Italian nurse suspected of killing 38 patients
This is 42-year-old nurse, Daniela Poggiali, suspected by police of killing one of her patients at a hospital in northern Italy. Now prosecutors are looking into the suspicious deaths of 37 others at Lugo's Umberto 1 hospital. Residents say they're appalled at the allegations.
此人是42岁的护士Daniela Poggiali,警方怀疑她在意大利北部一家医院杀害了她的一位病人 。现在检控官正在对卢戈Umberto医院其他37名病人的可疑死亡进行调查 。居民们表示,他们对这些指控感到骇人听闻 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) ELDERLY MAN NANDO SCARPELLI SAYING: "I am so sorry for what has happened. I just can't put my feelings into words."
老年男子NANDO SCARPELLI:“我对所发生的一切感到遗憾 。语言简直难以表述我的感受 。”
(SOUNDBITE) (Italian) LUGO RESIDENT LORELLA GUIDOBONI SAYING: "I think there should have been more controls by the ward sisters."
LUGO居民LORELLA GUIDOBONI:“我认为应该有更多措施来对护士进行控制 。”
Police allege the patients received injections of potassium, which can cause the heart to stop and is difficult to trace. Poggiali has denied all accusations, saying says she's a victim of a plot against her.
警方指控这些病人接受了钾注射,会导致心脏停止跳动,而且难以发现Poggiali否认了所有指控,称她是阴谋的受害者 。 。
Ohio officials look into Ebola case
The Ohio home where 29 year old Amber Vinson spent the weekend is now surrounded by police tape. Vinson, a nurse and now the second person to have contracted the Ebola virus, arrived in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday to visit family. She flew in from Dallas, Texas where she had been treating Eric Duncan who died of Ebola earlier this month. The mayor of the town where her family's home is located said transparency with information is key to keeping people safe.
29岁的Amber Vinson周末期间居住的俄亥俄的房屋现在被警戒线包围 。Vinson是一位护士,她是第二个感染埃博拉病毒的美国人 。周五,她抵达俄亥俄州的克里夫兰探访家人 。她从得克萨斯州的达拉斯来到这里 。此前,她曾在达拉斯对邓肯进行治疗 。邓肯已于本月初死于埃博拉病毒 。她的家乡所在市的市长表示,信息透明化是保证人们安全的关键 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) TALLMADGE MAYOR DAVID KLINE SAYING: "If it's not safe tell me. Gotta be honest with all the residents and schools if it's not safe let us know and we'll do what we need to do to take precautions."
TALLMADGE市市长:“如果觉得不安全的话可以告诉我 。我一定会对所有居民和学校做到坦诚 。如果你觉得不安全,一定要让我们知道,我们会采取所有必要措施进行防范 。”
It's now known that Vinson had a fever before boarding the flight from Ohio back to Texas on Monday although officials say she was not sick during the flight. She is now in Atlanta receiving treatment at the same facility two other Ebola patients were successfully treated.
周一,Vinson登上从俄亥俄州返回得克萨斯州的航班之前还不知道她在发烧 。然而官员们表示,她在航行期间并未出现不适 。现在她正在亚特兰大一家医院接受治疗 。这里曾经成功治疗了两位其他埃博拉病人 。
Bermuda braces for Gonzalo's wrath
While the white sandy beaches and blue waters of this resort island look nice for now... It could soon be very different as Bermuda braces for Hurricane Gonzalo, menacing a few hundred miles away. The Category 4 storm is sustaining 145 mile per hour winds, the U.S. National Hurricane Centers says. Just days ago Bermuda was hit by Tropical Storm Fay, and some 1,500 homes are still without power. Grocery stores are selling out of essential supplies like batteries, flashlights, and water. The storm is expected to hit Bermuda Friday.
尽管现在这座度假岛屿的碧水沙滩看上去非常美好,然而这种美好很快将被破坏,因为百慕大群岛将遭受飓风贡蕯洛的袭击Fay的袭击,大约1,500个住户仍然没有电力供应 。杂货店的电池,手电筒和水等必需供应品已经售罄 。飓风预期将于周五袭击百慕大群岛 。 。该飓风现在就在几百英里外的距离 。美国飓风中心表示,这场四级飓风导致时速145英里的狂风 。几天前,百慕大群岛还遭遇了热带风暴