The British wars began here, in St Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh,on the morning of July 23rd, 1637,
1637年7月23日清晨 英国内战正式在爱丁堡的圣吉尔大教堂打响
and the first missiles that were launched were not cannonballs,they were footstools.
但第一波攻击并非是威力惊人的加农炮 相反 仅仅是一些脚凳
They were launched straight down the nave,and their targets were the dean and bishop of the cathedral.
它们被直接扔进教堂中殿 而它们的目标则是教堂的主任牧师和主教
The right reverends had just started to read from a royally authorised new prayer book,
牧师和主教们正准备 朗读新的皇家授权的祈祷书
and it was this attempt to read from the liturgy which had triggered a deafening outburst of shouting and wailing,
就仅仅是准备朗读的仪式 就已经使教堂内民众发出了 震聋发聩的哭喊与哀号
especially from the many women gathered in the church.
The prayer book riots, though, were just the fuse.
但对祈祷书的反对浪潮 仅仅是一根导火索
What those who lit it wanted was to blow up the bishops and the whole royal church establishment in Scotland.
而点燃这条导火索的人 目的在于 撼动主教以及苏格兰皇家教会体系的根基
On February 28th, 1638,a national covenant was signed in a four-hour ceremony
1638年2月28日 在长达四小时 伴随着布道和圣歌的仪式上
along with sermons and psalms exhorting the godly to be the new Israel.
勉励着虔诚的人创造新的乐园 同时签署了公约
The next day, the covenant was brought here to the open churchyard at Greyfriars,
第二天 他们将公约带至 格雷弗赖斯的露天教堂墓地之中
where hordes of ordinary Scots added their signature.
Copies were made and distributed the length and breadth of Scotland.
很快 公约的副本 就被分发到了苏格兰的大街小巷