Obama issues order easing student loan debt pressures
President Obama issued an executive action on Monday designed to make it easier for young people to repay their student loans. He signed an order directing Education Secretary Arne Duncan to make sure more people who borrow federal students loans can CAP their debt repayments at just 10 percent of their monthly income.
周一,奥巴马总统发布了一条行政措施,旨在让年轻人偿还学生贷款更加容易Arne Duncan)确保更多申请联邦学生贷款的人偿还上限为月收入的10% 。 。他签署了该命令,指导教育部长阿恩·邓肯(
U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "We call it 'Pay as you Earn'. We know it works because we've already offered it to millions of young people."
美国总统奥巴马:“我们称其为即赚即付 。我们知道这种措施是可行的,因为我们已为数百万年轻人提供这种便利 。”
Federal law already allows most students to cap their loan payments to 10 percent of their income. Monday's order increases the number of eligible students by some 5 million, the Administration said.
联邦法律已经允许大部分学生偿还贷款的上限为每月收入的10% 。政府表示,周一的命令将符合该条件的学生数量增加了500万 。
U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "We want young people to be in a position to pursue their dreams. We want more young people who act responsibly to be able to manage their debt over time."
美国总统奥巴马:“我们希望年轻人有条件追求自己的梦想 。我们希望负责任的年轻人有能力管理自己的债务 。”
The White House says 'Pay as you Earn' will help stimulate the economy, by helping young people avoid those pesky credit blemishes, it said, that can hurt them down the road. Monday's executive action doesn't go into effect, however, until the end of 2015. Senate Democrats have proposed related legislation that would let Americans refinance their student debt at lower interest rates. But Republicans oppose the idea, saying the cost would be too high to the government.
白宫表示,“即赚即付”措施将帮助年轻人避免糟糕的信誉瑕疵,避免对他们的未来造成损害,从而帮助刺激经济 。然而,周一发布的行政措施要到2015年底才生效 。参议院民主党人也提议了相关法案,让美国人以更低的利率为学生贷款再融资 。但是共和党人反对该建议,认为政府承担的费用太高昂 。
Five jailed for killing Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya
In a Moscow courtroom, the five men convicted of killing Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya learned their fate. Rustam Makhmudov, the gunman and his uncle, Lom-Ali Gaitukayev, who handled the logistics ---received life sentences. The other three received 12, 14 and 20 years. Politkovskaya, a frequent critic of the Kremlin, uncovered corruption and reported extensively in Chechnya. The 48-year-old journalist was gunned down in the lobby of her Moscow apartment on October 7, 2006--- President Vladimir Putin's 54th birthday. It isn't clear at this point, who may have masterminded the attack. Russian authorities have denied any role in the killing, which caused international outrage.
五名男子被判杀害俄罗斯记者安娜·波利特科夫斯卡娅(Anna Politkovskaya)罪名成立,在莫斯科法庭听取了宣判结果 。枪手Rustam Makhmudov和他的叔叔,负责后勤的Lom-Ali Gaitukayev被判处死刑 。另外三人分别被判处12年,14年和20年的有期徒刑 。波利特科夫斯卡娅(Anna Politkovskaya)经常批评克里姆林宫,披露了腐败问题,并广泛报道车臣问题 。2006年10月7日——普京总统54岁生日当天,这名48岁的记者在她的莫斯科公寓走廊上被枪杀 。目前还不清楚枪击事件的幕后主使 。这起枪杀女记者事件引发了国际社会公愤 。俄罗斯当局否认在该事件中扮演了任何角色 。
Death toll mounts in Pakistan airport attack
巴基斯坦机场袭击 死亡人数上升
Smoke billows from the airport in Karachi, Pakistan the morning after a deadly attack and gunbattles that killed at least 23 people. The army said Jinnah International Airport had been secured by Monday morning, as fires continued to burn and ambulances took away the dead and injured. Local officials say the ten attackers were among those killed.
巴基斯坦卡拉奇机场发生致命袭击和枪战,造成至少23人死亡,机场上空浓烟弥漫 。军方表示,截止到周一早上,真纳国际机场已经安全 。而大火仍在燃烧,救护者仍在运送死伤者 。当地官员表示,死者中包括10名袭击者 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) CHIEF MINISTER OF SINDH PROVINCE, SYED QAIM ALI SHAH, SAYING: "Our security forces confronted and killed them. They destroyed them. It is good that this operation was over in about four, five hours."
信德省首席部长赛伊德·卡伊姆·阿里·沙阿(Syed Qaim Ali Shah):“我们的安全部队奋起反抗,将他们击毙 。行动在大约四五个小时内结束,这是比较好的一点 。”
The attack on one of Pakistan's biggest airports began late Sunday night, with gunbattles continuing for hours. All flights to the airport were diverted. No one immediate claimed responsibility for the attack, but it happed at a time when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is trying to engage Pakistani Taliban militants to end years of fighting. The militants want to overthrow the Pakistani state and impose a hardline version of Islamist rule.
对巴基斯坦最大的机场之一的袭击始于周六深夜,枪战持续了几个小时Nawaz Sharif)正在努力接洽塔利班激进分子,试图终止多年的战争 。塔利班分子意图推翻巴基斯坦国,实施强硬的伊斯兰统治 。 。飞往该机场的所有航班均改道 。目前还无人宣称对这起袭击事件负责,但是袭击发生时,巴基斯坦总理纳瓦兹·谢里夫(