Pressure mounts on Pakistan's premier to quit
Civil unrest in Pakistan. Protesters here are stopping at nothing in their fight to see Pakistan's premier quit. Riot police fire rubber bullets and tear gas at demonstrators in Islamabad, injuring dozens. The protesters were attacking the home of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in an attempt to stage a sit-in. The protesters are being led by opposition leaders Imran Khan and Tahir ul-Qadri, who say they won't back down unless the Prime Minister resigns. But Sharif has said he will not step down. The protests highlight the delicate state of democracy in the country. Sharif came to power in the country's first democratic transition over a year ago, in a country that has long fluctuated between civilian and military rule.
巴基斯坦发生了平民动乱活动Nawaz Sharif)的家,举行了静坐活动 。抗议活动由反对派领袖伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)和卡德里(Tahir-ul-Qadri)领导 。他们表示不会让步,除非总理辞职 。但是谢里夫表示他不会辞职 。抗议活动进一步彰显了巴基斯坦脆弱的民主状态 。谢里夫在一年多前的首次民主过渡中上台 。巴基斯坦长期以来一直在平民统治和军事统治之间波动 。 。这里的抗议者们不遗余力地要求巴基斯坦总理辞职 。防暴警察向伊斯兰堡的抗议者发射了橡胶弹和催泪瓦斯,造成数十人受伤 。抗议者们袭击了总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(
CDC warns of Ebola 'catastrophe' in Sierra Leone
Health officials take the temperature of passengers as disembark a ferry in Freetown, Sierra Leone. It's the country's latest attempt to try to identify those who may have contracted the deadly Ebola virus. More than 400 people have died in Sierra Leone from Ebola. The Director of the U.S. Center for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, says the country needs to act fast before it's too late.
在塞拉利昂的弗里敦,乘客们从一艘客轮上岸时,卫生官员们为乘客测量体温Tom Frieden)表示,塞拉利昂需要迅速采取行动,以防为时已晚 。 。这是这个国家试图鉴别感染致命埃博拉病毒患者的最新举措 。塞拉利昂已有超过400人死于埃博拉病毒 。美国疾病控制中心主任费和平(
SOUNDBITE (English) DIRECTOR OF UNITED STATES CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION , TOM FRIEDEN, SAYING: (QUALITY AS INCOMING) "In Sierra Leone there is time to avoid a catastrophe but only if immediate and urgent action is taken at every level. That's the bottom line of what I have got to say."
美国疾病控制中心主任费和平(Tom Frieden):“在塞拉利昂还有时间避免大灾难的到来,但是只有立即采取紧急行动才行 。这就是我所说的底线 。”
Sierra Leone's health minister has been sacked for the mishandling of the epidemic. But that's not enough, residents here say. Locals are demanding the government get its emergency phone number up and running first.
由于处理这次疾病感染不当,塞拉利昂卫生部长已被解雇 。但是这里的居民说,这并不够 。当地人要求政府公布紧急电话号码 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Krio) STUDENT, JOHN YAMBASU, SAYING: "They should try to pay more attention on the emergency hotline so that any time there is a call they should send their health personnel to know the cause of the death, but it is a disgrace to the Ministry of Health."
学生JOHN YAMBASU:“他们应该对紧急热线给予更多关注,这样有人致电的时候他们就可以派遣卫生人员前往,了解死亡原因 。但对卫生部来说,这是丢脸的事情 。”
More than 1,500 people have died since the Ebola epidemic began in West Africa in March, which has now spread to five countries.
自三月份埃博拉病毒开始在西非流行以来,已有超过1,500人死亡 。现在该病毒已经传播至五个国家 。
Pro-Russian rebels inspire toy soldier maker
A toy soldier maker in Moscow prepares for the launch of his new collection -- they're pro-Russian rebel fighters inspired by the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Timur Zamilov says he previously designed a set of toy soldiers after the annexation of Crimea.
莫斯科一名玩具士兵制造商为新产品的发布做好了准备——他们是受到乌克兰东部冲突激励的亲俄叛军战士Timur Zamilov表示,克里米亚加入俄罗斯之后,他曾设计了一系列玩具士兵 。 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) TOY SOLDIER MAKER, TIMUR ZAMILOV, SAYING: "We are just acting as reporters, like photographers. We are reflecting an era."
玩具士兵制造者Timur Zamilov:“我们只是发挥记者和摄影师的作用 。我们反映的是这个时代 。”
His new collection is called "Toy soldiers of Novorossiya" -- or New Russia -- a reference to the regions in eastern Ukraine where pro-Russian separatist fighters want full independence. There's even a miniature of prominent rebel leader Igor Strelkov. As tension escalates in eastern Ukraine, Zamilov says he's not sure what the future holds for separatists -- but he hopes their likeness in his toys will become a part of history. The new collection of rebel fighters is set to go on sale at a local bookstore on Monday.
他的新收藏叫做“新俄罗斯玩具士兵”,代表的是乌克兰东部亲俄分裂分子战士妄图完全独立的地区Igor Strelkov)的模型 。随着乌克兰东部紧张形势升级,史特雷科夫表示,他并不确定分裂分子的未来在何处——但是他希望他们对玩具的喜欢能够成为历史的一部分 。新的叛军士兵玩具即将于周一在当地一家书店上市 。 。甚至还有卓越的叛军领袖史特雷科夫(