But Charles met the most serious crisis of his reign with his most powerful weapon,reason.
但是他却遭遇了统治时期最严重的危机 他运用了自己最强大的武器 理性
He offered a compromise.
His brother would be allowed to succeed if he agreed to be a private Catholic
他的兄弟有权继承王位 只要他同意将天主教信仰个人化
and not to lay a finger on the Church of England.
Riding the wave of paranoia,the newly elected parliament summoned to Oxford turned him down.
在疑心病的驱使下 新选举的议会在牛津聚会 想逼他就范
They assumed that memory was on their side,
他们认为人们牢记历史 会站在他们一边
but this Charles would remember the fate of his stubborn father,
who'd triggered a war when he too had been suspected of being soft on Catholicism.
当被指对于天主教过于软弱时 他挑起了战争
But historical memory is a double-edged sword.
When the Commons met in the Great Hall of Christchurch to hear what they thought would be the royal capitulation,
当下院的议员们在基督城大会堂集会 以为会听到皇室投降的消息时
they found themselves instead confronted by a Leviathan in ermine.
与此相反 迎接他们的是 身披白貂的陛下
"This is the king's will," He said."Take it or leave it."
这是国王的旨意 他说道 不容置疑
It was a breathtaking gamble.
Backed up by the House of Lords,Charles had left the exclusionists in the Commons no alternative but to go to war.
在上院的支持下 查尔斯毫不顾忌下院要求驱逐詹姆斯的人 一场战争在所难免