Storms with large hail and tornadoes roll through U.S. central states
Severe storms pounded Nebraska and parts of the central U.S. on Tuesday. There were unconfirmed reports of several tornado touch downs, mostly in Nebrasksa, but also in Iowa and Wyoming. Strong winds and hail the size of baseballs caused widespread damage north of Omaha. That's where the severe weather halted flights for hours and flash floods closed down city streets.Weather forecasters call this a "deracho", a long-lasting, wide line of intense thunderstorms that produce dangerous winds. On Wednesday these storms will be on the move. They're expected to hit eastern Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and southern Ohio as well as parts of Tennessee and West Virginia.
周二,严重暴风雨袭击内布拉斯加州和美国中部部分地区deracho”,持续时间长,影响范围广,强度大并引起狂风的雷暴天气 。周三,暴风雨将会转移 。预期将影响密苏里东部,伊利诺伊州,印第安那州,肯塔基州和俄亥俄南部,还有田纳西州部分地区和西佛吉尼亚 。 。未经证实的报道称几个龙卷风形成,主要在内布拉斯加州,以及爱荷华州和怀俄明州 。大风和棒球大小的冰雹造成奥马哈北部严重受损 。在这里,恶劣天气造成航班停飞几小时,突发洪水淹没了城市街道 。天气预报员称这是“
Sisi declared Egypt's new president
Supporters of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi celebrate victory at the polls. Egypt's elections commission says he won the presidency by more than 96 percent of the vote. Celebrations last through the night in Tahrir Square, the heart of a popular uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak in 2011. President Mohammed Morsi, who replaced Mubarak, was democratically elected and one of the few leaders not from the military. But two years later and many Egyptians gather at the Square to show support for Sisi, a former general. In his first speech since the election, he promises to restore stability.
阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·塞西(Abdel Fattah al-Sisi)的支持者在投票站庆祝胜利 。埃及选举委员会表示,塞西以超过96%的选票赢得了总统选举 。庆祝活动在解放广场持续了整个晚上 。这是在2011年推翻了穆巴拉克的大范围动乱的中心 。取代了穆巴拉克职位的穆尔西是经过民主选举的,也是少数不是来自军方的领导人之一 。但是两年之后,许多埃及人再次聚集在解放广场,表达对前军方领导人塞西的支持 。在当选后首次讲话中,塞西承诺重建稳定秩序 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT, ABDEL FATTAH AL-SISI, SAYING: "Sons of the great Egyptian people, I address you. You have fulfilled your duties and now is the time for work that will transport our Egypt to a bright tomorrow and a better future. [The work] that will retain stability to this nation. [The work] that will be advanced and promoted to the level Egyptians truly deserve. The future is a white page. It's in our hands to fill it with bread, freedom, human dignity and social justice. If we are divided then we are at fault against our nation, ourselves and our children."
埃及总统塞西(ABDEL FATTAH AL-SISI):“伟大的埃及人民,我向你们发表讲话 。你们已经完成了使命,现在是时候重新投入工作,让我们的埃及拥有美好的明天和更好的未来了 。这些工作会为这个国家重新带来稳定,这些工作必须做到埃及人民应得的水平 。未来是空白的,在我们的手中,我们将把它填满面包,自由,人类尊严和社会正义 。如果我们出现了分裂,我们就背弃了我们的国家,我们自己和我们的子孙后代 。”
But for his opponents there's not much to dance about. Sisi overthrew President Morsi last July after mass protests. He also oversaw a bloody purge of Morsi's Islamic Brotherhood in which more than 1,400 people were killed and thousands detained. Many Islamic groups boycotted the election and turnout was low -- less than half of eligible voters -- raising questions about Sisi's credibility. And there could be fireworks if he doesn't tackle the country's widening budget deficit, rampant corruption and high unemployment.
但是对于他的对手来说则没有什么值得庆祝的 。去年7月份的大规模抗议活动后,塞西推翻了总统穆尔西 。他还目睹了穆尔西的伊斯兰兄弟会的血腥暴行,超过1,400人被杀害,数千人被拘留 。许多伊斯兰组织抵制选举,投票率很低,只有不到一半的合法选民投票,引发了人们对塞西可信性的质疑 。如果他不能解决广泛存在的财政赤字,猖獗的腐败和高失业率问题,民众的愤怒情绪会爆发 。
Indonesia's presidential election kicks off
It's official. Campaigning for Indonesia's presidential election started on Wednesday, pitting a popular Jakarta governor against a former special forces commander. On July 9th Indonesians must choose between these men -- governor Joko Widodo, of the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle and former general Prabowo Subianto, who's backed by four other political parties. Joko's still the favourite but Prabowo's narrowing the gap. At this event both men vow to uphold the values of peace and integrity ahead of the polls. They even sign a declaration. But the contest is already getting dirty. There have been rumours circulating that Widodo is not really a Muslim. Something that could alienate him from about 90 per cent of the country that follow Islam. While Subianto faces court for alleged human rights violations, dating back to his time commanding military crackdowns in the Suharto era. The candidates have got just one month to make their case.
这是官方正式消息Joko Widodo)和受到其他四个政党支持的普拉博沃(Prabowo Subianto) 。卓可维仍然是最受欢迎的,然而普拉博沃正在逐步缩小差距 。在竞选活动中,两人都誓言坚持和平和公正的价值观 。他们甚至还签署了宣言 。但是竞选过程已经非常不光彩 。有谣言流传称卓可维已经不是穆斯林 。这一点会导致他受到全国接近90%的伊斯兰教信仰者的抵抗 。而普拉博沃则面临法庭侵犯人权指控 。该问题还要追溯到苏哈托时代指挥军事镇压期间 。两位候选人只有一个月的时间来争取选票 。 。印度尼西亚总统选举竞选工作于周三拉开帷幕,竞争主要在受欢迎的雅加达特区首长和一名前特种部队指挥官之间展开 。7月9日,印尼人必须在这两人之间做出选择,反对党民主奋斗党的卓可维(