Kids's salty diet raises hypertension risk
Tonight we are learning just how early in life the problem of high blood pressure can develop. 67 million American adults have it and we learn more today about how the problem is starting with our kids, taking in weight too much salt and results are predictably bad. Our report tonight from our chief science correspondent Robert Bazell.
今天我们来了解一下,高血压会在多么年幼的孩子中出现 。6700万美国成年人患有高血压,今天我们来进一步了解一下高血压在孩童中是怎样出现的 。孩子摄入太多盐的后果非常严重 。首席科学通讯员Robert Bazell为我们带来今天的报道 。
“Food is prepared, and then wash your hands.”
“食物准备好了,请洗手 。”
Petercom insists on the healthy diet for her kids because of her family's history of heart disease and stroke. The effort includes limiting salt.
Petercom坚持为她的孩子提供健康饮食,因为她的家族有心脏病和中风病史 。其中一个措施就是限制盐的摄入量 。
“Whole foods,you know, have very little sodium. Fresh foods, and vegetables, you know, lean meats, things like that and stay away from the processed foods. ”
“全谷食品含钠量很低 。新鲜食品,蔬菜,瘦肉,以及类似的食品都是如此,我们应该远离加工食品 。”
But too few families are making this effort. The Centers for Disease Control surveyed more than 6200 kids aged 8 to 18. Though the recommended daily sodium intake for the children and adults is 2300 mg a day, kids are getting an average of more than 3300.
但是很少有家庭能做到这一点 。疾病控制中心对6200多名8岁至18岁的孩子进行了调查 。尽管儿童和成年人建议的每日钠摄入量为2300mg,然而这些孩子平均每天摄入超过3300mg钠 。
For the first time it’s been demonstrated that kids in the US are consuming more salt than anyone ever thought they did. And that high salt intake is associated with high blood pressure even in children.
这是首次有调查表明美国的孩子盐摄入量超过他们认为的 。超高盐摄入量会导致儿童高血压 。
Blood pressure in kids went up from 1.3 to 2.4 times normal, depending on salt intake. In kids already overweight or obese, blood pressure went up as much as 5 times. If you don't exercise, you are overweight, you don't eat well, you consume pre-package foods, all of those things tend to go to together.
取决于盐的摄入量,儿童的血压值是正常水平的1.3倍至2.4倍 。在已经肥胖的儿童中,血压是正常水平的五倍 。如果你不锻炼,肥胖,饮食不健康,吃袋装食品,这些因素综合起来会造成更加严重的后果 。
For-school lunch program has been working to cut salt. But snack foods and fast foods are big concerns. When serving a Pretzel (椒盐卷饼) or potato chips, a big Mac, a whopper with cheese, and KFC chicken breast, each has about half the 2300mg, daily sodium requirement.
学校午餐项目已经开始减少盐的投放量 。但是零食和快餐非常令人担忧 。椒盐卷饼或薯片,巨无霸汉堡,KFC鸡胸肉,含盐量都达到每日建议钠摄入量2300mg的一半 。
Doctors worried that the taste for salt usually formed in childhood, and becomes a lifelong habit, making it especially important for children to consume as little of it as possible.
医生们表示,对盐的口味一般在儿童时期形成,成为一生的习惯,所以儿童尽可能少吃盐尤为重要 。
As for 12-year-old Batherine Kombi,"I have had unhealthy food but I don't like the taste of them".
对12岁的Batherine Kombi来说,“我曾经吃过不健康食品,但是我不喜欢它们的味道 。”
Doctors wish far more kids shared her taste.
医生们希望更多孩子能和她一样,少吃盐 。
Robert Bazell, NBC news, New York.
NBC新闻,Robert Bazell在纽约报道 。