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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Zaphod,” rasped the apparition, “I think the only reason I waste my breath on you is that being dead I don’t have any other use for it.”“赞福德,”鬼魂刺耳地说,“在我想来,我之所以在你身上浪费精力,只有一个原因:死后,精力这玩意儿对我来说没有其他任何用处了。”
“OK,” said Zaphod, “why don’t you tell me what the big secret is. Try me.”“好吧,”赞福德说,“你干嘛不告诉我,那个大秘密究竟是什么?说吧。”
“Zaphod, you knew when you were President of the Galaxy, as did Yooden Vranx before you, that the President is nothing. A cipher. Somewhere in the shadows behind is another man, being, something, with ultimate power. That man, or being, or something, you must find – the man who controls this Galaxy, and – we suspect – others. Possibly the entire Universe.”“赞福德,你当过银河系总统,就像域敦·万克斯在你之前当过一样。你应该知道,总统什么都不是。等于零。在你们身后的阴影里,有另一个人、一个生物、或者别的什么东西。把持着终极权力的是他。那个人、或者生物、或者别的什么东西,你必须把他找出来——那个真正控制着银河系的家伙。另外,我们怀疑他的势力范围还不仅于此。也许是整个宇宙。”
“Why?” exclaimed an astonished ghost, “Why? Look around you lad, does it look to you as if it’s in very good hands?”“为什么?”鬼魂惊讶地说,“为什么?看看你周围吧,伙计,难道你认为这一切对你来说很正常吗?”
“It’s alright.”“还行吧。”
The old ghost glowered at him.年迈的鬼魂对他怒目而视。
“I will not argue with you. You will simply take this ship, this Improbability Drive ship to where it is needed. You will do it. Don’t think you can escape your purpose. The Improbability Field controls you, you are in its grip. What’s this?”“我不敢苟同。你将把这艘飞船,这艘非概率驱动飞船,驶到需要它的地方去。你会这么做的。别指望你能够摆脱你的使命。非概率的场控制着你,你在它的掌握之中。听上去如何?”
He was standing tapping at one of the terminals of Eddie the Shipboard Computer. Zaphod told him.他站在那儿,敲着舰载电脑艾迪的一台终端。
“What’s it doing?”“这玩意儿在干嘛?”
“It is trying,” said Zaphod with wonderful restraint, “to make tea.”“它在试图,”赞福德以极大的克制力说,“弄出一杯茶来。”
“Good,” said his great grandfather, “I approve of that. Now Zaphod, “he said, turning and wagging a finger at him, “I don’t know if you are really capable of succeeding in your job. I think you will not be able to avoid it. However, I am too long dead and too tired to care as much as I did. The principal reason I am helping you now is that I couldn’t bear the thought of you and your modern friends slouching about up here. Understood?”“好极了,”他的曾祖父说,“我赞成这么做。现在,赞福德,”他说,同时朝赞福德晃了晃手指,“我不知道你能不能完成你的使命,我只知道你无法逃避它。不过,我已经死了太久了,考虑这么多事情也太累了。之所以现在在这里帮助你,最主要的原因是,我无法忍受你和你的新潮朋友们的思想再这么懒散下去。懂吗?”
“Yeah, thanks a bundle.”“是的,非常感谢。”
“Oh, and Zaphod?”“喔,还有,赞福德?”
“Er, yeah?”“嗯,怎么?”
“If you ever find you need help again, you know, if you’re in trouble, need a hand out of a tight corner…”“如果你以后又觉得自己需要帮助了,你知道,如果你遇上了什么麻烦,在紧要关头需要人帮一把……”
“Please don’t hesitate to get lost.”“请千万记住,别再找我。”
Within the space of one second, a bolt of light flashed from the wizened old ghost’s hands to the computer, the ghost vanished, the bridge filled with billowing smoke and the Heart of Gold leapt an unknown distance through the dimensions of time and space.就在这一瞬,一道光从这个枯瘦的鬼魂手上发出来,射在电脑上。然后,鬼魂消失得无影无踪,舰桥里浓烟滚滚,黄金之心号在时间和空间的维度中进行了一次无法判断距离的跃迁。

“Zaphod,” rasped the apparition, “I think the only reason I waste my breath on you is that being dead I don’t have any other use for it.”
“OK,” said Zaphod, “why don’t you tell me what the big secret is. Try me.”
“Zaphod, you knew when you were President of the Galaxy, as did Yooden Vranx before you, that the President is nothing. A cipher. Somewhere in the shadows behind is another man, being, something, with ultimate power. That man, or being, or something, you must find – the man who controls this Galaxy, and – we suspect – others. Possibly the entire Universe.”
“Why?” exclaimed an astonished ghost, “Why? Look around you lad, does it look to you as if it’s in very good hands?”
“It’s alright.”
The old ghost glowered at him.
“I will not argue with you. You will simply take this ship, this Improbability Drive ship to where it is needed. You will do it. Don’t think you can escape your purpose. The Improbability Field controls you, you are in its grip. What’s this?”
He was standing tapping at one of the terminals of Eddie the Shipboard Computer. Zaphod told him.
“What’s it doing?”
“It is trying,” said Zaphod with wonderful restraint, “to make tea.”
“Good,” said his great grandfather, “I approve of that. Now Zaphod, “he said, turning and wagging a finger at him, “I don’t know if you are really capable of succeeding in your job. I think you will not be able to avoid it. However, I am too long dead and too tired to care as much as I did. The principal reason I am helping you now is that I couldn’t bear the thought of you and your modern friends slouching about up here. Understood?”
“Yeah, thanks a bundle.”
“Oh, and Zaphod?”
“Er, yeah?”
“If you ever find you need help again, you know, if you’re in trouble, need a hand out of a tight corner…”
“Please don’t hesitate to get lost.”
Within the space of one second, a bolt of light flashed from the wizened old ghost’s hands to the computer, the ghost vanished, the bridge filled with billowing smoke and the Heart of Gold leapt an unknown distance through the dimensions of time and space.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

suspect [səs'pekt]


n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的<

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt]


adj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突

capable ['keipəbl]


adj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的





