. 有活动摺篷的

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界





