But still, he was a Stuart,
and that blood certainly mattered to the Prince himself
who, at 24, sailed from France to Scotland to win back the throne for his father.
他24岁时为夺回其父的王冠 从法国漂洋过海到达苏格兰
On the 19th August, 1745,
Prince Charles Edward Stuart stood here at Glenfinnan,
查尔斯·爱德华·斯图亚特王子 就站在这里 格伦菲南
watched his family standard being raised,
and told the assembled clansmen he'd come to make Scotland happy.
并告诉身边围聚的族人说 他将让苏格兰幸福安康
That would've been news to some of the crofters
who'd been threatened with having their cottages burned
他们常受到威胁 若不加入詹姆斯二世党军
unless they joined the Jacobites army.
But the sight of Bonnie Prince Charlie and compared to George II
然而美王子本人 较之乔治二世
and to his own embittered, ageing father,
以及他自寻烦恼 日益苍老的老爹而言
he certainly was bonny standing here in the glen
他的确很美 身着苏格兰花格呢子裙
at the head of Loch Shiel in his tartan plaid did seem to promise, if only for a moment,
站在希尔湖端头这片河谷的图景 哪怕有那么一瞬间 似乎真的预示着
a new Scottish future.
Or, at the very least,the end of the miserable captivity of the Union.
或者至少可以说 预示苏格兰被扼制在联合王国中的命运终结
But happiness?Well, that was going to prove a lot harder to come by.
但让苏格兰幸福安康呢 后来的事实证明那可要难得多了
The structure of clan society meant that support for the prince gathered quickly.
部落社会的社会结构 使得王子的势力一夜间迅速集聚起来