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经典科幻文学:《银河系漫游指南》第8章 Part 7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"Please relax," said the voice pleasantly, like a stewardess in an airliner with only one wing and two engines one of which is on fire, "you are perfectly safe."

"But that's not the point!" raged Ford. "The point is that I am now a perfectly save penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!"“这不重要!”福特被激怒了,“重要的是我现在变成了一只很安全的企鹅,而我的同伴很快就会失去他的四肢!”
"It's alright, I've got them back now," said Arthur.“还好,我已经把它们拉回来了。”阿瑟说。
"Two to the power of fifty thousand to one against and falling," said the voice.“2的50,000次方比1,正在下降。”那声音又说。
"Admittedly," said Arthur, "they're longer than I usually like them, but ..."“很明显,”阿瑟说,“这串数字长了点儿,我不喜欢,不过……”
"Isn't there anything," squawked Ford in avian fury, "you feel you ought to be telling us?"“难道就没有什么,”福特发出愤怒的鸟叫声,“你觉得应该告诉我们的吗?”
The voice cleared its throat. A giant petit four lolloped off into the distance.那声音清了一下嗓子。一块巨大的糖霜蛋糕向远处飘荡而去。
"Welcome," the voice said, "to the Starship Heart of Gold."“欢迎,”那声音说,“来到黄金之心号飞船。”
The voice continued.那声音继续道:
"Please do not be alarmed," it said, "by anything you see or hear around you. You are bound to feel some initial ill effects as you have been rescued from certain death at an improbability level of two to the power of two hundred and seventy-six thousand to one against — possibly much higher. We are now cruising at a level of two to the power of twenty-five thousand to one against and falling, and we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway. Thank you. Two to the power of twenty thousand to one against and falling."


The voice cut out.声音戛然而止。
Ford and Arthur were in a small luminous pink cubicle.福特和阿瑟在一间泛着粉红色光的小卧室里。
Ford was wildly excited.福特感到一阵狂喜。

"Please relax," said the voice pleasantly, like a stewardess in an airliner with only one wing and two engines one of which is on fire, "you are perfectly safe."
"But that's not the point!" raged Ford. "The point is that I am now a perfectly save penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!"
"It's alright, I've got them back now," said Arthur.
"Two to the power of fifty thousand to one against and falling," said the voice.
"Admittedly," said Arthur, "they're longer than I usually like them, but ..."
"Isn't there anything," squawked Ford in avian fury, "you feel you ought to be telling us?"
The voice cleared its throat. A giant petit four lolloped off into the distance.
"Welcome," the voice said, "to the Starship Heart of Gold."
The voice continued.
"Please do not be alarmed," it said, "by anything you see or hear around you. You are bound to feel some initial ill effects as you have been rescued from certain death at an improbability level of two to the power of two hundred and seventy-six thousand to one againstpossibly much higher. We are now cruising at a level of two to the power of twenty-five thousand to one against and falling, and we will be restoring normality just as soon as we are sure what is normal anyway. Thank you. Two to the power of twenty thousand to one against and falling."
The voice cut out.
Ford and Arthur were in a small luminous pink cubicle.
Ford was wildly excited.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

colleague ['kɔli:g]


n. 同事

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

cubicle ['kju:bikl]


n. 寝室,小卧室

luminous ['lu:minəs]


adj. 发光的,发亮的,清楚的,明白易懂的



adj. 受惊的;焦虑的;惊恐的 v. 报警(alarm

normality [nɔ:'mæliti]


n. 常态 =normalcy(美)





