Putin hopeful after meeting Poroshenko
After brief meetings with Ukrainian President-elect Petro Poroshenko, Russian President Vladimir Putin says he likes what he heard about ending the violence in Ukraine.
与乌克兰当选总统波罗申科举行了短暂的会晤后,俄罗斯总统普京表示,他喜欢所听到的关于停止乌克兰暴力的言论 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "I cannot but commend the position of Mr. Poroshenko that bloodshed should be stopped immediately in the east of Ukraine. And he has a plan in that regard. What plan this is you'd better ask not me but him. He told me about it in a few words but it's one thing to talk about it here in France and it's another thing to explain it in his own country."
俄罗斯总统普京:“我不得不赞叹波罗申科总统的立场,认为必须立即制止乌克兰东部的血腥事件 。对此他已经制定了计划 。至于是什么计划,你应该问他,而不是问我 。他用寥寥数语告诉我这一点,但是在法国这里讨论是一回事,回到乌克兰之后如何解释又是另外一回事 。”
Putin called for an end to Ukrainian military operations in the east, saying that a resolution will need to come between Kiev and people in the East.
普京呼吁乌克兰停止在东部的军事行动 。他表示,基辅和东部民众之间需要制定出解决方案 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "The parties of the talks in this case should be not Russia and Ukraine - Russia is not a participant in this conflict - but rather the Kiev authorities and the supporters of federalization in the east. I can't say for sure how it all will be implemented and how it all will be formalized - but I liked the overall intention, and if that all happens in reality then conditions will be created for developing our relations in other spheres, and in economy in particular."
俄罗斯总统普京:“会谈的各方不应该是俄罗斯和乌克兰——俄罗斯并不是这场冲突的参与者——而是基辅当局和东部的联邦支持者 。我不能肯定地说如何去实施,以及如何正式化,但是我对总体的目标表示满意 。如果一切都成为现实,将为我们发展其他领域的关系创造条件,尤其是经济领域 。”
Poroshenko is expected to unveil his plan to resolve the crisis after his inauguration Saturday in Kiev.
预期波罗申科于周六在基辅宣誓就职之后将披露解决这场危机的计划 。
Obama pays tribute to veterans in Normandy
Flanked by war veterans, U.S. President Barack Obama and his French counterpart, Francois Hollande, commemorated the Allied D-Day landings on Friday, marking the 70th anniversary of the historic military invasion. At the Normandy American Cemetery,Obama praised the bravery of the 160,000 U.S., British and Canadian troops who waded ashore to confront Nazi Germany's forces.
战争老兵排列两侧,美国总统奥巴马和法国总统奥朗德于周五举行了纪念盟军诺曼底登陆的活动,纪念这场历史性的军事行动70周年 。在诺曼底美军纪念公墓,奥巴马赞扬了登陆诺曼底对抗纳粹德国军队的160,000名美国,英国和加拿大军人的勇敢 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. PRESIDENT, BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "I am honored to return here today to pay tribute to the men and women of a generation who defied every danger. Among them are veterans of D-Day, and gentlemen, we are truly humbled by your presence here today."
美国总统奥巴马:“今天,我很荣幸地回到这里向不顾危险而奋战的一代男女士兵表达敬意 。其中包括诺曼底登陆的老兵 。绅士们,今天在你们的面前,我们感到如此卑微 。”
It was on June 6, 1944 that those troops arrived, hastening their eventual victory over the Nazis. Obama and Hollande held a moment of silence and toured one of the beaches where the battles took place. It was there in Normandy, where 90-year-old Thomas Hewlett of Liverpool landed. He was among 3,000 veterans in attendance.
1944年6月6日,盟军军队抵达诺曼底,促成了打击纳粹德国的最终胜利Thomas Hewlett就是在诺曼底登陆的 。他是参加纪念活动的3,000名退伍老兵之一 。 。奥巴马和奥朗德默哀片刻,并走访了当初战争发生的其中一个沙滩 。来自利物浦的90岁老兵
(SOUNDBITE) (English) WORLD WAR TWO VETERAN THOMAS HEWLETT SAYING: "I'm overwhelmed with it all, that's all I can say, and makes me feel very humble. I think we appreciate it. They're all very kind to us for doing what we did, which I'm glad we did. That's the best I can say I think. They're all very nice people and look a lot happier I must say."
二战退伍老兵THOMAS HEWLETT:“我非常震撼,我只能这么说,让我感到非常卑微 。我认为我们非常感激这场纪念活动 。由于我们过去的功绩,他们非常善待我们,我也很高兴我曾经有过那样的经历 。我认为这是我能说的最好的话 。他们都是非常好的人,看上去开心的多 。”
All throughout the streets, signs of gratitude still lasting after 70 years.
在各处的街道,感激的标志历经70年仍然保留着 。
At least one killed in shooting at Seattle Pacific University
At least one man is dead and three more wounded after a shooting at Seattle Pacific University in Washington state, according to hospital officials. Authorities said the lone suspect entered an academic building on the Christian college campus in the afternoon and shot four students. He then started to reload his gun, but was then disarmed by personnel from the University.The gunman, whose identity has not been released, has been taken into custody. Those nearby said they were surprised something like this would happen there.
根据医院官员透露的消息,华盛顿州西雅图太平洋大学发生枪击案,至少1人死亡,3人受伤 。警方表示,唯一一名嫌疑人下午进入这所基督徒学校校园一栋教学楼,开枪击中4名学生 。然后他开始重新装弹药,但是被学校工作人员制服 。警方已经把嫌疑人拘留,但是未透露他的身份 。附近的人表示他们简直不敢相信学校会发生这样的事情 。
(SOUNDBITE) UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN SAYING: "This is a very safe environment, this is a very safe campus, I walk home at 2am,normally with no concern, so very surprising, like I said, I thought it was a chemistry experiment gone wrong."
未透露身份的女子:“这里是非常安全的环境,这里是非常安全的校园am的时候我走路回家,像往常一样没有任何担忧 。所以我非常惊讶,还以为是化学实验出现事故 。” 。2
(SOUNDBITE) UNIDENTIFIED MAN SAYING: "Yeah, I mean, obviously, man, my heart goes out to the victims for sure -- that's intense. But, I don't think it has to do with the institution at all."
未透露身份的男子:“是的,我的意思是,很显然,我当然要为受害者祈祷 。但是我认为学校完全不应该发生这样的事情 。”
Seattle Pacific University President Daniel Martin said classes had been cancelled as a result of the shooting.
西雅图太平洋大学校长丹尼尔·马丁表示,由于发生枪击事件,学校已经停课 。