10 Health Benefits from KISSING
Here are 10 Health Benefits that come from kissing.
下面是接吻的10个健康功效 。
#10 Blood Pressure
When you kiss your heart rate speeds up. This increase in blood flow is healthy and may help lower your blood pressure.
当你接吻的时候,心率会上升 。血液流动的增加是健康的,或许可以帮你降低血压 。
# 9 Headaches
Simlar to the benefits that kissing can give to your blood pressure, the dilation of blood vessels may help decrease headaches.
与接吻给血压带来的益处类似,血管的扩张可以缓解头痛 。
#8 Major Histocompatibility Complex
MHC is a process that our bodies go through when we kiss a potential partner. Our bodies subconsciously share information about our immune systems with our partners. It's natural way of ensuring that your offspring has the highest chance of survival.
当我们亲吻未来的伴侣时,我们的身体会经历主要组织相容 。我们的身体潜意识里会跟伴侣分享免疫系统信息 。这是确保后代能够拥有最高成活几率的自然方法 。
#7 Happy Marriage
If you’re married and you’re kissing...you’re probably happy. If you’re married and you’re not kissing then go brush your teeth and kiss your spouse.
如果你们是已婚夫妇,接吻表明你很幸福 。如果你已经结婚了,却不经常接吻,赶紧去刷牙,亲吻你的配偶吧 。
#6 Calorie Burning
A passionate make out session can burn up to 15 calories per kiss. It’s not quite as good as an afternoon jog, but hey - 15 calories is 15 calories.
激情四射的接吻可以燃烧15卡路里的热量 。或许不像下午慢跑那样效果显著,但是能燃烧15卡路里也不错,燃烧一点是一点 。
# 5 Stress Reducer
Cortisol is the body's natural response to stress, but cortisol is bad for your endocrine system and immune system. Kissing can end the production of cortisol and help you feel stress free.
皮质醇是身体对压力的自然反应,但是皮质醇对内分泌系统和免疫系统不好 。亲吻可以终止皮质醇的生成,帮你摆脱压力 。
#4 Endorphins
Kissing helps your body produce endorphins and endorphins make you happy.
接吻帮助你的身体生成内啡肽,让你感到快乐 。
#3 Fewer Dentist Visits
When you kiss your mouth produces a more than normal amount of salava. This salava can aid in the removal of plaque.
接吻的时候口腔里产生超过常量的唾液,可以帮助减少牙菌斑 。
#2 Immune System
The saliva that enters your mouth from your partner is actually boosting your immune system.It’s like a vaccine, but fun - not painful.
从伴侣口中进入你的口腔的唾液可以增强免疫系统 。就像疫苗一样,不过不像注射疫苗那么痛苦,而是有趣的过程 。
#1 It’s fun.
When you’re involved in enjoyable activities you naturally want to seek more enjoyable activities. Kissing can put you in a happy state of mind which may encourage positive life choices.
当你进行愉快的活动时,你想要探索更愉快的活动 。接吻可以让你进入快乐的思想状态,鼓励你做出积极的生活选择 。