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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Suit yourself,” said Zaphod and turned away to ogle the ships. Ford went with him.“随你怎么说好了。”赞福德说,然后转到一侧,打量起这艘飞船来。福特也过去和他在一起,
Only Trillian and Arthur actually went up to Marvin.只有崔莉恩和阿瑟真正走向了马文。
“No, really we are,” said Trillian and patted him in a way that he disliked intensely, “hanging around waiting for us all this time.”“不-我们真的很高式。”崔莉恩说,还拍了拍他,而这正是他极其不喜欢的方式。“可怜的家伙,一直留在这儿等着我们……”
“Five hundred and seventy-six thousand million, three thousand five hundred and seventy-nine years,” said Marvin, “I counted them.”“五十七万六千个百万——零三干五百七十九年;”马文说,“我一直算着呢。”
“Well, here we are now,” said Trillian, felling quite correctly in Marvin’s view that it was a slightly foolish thing to say.“噢,现在我们来……”崔莉恩说,同时觉得——马文也有相当一致的看法——这样说有点儿傻。
“The first ten million years were the worst,” said Marvin, “and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third million years I didn’t enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of decline.”“刚开始的一千万年是最糟糕的。”马文说,“第二个一千万年,同样是最糟糕的。第一个一千万年我也一点儿不喜欢。在那之后,我倒是有点儿适应了。”
He paused just long enough to make them feel they ought to say something, and then interrupted.他停顿了一会儿,长度刚好让他们觉得自己应该说点儿什么,然后叉打断他们继续说下去。
“It’s the people you meet in this job that really get you down,” he said and paused again.“干这份工作遇见的那些人最使你觉得沮丧。”他说,然后又顿了顿。
Trillian cleared her throat.崔莉恩清了清嗓子。
“Is that…”“是……
“The best conversation I had was over forty million years ago,” continued Marvin.Again the pause.”我碰上道。下万年以前。”马文继续然后又是停顿。
“Oh d…”“哦……”
“And that was with a coffee machine.”He waited.“和一台咖啡机。”他等待着。
“That’s a…”“那是……”
“You don’t like talking to me do you?” said Marvin in a low desolate tone.“你不喜欢和我说话,是吗?”马文用一种低沉而凄凉的语调说。
Trillian talked to Arthur instead.崔莉恩只好转而和阿瑟说话了。
Further down the chamber Ford Prefect had found something of which he very much liked the look, several such things in fact.福特长官在这片停车场深处找到了一些东西,他非常喜欢它们的外观。这种东西有好几件。
“Zaphod,” he said in a quiet voice, “just look at some of these little star trolleys…”“赞福德,”他用一种平缓的语调说,“看看这些星际电单车……”
Zaphod looked and liked.赞福德看了,也很喜欢。
The craft they were looking at was in fact pretty small but extraordinary, and very much a rich kid’s toy. It was not much to look at. It resembled nothing so much as a paper dart about twenty feet long made of thin but tough metal foil. At the rear end was a small horizontal two-man cockpit. It had a tiny charm-drive engine, which was not capable of moving it at any great speed. The thing it did have, however, was a heat-sink.他们看到的这种航天器很小,但是很别致,是富家孩子的玩具。它没有太多的花花哨哨可以吸引眼球,像一枚二十英尺长的纸飞镖,由薄而坚固的金属制成。它的尾部有一个水平的小型双人座舱。那台小的引擎显然无法使它达到任何比较高的速度。然而,这玩意儿却装有一台吸热器。
The heat-sink had a mass of some two thousand billion tons and was contained within a black hole mounted in an electromagnetic field situated half-way along the length of the ship, and this heat-sink enabled the craft to be manoeuvred to within a few miles of a yellow sun, there to catch and ride the solar flares that burst out from its surface.这台吸热器差不多有两万亿吨重,安装在位于飞船中部一个电磁场中的一个黑洞内。有了这台吸热器,这架航天器能够飞到距离一颗黄色太阳只有几英里的区域内,在那里捕捉和驾驭恒星表面喷发出来的太阳耀光。
Flare-riding is one of the most exotic and exhilarating sports in existence, and those who can dare and afford it are amongst the most lionized men in the Galaxy. It is also of course stupefyingly dangerous those who don’t die riding invariably die of sexual exhaustion at one of the Daedalus Club’s Apres-Flare parties.驾驭耀光是有史以来最奇妙、最刺激的运动之一,敢于参加而且负担得起这项运动的人,全都是整个银河系中最大名鼎鼎的人物。当然,这也是一项异常危险的运动——参加者即使没有死在驾驭过程中,也都无一例外地在代达罗斯俱乐部为他们举行的“耀光过后”派对上,死于疯狂交欢所导致的精力枯竭。
Ford and Zaphod looked and passed on.福特和赞福德一边看着,一边继续往前走。
“And this baby,” said Ford, “the tangerine star buggy with the black sunbusters…”“瞧这个宝贝,伙计,”福特说,“橘红色星际马车,配备黑色的太阳爆轰驱动器。”
Again, the star buggy was a small ship a totally misnamed one in fact, because the one thing it couldn’t manage was interstellar distances. Basically it was a sporty planet hopper dolled up to something it wasn’t. Nice lines though. They passed on.和星际电单车一样,星际马车也是一种小型飞船。但这个名字实际上完全错了。它什么都能馓,惟一不能的恰恰就是星际间飞行,它基本上就是一种运动型行星间跳跃器,只不过打扮成了它所不是的某种东两、不过它的线条倒是很优美。福特和赞福德继续向前走。
The next one was a big one and thirty yards long a coach built limoship and obviously designed with one aim in mind, that of making the beholder sick with envy. The paintwork and accessory detail clearly said “Not only am I rich enough to afford this ship, I am also rich enough not to take it seriously.” It was wonderfully hideous.接下来的是一个大家伙,足有十码长。这是一艘豪华飞船,其设计理念屁然是为了实现这样一个目标:让旁观者嫉妒得发狂,船体表面喷绘和船体附属物的每一处细节都在明白地宣称:“我不仅足够富有,买得起这艘飞船,而且甚至富得可以不把它当阿事儿。”实在是令人厌恶。
“Just look at it,” said Zaphod, “multi-cluster quark drive, perspulex running boards. Got to be a Lazlar Lyricon custom job.”“看看这玩意儿吧,”赞福德说,“复合簇夸克推进器,离散型活动甲板。看样子,是找兰兹拉·里瑞肯定制的。”
He examined every inch.他仔细检查了每一寸船体。

Suit yourself,” said Zaphod and turned away to ogle the ships. Ford went with him.
Only Trillian and Arthur actually went up to Marvin.
No, really we are,” said Trillian and patted him in a way that he disliked intensely, “hanging around waiting for us all this time.”
Five hundred and seventy-six thousand million, three thousand five hundred and seventy-nine years,” said Marvin, “I counted them.”
Well, here we are now,” said Trillian, felling quite correctly in Marvins view that it was a slightly foolish thing to say.
The first ten million years were the worst,” said Marvin, “and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third million years I didnt enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of decline.”
He paused just long enough to make them feel they ought to say something, and then interrupted.
Its the people you meet in this job that really get you down,” he said and paused again.
Trillian cleared her throat.
Is that…”
The best conversation I had was over forty million years ago,” continued Marvin.Again the pause.
Oh d…”
And that was with a coffee machine.”He waited.
Thats a…”
You dont like talking to me do you?” said Marvin in a low desolate tone.
Trillian talked to Arthur instead.
Further down the chamber Ford Prefect had found something of which he very much liked the look, several such things in fact.
Zaphod,” he said in a quiet voice, “just look at some of these little star trolleys…”
Zaphod looked and liked.
The craft they were looking at was in fact pretty small but extraordinary, and very much a rich kids toy. It was not much to look at. It resembled nothing so much as a paper dart about twenty feet long made of thin but tough metal foil. At the rear end was a small horizontal two-man cockpit. It had a tiny charm-drive engine, which was not capable of moving it at any great speed. The thing it did have, however, was a heat-sink.
The heat-sink had a mass of some two thousand billion tons and was contained within a black hole mounted in an electromagnetic field situated half-way along the length of the ship, and this heat-sink enabled the craft to be manoeuvred to within a few miles of a yellow sun, there to catch and ride the solar flares that burst out from its surface.
Flare-riding is one of the most exotic and exhilarating sports in existence, and those who can dare and afford it are amongst the most lionized men in the Galaxy. It is also of course stupefyingly dangerous those who dont die riding invariably die of sexual exhaustion at one of the Daedalus Clubs Apres-Flare parties.
Ford and Zaphod looked and passed on.
And this baby,” said Ford, “the tangerine star buggy with the black sunbusters…”
Again, the star buggy was a small ship a totally misnamed one in fact, because the one thing it couldnt manage was interstellar distances. Basically it was a sporty planet hopper dolled up to something it wasnt. Nice lines though. They passed on.
The next one was a big one and thirty yards long a coach built limoship and obviously designed with one aim in mind, that of making the beholder sick with envy. The paintwork and accessory detail clearly saidNot only am I rich enough to afford this ship, I am also rich enough not to take it seriously.” It was wonderfully hideous.
Just look at it,” said Zaphod, “multi-cluster quark drive, perspulex running boards. Got to be a Lazlar Lyricon custom job.”
He examined every inch.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

exotic [eg'zɔtik]


adj. 异国的,外来的,奇异的,脱衣舞的

accessory [æk'sesəri]


adj. 附属的(副的,辅助的)
n. 附件,

ogle ['əugl]


n. 扪眉目传情 v. 注视

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢

horizontal [.hɔri'zɔntl]


adj. 水平的,横的
n. 水平线,水平面

craft [krɑ:ft]


n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

foil [fɔil]


n. 箔,箔纸,陪衬物,(击剑运动用的)花剑, 钝头剑<





