The hat went back on, always a very bad sign.
他戴上帽子 这总是个不祥的信号
Cromwell marched up and down the chamber now shouting that the Lord had done with them
克伦威尔在议会中来回踱步 呵斥着主已对他们失望透顶
and had chosen instruments more worthy of their calling.
Some poor soul tried to stop him in full spate,
but Cromwell was in exterminating angel mode and brushed him aside contemptuously.
但克伦威尔已经暴跳如雷 完全不理会他人的阻拦
"You are no parliament!" He bellowed,"I say, you are no parliament!"
你们根本就不配叫议会 他大吼道 我说 你们就不配叫议会
With that, he called in the musketeers.
边说着 他把火枪兵叫进来
The boots entered heavily, noisily.Parliament was shut down.
沉重且嘈杂的脚步声逼近 议会被关闭了
This was a depressingly modern moment,a classic coup d'etat, in fact.
这是近代史上令人惋惜的一刻 是一场典型的武装政变
At this point, cromwell crossed the line from bullying to outright dictatorship.
至此克伦威尔从拥兵自重 迈入绝对的独裁时期
In so doing, he undid at a stroke,the entire point of the war he himself had fought
由此一举 他彻底背叛了 自己当年亲赴沙场征战的初衷
against the king's unparliamentary conduct.
Cromwell liked to claim he was striking a blow against "Ambition" and "Avarice",
克伦威尔想要声明 他会坚决打击"野心"和"贪欲"
but what he really wounded, and fatally,was the Commonwealth itself.
但真正被他严重伤害的 却是全体人民