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Mr Dombey, raised upon his arm and looking at her, offered no comment on this preparatory statement of fact.

'There never was a dearer or a blesseder young lady than is my young lady, Sir,' said Susan, 'and I ought to know a great deal better than some for I have seen her in her grief and I have seen her in her joy (there's not been much of it) and I have seen her with her brother and I have seen her in her loneliness and some have never seen her, and I say to some and all - I do!' and here the black-eyed shook her head, and slightly stamped her foot; 'that she's the blessedest and dearest angel is Miss Floy that ever drew the breath of life, the more that I was torn to pieces Sir the more I'd say it though I may not be a Fox's Martyr..'“世界上没有哪一位小姐像我的小姐那样可亲可爱的了,先生,”苏珊说道,”我比什么人都了解这一点,因为我看到她处于悲痛的时候,也看到她处于快乐的时候(她的快乐是不多的),我看到她跟她弟弟在一起的时候,也看到她孤零零一个人的时候,而有的人从来也没有看到过她,我对有的人和对所有的人说,是的,我说!”这时黑眼睛摇摇头,轻轻地跺跺脚;”我说,弗洛伊小姐是世界上最可亲可爱的天使,先生,让他们把我撕得粉碎吧,把我撕得越碎我越要这样说,虽然我可能不是福克斯书中的殉难者。”
Mr Dombey turned yet paler than his fall had made him, with indignation and astonishment; and kept his eyes upon the speaker as if he accused them, and his ears too, of playing him false.董贝先生摔伤以后脸色本已发白,这时由于愤怒与惊讶变得更加苍白;他的眼睛直盯着说话的人,那副神态就仿佛在责备他的眼睛和耳朵在欺骗他似的。
'No one could be anything but true and faithful to Miss Floy, Sir,' pursued Susan, 'and I take no merit for my service of twelve year, for I love her - yes, I say to some and all I do!' - and here the black-eyed shook her head again, and slightly stamped her foot again, and checked a sob; 'but true and faithful service gives me right to speak I hope, and speak I must and will now, right or wrong.“任何人都不能不真诚与忠实地对待弗洛伊小姐,”苏珊继续说道,”我不自夸我服务了十二年有什么功劳,因为我爱她--是的,我可以对有的人和对所有的人这样说!”这时黑眼睛又摇摇头,又轻轻地跺跺脚,抑制着自己不哭泣;”可是真诚与忠实的服务使我有权利说出我希望说的话,说出我应当说和现在就要说的话,不管这话是对还是错!”
'What do you mean, woman?' said Mr Dombey, glaring at her. 'How do you dare?'“你想要做什么,女人!”董贝先生向她怒瞪着眼睛,说道,”你怎么敢这样?”
'What I mean, Sir, is to speak respectful and without offence, but out, and how I dare I know not but I do!'said Susan. 'Oh! you don't know my young lady Sir you don't indeed, you'd never know so little of her, if you did.'“我想要做什么,先生?我只是想恭恭敬敬地,毫不冒犯地,但却开诚布公地把话说出来,至于我怎么敢这样,我也不明白,但我确实是敢!”苏珊说道,”唉!您不了解我的小姐,先生您真是不了解,如果您了解的话,那么您就决不会这样不了解她的。”
Mr Dombey, in a fury, put his hand out for the bell-rope; but there was no bell-rope on that side of the fire, and he could not rise and cross to the other without assistance. The quick eye of the Nipper detected his helplessness immediately, and now, as she afterwards observed, she felt she had got him.董贝先生勃然大怒,伸手去拉铃绳,可是在壁炉这边没有铃绳,而没有别人帮助,他又不能站起来走到另一边去。尼珀眼快,立刻看出他束手无策的状态,现在,正像她后来所说的,她觉得她已经把他掌握在她手中了。
'Miss Floy,' said Susan Nipper, 'is the most devoted and most patient and most dutiful and beautiful of daughters, there ain't no gentleman, no Sir, though as great and rich as all the greatest and richest of England put together, but might be proud of her and would and ought. If he knew her value right, he'd rather lose his greatness and his fortune piece by piece and beg his way in rags from door to door, I say to some and all, he would!' cried Susan Nipper, bursting into tears, 'than bring the sorrow on her tender heart that I have seen it suffer in this house!'“弗洛伊小姐,”苏珊?尼珀说道,”是世界上最忠诚、最耐性、最孝顺、最漂亮的女儿,先生,任何一位先生,即使把英国最高贵最有钱的先生加起来才抵得上他那样高贵和有钱,也决不会不因为她而感到自豪,他将会感到自豪也应当感到自豪。如果他真正了解她的价值的话,那么他就会宁愿为了她而逐渐失去他的高贵身份和财产,并穿着破烂的衣服挨门逐户去乞讨,而不愿给她温柔的心带来这样沉重的悲伤的,我在这屋子里亲眼看到她的心受了多么大的痛苦啊!我对有的人并对所有的人都这样说。”苏珊?尼珀高声喊道,一边突然泪流满脸地痛哭起来。
'Woman,' cried Mr Dombey, 'leave the room.“女人,”董贝先生喊道,”离开这房间!”

Mr Dombey, raised upon his arm and looking at her, offered no comment on this preparatory statement of fact.
'There never was a dearer or a blesseder young lady than is my young lady, Sir,' said Susan, 'and I ought to know a great deal better than some for I have seen her in her grief and I have seen her in her joy (there's not been much of it) and I have seen her with her brother and I have seen her in her loneliness and some have never seen her, and I say to some and all - I do!' and here the black-eyed shook her head, and slightly stamped her foot; 'that she's the blessedest and dearest angel is Miss Floy that ever drew the breath of life, the more that I was torn to pieces Sir the more I'd say it though I may not be a Fox's Martyr..'
Mr Dombey turned yet paler than his fall had made him, with indignation and astonishment; and kept his eyes upon the speaker as if he accused them, and his ears too, of playing him false.
'No one could be anything but true and faithful to Miss Floy, Sir,' pursued Susan, 'and I take no merit for my service of twelve year, for I love her - yes, I say to some and all I do!' - and here the black-eyed shook her head again, and slightly stamped her foot again, and checked a sob; 'but true and faithful service gives me right to speak I hope, and speak I must and will now, right or wrong.
'What do you mean, woman?' said Mr Dombey, glaring at her. 'How do you dare?'
'What I mean, Sir, is to speak respectful and without offence, but out, and how I dare I know not but I do!'said Susan. 'Oh! you don't know my young lady Sir you don't indeed, you'd never know so little of her, if you did.'
Mr Dombey, in a fury, put his hand out for the bell-rope; but there was no bell-rope on that side of the fire, and he could not rise and cross to the other without assistance. The quick eye of the Nipper detected his helplessness immediately, and now, as she afterwards observed, she felt she had got him.
'Miss Floy,' said Susan Nipper, 'is the most devoted and most patient and most dutiful and beautiful of daughters, there ain't no gentleman, no Sir, though as great and rich as all the greatest and richest of England put together, but might be proud of her and would and ought. If he knew her value right, he'd rather lose his greatness and his fortune piece by piece and beg his way in rags from door to door, I say to some and all, he would!' cried Susan Nipper, bursting into tears, 'than bring the sorrow on her tender heart that I have seen it suffer in this house!'
'Woman,' cried Mr Dombey, 'leave the room.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
indignation [.indig'neiʃən]


n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤

assistance [ə'sistəns]


n. 帮助,援助

faithful ['feiθfəl]


adj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的

respectful [ri'spektfəl]


adj. 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

grief [gri:f]


n. 悲痛,忧伤

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt]


n. 惊讶,令人惊讶的事





