Get most from your washer and dryer
Actually we have secrets that can save your time and money thanks to Elisabeth Leamy who is joining us with those. Good to see you.
Elisabeth Leamy参加我们的节目,为我们带来一些节约金钱,节省时间的秘诀 。很高兴见到你 。
Thank you. Home ec class is in session.
谢谢 。现在是本节目的家庭课堂时间 。
This is important stuff, so let’s talk what’s first, laundry detergent?
Yes, most people use way, way, way too much, the truth is most laundry would get plainly clean if you just wash it in water. But what we do? We fill up these dispensers to the very top. Some experts say we are using ten times more detergent than we need to and that can wreck your machine in the long term, make your clothes stiff in the short term. So you should be reading the packaging. How’s that for a concept?
是的,大部分人用得太过量了 。事实是,只要用清水洗,大部分衣物就干净了 。但是我们是怎么做的呢?我们把洗衣粉投放盒都装满了 。一些专家表示,我们用的洗衣粉比实际上需要的多十倍,久而久之会损坏洗衣机,短期内就会让衣服僵硬 。所以,你应该阅读包装说明 。这是什么概念?
But isn’t the packaging essentially they’re ought to sell more detergent? So they’re telling you…
Well, they say that they have carefully figured out how much you really need and there are actually multiple fill lines which most people don’t notice for different size loads. Hot tip: mark them outside with a pen to make it easier to see. And yeah, experiment was using even less than the soap manufacturers suggest. And here’s how you can tell by the way. If you are over soaping if your guilty is charged, throw some towels in your washer with no detergent. Run it on hot for about five minutes then take it out and squeeze and (Oh, soapy water) if you see suds that’s coming from your towels from the last time you washed them could also explain why you are itchy every time you get out of a shower.
他们说,他们谨慎地计算过真正需要多少洗衣粉,实际上针对衣物不同的负重有几种不同的填充方式,许多人没有注意到 。我们给大家的一个建议就是:用记号笔在外面写上,更容易看到 。通过实验你就会发现,实际需要量少于厂家的建议 。如果你因为用了太多洗衣粉而愧疚,丢几条毛巾到洗衣机里,不要加洗衣粉 。设置热水运转五分钟,然后取出来,拧干水分,如果最后一次清洗毛巾时你看到里面有泡沫流出来,你就可以解释为什么每次沐浴过后会全身瘙痒了 。
Ok. Now what about water temperature? I was remembering you know wets and hots colors and cold does that make sense?
Right. Well, my mum is not gonna be happy about this, but once again, most laundry will do fine in just cold, except for something say oily stains. But the thing is you know the machine 90% of the energy it uses is to heat up the water. You can actually cut your cost a half just by switching from hot to warm. So that’s an improvement.
是的 。我母亲对这一点肯定感到不高兴 。但是我们要强调一次,大部分衣物用冷水洗涤就可以了,除非有油渍 。但是你知道,洗衣机90%的能量都是用来加热水的 。从热水转换为温水,你可以节约一半的费用 。这也是一个改进 。
That’s a great way to save some pennies just energy cost also. The mildew smell that some machines get. How do you get rid of that?
这也是通过节约能量来节省费用的好方法 。一些洗衣机会有霉菌的味道 。应该怎样清除呢?
Well, using less soap is gonna help cause it’s that soap scum that forms that breeds the bacteria that creates that smell, but check your owner’s manual. There’s a concept read your owner’s manual. And some recommend running some bleach with no clothes through your machine about once a month to get rid of the smell. So washing your wash machine.
少用点肥皂会有效果 。因为皂垢会滋生细菌,导致霉味的出现,但是最好查看一下用户手册 。一些用户手册建议不放衣物,加一些漂白粉来运转洗衣机,一个月一次,可以清除霉味 。所以要经常清洗洗衣机 。
OK, in interest of equal time we shift to Mr. Dryer here. What should we know about this machine?
好的,为了平均分配时间,我们现在来采访一下Dryer博士 。关于洗衣机,我们应该知道什么?
Well lint is the enemy and it’s hard enough isn’t it just to get people to clean the lint trap if you are living in an apartment building. It’s probably your pet pee. But there is another place that lint forms that people need to know about. Every dryer has one of these vents to take hot air outside your house. That can be thirty or forty feet long and those clogged up with lint makes your dryer stop drying and little thing could set your house on fire. Yeah, so you need to use a brush like this or shop that once a year at least once a year and be cleaning that out and one more no-no a lot of people throw an entire handful of dryer sheets in the dryer but they really should be using just one because if you use too many you end up with not only lint but sticky.
棉绒是洗衣机的敌人,如果你居住在公寓里,清洁棉绒将会非常困难 。也可能是宠物的粪便 。但是人们还需要知道形成棉绒的其他地方 。每一个烘干机都有一个通风管道,将热空气排出室外 。这样的通风管道大概30至40英尺长,如果管道被棉绒堵塞,烘干机就会停止工作,一出现问题就有可能让你的房子失火 。所以,你需要用这样的刷子刷洗,或者每年购买一次,进行清洁 。许多人往烘干机里丢很多除静电纸,但是实际上应该只用一张就可以了,因为太多的话不仅会产生棉绒,还会粘在上面 。