Actress Lauren Bacall dies at 89
Lauren Bacall, the sultry actress with the husky voice who captured Humphrey Bogart's heart both on and off the movie screen,died on Tuesday. She was 89. Bacall was married to Bogart from 1945 until his death in 1957. They had two children. She was only 19 when she was cast her in her first movie, 1944's "To Have and Have Not" with Bogart. The couple went on to make several movies together. In addition, she appeared in more than 30 other films. After Bogart's death, Bacall had a well-publicized affair with Frank Sinatra and a stormy eight-year marriage to actor Jason Robards. She won the Golden Globe... and in 2009 she won an honorary Oscar for her place in the Golden Age of motion pictures.
在电影荧幕上下都让亨弗莱·鲍嘉坠入爱河的声音沙哑的性感女演员劳伦·白考尔于周二去世,享年89岁 。劳伦·白考尔于1945年和亨弗莱·鲍嘉结婚,直到1957年后者去世 。他们育有两个子女 。1944年,劳伦·白考尔出演首部电影《江湖侠侣》,当时只有19岁 。这对夫妇随后一起出演了几部电影 。此外,她还出演了其他30多部影片 。鲍嘉去世后,劳伦·白考尔与弗兰克·辛纳屈发展了一段公开的恋情,并与演员杰森·罗巴兹共度了八年轰轰烈烈的婚姻 。她荣获了金球奖,2009年因其在好莱坞黄金时代的核心地位荣获奥斯卡终身成就奖 。
Two dead in Ecuador earthquake
A rescue mission is underway in Ecuador after a 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck near the capital. The moderate quake triggered small landslides which blocked roads and also shifted earth at a nearby quarry, covering parts of the city in dust.At least two people were killed and several were injured. Rescue workers are now trying to free anyone trapped in the debris. An emergency response unit has been set up to monitor the worst hit areas.
5.1级地震袭击厄瓜多尔首都附近,救援行动正在进行 。这次中等强度的地震引发了小型山体滑坡,堵塞了道路,扬起附近一个采石场的沙土,导致这座城市部分地区被笼罩在灰尘中 。至少2人遇难,几人受伤 。救援工作者正试图拯救被困在废墟中的灾民 。政府已经成立了紧急反应小组,监控受灾最严重的地区 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) QUITO MAYOR, MAURICIO RODAS, SAYING: "There was an earthquake today, August 12, at 2:57 pm measuring 5.1 on the richter scale with a depth of 5.1 kilometers and had a duration of 45 seconds."
基多市长MAURICIO RODAS:“今天,8月12日下午2:57发生了一起5.1级地震,震源深度5.1千米,持续了45秒钟 。”
Quito's main airport has returned to normal after earlier suspending operations as a precaution. Ecuador is prone to earthquakes, lying along the seismically turbulent "Ring of Fire" area of the Pacific Ocean.
早先采取预防措施暂停运作后,基多主要的机场已经恢复正常 。厄瓜多尔位于环太平洋火山地震带,地震频发 。
WHO says experimental drugs should be used in West Africa Ebola fight
For five decades, Brother Miguel Pajares devoted his life to helping the needy in Africa. He was working at the San Jose hospital in Monrovia, helping care for patients sick with Ebola, when he too became infected. With his health rapidly deteriorating he was flown in a specially modiifed aircraft to Madrid last Thursday for treatment. He's believed to have been given an experimental serum, called ZMapp - one of only three patients to have received it. The other two are Americans now being treated in Atlanta. But for Brother Pajares, it was not enough. He died on Tuesday. Even so the World Health Organisation's xxxx xxxxx says such treatments, while largely untested, have shown promise and should be made available to the west African countries where Ebola is running rampant.
五十年来,教友iguel Pajares把自己的生命投入到帮助非洲有需要的人中 。他在蒙罗维亚圣荷西医院工作,帮助护理感染了埃博拉病毒的病人,而他自己也感染了这种病毒 。随着他的健康状况逐渐恶化,上周四,他被一架经过特别改造的飞机搭载着送往马德里接受治疗 。据信他已经接受了试验性免疫血清ZMapp注射,目前只有三位病人接受了注射 。其他两人是在亚特兰大接受治疗的美国人 。对Pajares来说,这还不够 。他于周二与世长辞 。尽管如此,世界卫生组织工作人员表示,尽管未经测试,这些治疗方法已经表现出希望的前景,应该用于埃博拉病毒肆虐的西非国家 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) WHO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR-GENERAL MARIE-PAULE KIENY SAYING: "There was unanimous agreement among the experts that the special circumstances of this Ebola outbreak, it is ethical to offer unregistered interventions as potential treatments or prevention."
世界卫生组织助理总干事基尼(Marie-Paule Kieny):“专家团一致赞同,鉴于埃博拉病毒大规模爆发,使用未经注册的干预手段作为预防或治疗措施是合乎道德的 。”
And the crisis in west Africa is not abating. Nigeria is now reporting ten dead...adding to the overall toll of more than 1000 in a crisis that the W.H.O says might take unusual measures to contain.
西非的危机目前还没有缓解 。尼日利亚报道已有10人死亡,这场危机已经造成超过1000人死亡 。世卫组织表示,必须采取非常规手段来控制疫情 。