Charles was completely incapable of appreciating Calvinism's call for a great moral purification.
查理完全不能接受 加尔文教派对伟大的道德净化的诉求
As far as he was concerned,Scotland and England were not all that different.
在他看来 苏格兰和英格兰并没有如此地天壤之别
If one kingdom had been bent to his royal will by a show of well-intentioned firmness,so would the other one.
如果通过一场善意和慈悲的作秀 能令一个国家俯首称臣 那另一个国家也应如此
But of course, the Scottish Reformation had been nothing like England's.
当然 苏格兰的宗教改革 和英格兰的相比确实有着天壤之别
South of the border,changes had happened in the church at a slow and fitful pace.
南部边境 教会中的变化正在按部就班地进行
In Scotland,Calvinism had struck in great electrifying bursts of charismatic conversion,
在苏格兰本土 加尔文主义充满魅力的改革 掀起了一场悍然大波
backed up by preachers,teachers and ministers,and only forced into reluctant and periodic retreat by James I,who unlike his son, had known when to stop.
被诸多传教士 教师和神父支持的加尔文教派 在詹姆斯一世去世之后 又卷土重来 而查理则和他父亲不同 不识时务
So when Charles announced the introduction into Scotland of the new prayer book,
所以当查理宣布要将新的祈祷书 引进苏格兰时
he would discover just how little he understood of the kingdom of his birth.
他就已然发现 他对他出生的国家知之甚少
The royal council had very obligingly let it be known that the prayer book had to be introduced,at the latest, by Easter 1637.
枢密院要求强制执行 将新祈祷书引进苏格兰的命令 最晚在1637年的复活节就必须执行完毕
Then there was a printing delay.
This gave ample time for the Calvinist preachers and lords to organise exactly what they were going to do.
这给了加尔文派的传教士和贵族充足的时间 使得他们能够精心筹划他们的大计
Archbishop Laud, the king, the council, the bishops,everyone fell straight into the trap.
大主教罗德 国王 议会和主教们 无一例外全都落入了圈套
Whoever thought a little thing like this would start a revolution?
谁会料到一本小小的祈祷书 能引发一场革命