The lyrics for this chest-thumping song were written by two Scots
for a play about King Alfred the Great,
and they were sung lastly by merchants and businessmen who saw Britain's future lay with the blue water empire of trade.
《阿尔弗雷德大帝》 最终却为商人和企业家所传颂 他们预见到了英国将称霸蓝海的未来
But someone was in the way of this prosperous future
然而通往繁荣的康庄大道上 却盘踞着一头拦路虎
and that someone was Robert Walpole.
Merchants felt Walpole was concerned and his cronies cared too much about land and not enough about business.
商人们认为沃波尔及其党羽 太过关注领地 而忽视了商业
So they were not amused when Walpole raised the taxes on the kind of things that made money for them,beer and coal
商界一片哗然 不满于 沃波尔提高他们赚钱生意的税率 比如提高啤酒 煤矿税
while making damn sure to keep the land tax low.
Now, what would be the only thing that could raise those land taxes?Well, war, of course.
究竟怎样才能够 让土地税增加呢 当然就是战争
So no wonder Walpole, unforgivably,pussyfooted around the Spanish
所以当沃波尔竟然 在西班牙人试图干涉我们商船舰队时
when they presumed to interfere with our ships.
When he signed a treaty with Spain that was seen as an unpatriotic sell-out,
当他与西班牙签订了 被视为卖国之举的协议后
the merchants were even more incensed.
Walpole's effigy was burned in the streets by crowds roaring for his political head.
沃波尔的塑像在大街上被人群付之一炬 人们对他的政治头脑破口大骂
Walpole's allies and time-servers in parliament were suddenly nowhere to be seen.
沃波尔的盟友和趋炎附势的议会党羽 瞬间不见踪影
His political enemies closed in gleefully for the kill.
他的政敌步步紧逼 欲置他于死地