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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第11章Part 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Just as she had foreseen, Aureli-ano Segun-do went back to her house as soon as the honeymoon was over. He brought his usual old friends, a traveling photographer, and the gown and ermine cape soiled with blood that Fernanda had worn during the carnival. In the heat of the merriment that broke out that evening, he had Petra Cotes dress up as queen, crowned her absolute and lifetime ruler of Madagascar, and handed out copies of the picture to his friends, she not only went along with the game, but she felt sorry for him inside, thinking that he must have been very frightened to have conceived of that extravagant means of reconciliation. At seven in the evening, still dressed as the queen, she received him in bed. He had been married scarcely two months, but she realized at once that things were not going well in the nuptial bed, and she had the delicious pleasure of vengeance fulfilled. Two days later, however, when he did not dare return but sent an intermediary to arrange the terms of the separation, she understood that she was going to need more patience than she had foreseen because he seemed ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of appearances. Nor did she get upset that time. Once again she made things easy with a submission that confirmed the generalized belief that she was a poor devil, and the only souvenir she kept of Aureli-ano Segun-do was a pair of patent leather boots, which, according to what he himself had said, were the ones he wanted to wear in his coffin. She kept them wrapped in cloth in the bottom of a trunk and made ready to feed on memories, waiting without despair.

正如她的预料,蜜月一过,奥雷连诺第二就回到了她的家里,他领来了他的一些老朋友和一位巡回摄影师,还带来了菲兰达在狂欢节穿的衣服和血污的貂皮斗篷。在酒宴的欢声中,奥雷连诺第二把佩特娜·柯特打扮成女王,宣布她为马达加斯加唯一的终身统治者,给她拍了照,并且把照片赠给了一伙朋友。佩特娜·柯特不仅立即同意参加这场游戏,而且衷心怜悯自己的情人,觉得他想出这种不太寻常的和解方式,一定费了不少脑筋。晚上七点,她仍然穿着女王的衣服,把奥雷连诺第二接上了床。他结婚还不到两个月,可是佩特娜。 柯特立即发觉,他的夫妻生活过得并不美满,于是她感到了报复以后的一种酣畅。然而,两天以后,奥雷连诺第二不敢亲自前来,只派了一个中间人来,跟她商谈他俩分离的条件,这时佩特娜。 柯特明白自己需要的耐心比预料的更大了,因为她的情人似乎准备为了面子而牺牲她。然而,即使这个时候,佩特娜。 柯特也没改变自己的平静样儿。她满足奥雷连诺第二期望的屈从态度,只是证实了大家对她的认识:她是一个值得同情的、可怜的女人。她留作纪念的只有情人的一双漆皮鞋——照他自己的说法,他是打算穿着它躺进棺材的。佩特娜。 柯特拿破布把皮鞋包上,放进箱子,就准备耐心等待了。
"He has to come sooner or later," she told herself, "even if it's just to put on those boots."“他迟早准会回来的,”她向自己说,“哪怕为了穿这双皮鞋。”
She did not have to wait as long as she had imagined. Actually, Aureli-ano Segun-do understood from the night of his wedding that he would return to the house of Petra Cotes much sooner than when he would have to put on the patent leather boots: Fernanda was a woman who was lost in the world. She had been born and raised in a city six hundred miles away, a gloomy city where on ghostly nights the coaches of the viceroys still rattled through the cobbled streets, Thirty-two belfries tolled a dirge at six in the afternoon. In the manor house, which was paved with tomblike slabs, the sun was never seen. The air had died in the cypresses in the courtyard, in the pale trappings of the bedrooms, in the dripping archways of the garden of perennials. Until puberty Fernanda had no news of the world except for the melancholy piano lessons taken in some neighboring house by someone who for years and years had the drive not to take a siesta. In the room of her sick mother, green and yellow under the powdery light from thewindowpanes, she would listen to the methodical, stubborn, heartless scales and think that that music was in the world while she was being consumed as she wove funeral wreaths. Her mother, perspiring with five-o'clock fever, spoke to her of the splendor of the past. When she was a little girl, on one moonlit night Fernanda saw a beautiful woman dressed in white crossing the garden toward the chapel. What bothered her most about that fleeting vision was that she felt it was exactly like her, as if she had seen herself twenty years in advance. "It was your great-grandmother the queen," her mother told her during a truce in her coughing. "She died of some bad vapors while she was cutting a string of bulbs." Many years later, when she began to feel she was the equal of her great-grandmother, Fernanda doubted her childhood vision, but her mother scolded her disbelief.她并没有象她预料的等候那么长久。其实,奥雷连诺第二新婚之夜就已明白,他回到佩特娜·柯特身边会比穿漆皮鞋的需要早得多:问题在于菲兰达不象是这个世界的女人。她生长在离海一千公里的一座阴暗城市里,在幽灵徘徊的黑夜,还可听见总督的四轮马车辚辚地驶过鹅卵石街道。每天傍晚六时。这座城市的三十二个钟楼都响起了凄凉的丧钟。在一幢墓碑式的石板砌成的庄园房子里,是从来透不进阳光的。庭院中的柏树,花园中滴水的晚香玉拱顶,卧室中褪了色的窗帷,都发出死沉沉的气息。直到少女时代,从外界传到菲兰达耳里的,只有邻家悒郁的钢琴声,那儿不知什么人总是年复一年、日复一日地自愿放弃午睡的乐趣。母亲躺卧病榻,在彩绘玻璃透进的灰扑扑的阳光下,她的面孔显得又黄又绿;菲兰达坐在母亲床边,听着和谐的、顽强的、勾起愁思的乐曲,以为这乐曲是从遥远的世界传来的,而她却在这儿疲惫地编织花圈。母亲在寒热病再次发作之后已经满身是汗,仍然向她讲了她们家昔日的显赫。菲兰达还完全是个小姑娘的时候,在一个月白风清的夜晚,她看见一个漂亮的白衣女人穿过花园向教堂走去。这个瞬间的幻象特别使她心潮激荡,因为她突然觉得自己完全象是这个陌生女人,仿佛这个女人就是她自己,只是在二十年后。“这是你的曾祖母——女王,”母亲向她解释,一面咳嗽一面说。“她是在花园里修剪晚香玉时被它的气味毒死的。”多年以后,菲兰达重新感到自己很象曾祖母时,却怀疑童年时代的幻象,可是母亲责备她的多疑。
"We are immensely rich and powerful," she told her. "One day you will be a queen."“我们的财富和权势是无比的,”母亲说。“总有一天,你也会成为女王。”

Just as she had foreseen, Aureli-ano Segun-do went back to her house as soon as the honeymoon was over. He brought his usual old friends, a traveling photographer, and the gown and ermine cape soiled with blood that Fernanda had worn during the carnival. In the heat of the merriment that broke out that evening, he had Petra Cotes dress up as queen, crowned her absolute and lifetime ruler of Madagascar, and handed out copies of the picture to his friends, she not only went along with the game, but she felt sorry for him inside, thinking that he must have been very frightened to have conceived of that extravagant means of reconciliation. At seven in the evening, still dressed as the queen, she received him in bed. He had been married scarcely two months, but she realized at once that things were not going well in the nuptial bed, and she had the delicious pleasure of vengeance fulfilled. Two days later, however, when he did not dare return but sent an intermediary to arrange the terms of the separation, she understood that she was going to need more patience than she had foreseen because he seemed ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of appearances. Nor did she get upset that time. Once again she made things easy with a submission that confirmed the generalized belief that she was a poor devil, and the only souvenir she kept of Aureli-ano Segun-do was a pair of patent leather boots, which, according to what he himself had said, were the ones he wanted to wear in his coffin. She kept them wrapped in cloth in the bottom of a trunk and made ready to feed on memories, waiting without despair.
"He has to come sooner or later," she told herself, "even if it's just to put on those boots."
She did not have to wait as long as she had imagined. Actually, Aureli-ano Segun-do understood from the night of his wedding that he would return to the house of Petra Cotes much sooner than when he would have to put on the patent leather boots: Fernanda was a woman who was lost in the world. She had been born and raised in a city six hundred miles away, a gloomy city where on ghostly nights the coaches of the viceroys still rattled through the cobbled streets, Thirty-two belfries tolled a dirge at six in the afternoon. In the manor house, which was paved with tomblike slabs, the sun was never seen. The air had died in the cypresses in the courtyard, in the pale trappings of the bedrooms, in the dripping archways of the garden of perennials. Until puberty Fernanda had no news of the world except for the melancholy piano lessons taken in some neighboring house by someone who for years and years had the drive not to take a siesta. In the room of her sick mother, green and yellow under the powdery light from thewindowpanes, she would listen to the methodical, stubborn, heartless scales and think that that music was in the world while she was being consumed as she wove funeral wreaths. Her mother, perspiring with five-o'clock fever, spoke to her of the splendor of the past. When she was a little girl, on one moonlit night Fernanda saw a beautiful woman dressed in white crossing the garden toward the chapel. What bothered her most about that fleeting vision was that she felt it was exactly like her, as if she had seen herself twenty years in advance. "It was your great-grandmother the queen," her mother told her during a truce in her coughing. "She died of some bad vapors while she was cutting a string of bulbs." Many years later, when she began to feel she was the equal of her great-grandmother, Fernanda doubted her childhood vision, but her mother scolded her disbelief.
"We are immensely rich and powerful," she told her. "One day you will be a queen."

正如她的预料,蜜月一过,奥雷连诺第二就回到了她的家里,他领来了他的一些老朋友和一位巡回摄影师,还带来了菲兰达在狂欢节穿的衣服和血污的貂皮斗篷。在酒宴的欢声中,奥雷连诺第二把佩特娜·柯特打扮成女王,宣布她为马达加斯加唯一的终身统治者,给她拍了照,并且把照片赠给了一伙朋友。佩特娜·柯特不仅立即同意参加这场游戏,而且衷心怜悯自己的情人,觉得他想出这种不太寻常的和解方式,一定费了不少脑筋。晚上七点,她仍然穿着女王的衣服,把奥雷连诺第二接上了床。他结婚还不到两个月,可是佩特娜。 柯特立即发觉,他的夫妻生活过得并不美满,于是她感到了报复以后的一种酣畅。然而,两天以后,奥雷连诺第二不敢亲自前来,只派了一个中间人来,跟她商谈他俩分离的条件,这时佩特娜。 柯特明白自己需要的耐心比预料的更大了,因为她的情人似乎准备为了面子而牺牲她。然而,即使这个时候,佩特娜。 柯特也没改变自己的平静样儿。她满足奥雷连诺第二期望的屈从态度,只是证实了大家对她的认识:她是一个值得同情的、可怜的女人。她留作纪念的只有情人的一双漆皮鞋——照他自己的说法,他是打算穿着它躺进棺材的。佩特娜。 柯特拿破布把皮鞋包上,放进箱子,就准备耐心等待了。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
fleeting ['fli:tiŋ]


adj. 飞逝的(疾驰的,短暂的,急走的)

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的



v. 构思;设想(conceive的过去式)

submission [səb'miʃən]


n. 服从,柔和,提交

sacrifice ['sækrifais]


n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品
vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱

arrange [ə'reindʒ]


vt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲)

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

reconciliation [.rekənsili'eiʃən]


n. 调和,和解
n. [会]对账





