Why do we need more affordable homes
Everyone agrees that we've got a shortage of affordable homes in England. But we need to solve that by building more of every type of home,because there are different people living in different circumstances. We definitely need more of those lower rent social homes,so the people who are on low incomes don't find it difficult to pay their housing costs.But there are also people who have a genuine expectation that they should be able to buy a home. We need to build more market homes so that house prices don't just keep going up and up and running away from them.Then there are the people in the middle who don't need the full support social renting,but also probably are never going to be able to buy a home of their own.For them we need things like shared ownership, which is where you buy a bit of your home and rent a bit of your home. That's not as cheap as a social rented home. But it's also not as expensive as buying a home on the market. If we don't build more of all these different types of home then house prices are just gonna go up and up and ordinary people are going to be forced out. So what type of home do you think is most needed in your area?
大家都赞同,英格兰适用性住房短缺 。但是我们需要建筑更多各种类型的房屋来解决这个问题,因为我们的社会有许多人生活在各个阶层 。我们需要更多低租金的房屋,这样低收入阶层不会无力支付住房费用 。但是也有一些人真诚地期望他们有能力购买房屋 。我们应该建造更多商品房,这样房价不会持续上涨,离低收入阶层越来越远 。还有一些中等收入人群,他们不需要全额支持,但是或许也没有经济能力购买房屋 。对他们来说,我们需要推出共同产权等政策,可以部分购买,部分租赁,不像租赁房屋那么便宜,也不像购买房屋那么贵 。如果我们不建造更多各种类型的房屋,那么房价会不断上涨,普通人会被逼出房屋市场 。你所在地区最需要哪种类型的房屋?