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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第11章Part 4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

A month later, unsuccessful in getting his wife to take off her nightgown, he had the picture taken of Petra Cotes dressed as a queen. Later on, when he succeeded in getting Fernanda to come back home, she gave in to his urges in the fever of reconciliation, but she could not give him the repose he had dreamed about when he went to fetch her in the city with the thirty-two belfries. Aureli-ano Segun-do found only a deep feeling of desolation in her. One night, a short time before their first child was born, Fernanda realized that her husband had returned in secret to the bed of Petra Cotes.

"That's what happened," he admitted. And he explained in a tone of prostrated resignation: "I had to do it so that the animals would keep on breeding."“正是这样,”他承认,然后用无可奈何的屈从口吻解释:“为了让牲畜继续繁殖,我必须那么干。”
He needed a little time to convince her about such a strange expedient, but when he finally did so by means of proofs that seemed irrefutable, the only promise that Fernanda demanded from him was that he should not be surprised by death in his concubine's bed. In that way the three of them continued living without bothering each other. Aureli-ano Segun-do, punctual and loving with both of them. Petra Cotes, strutting because of the reconciliation, and Fernanda, pretending that she did not know the truth.当然,她是过了一会儿才相信这种古怪解释的;可是,奥雷连诺第二向她提出似乎无可辩驳的证据,终于达到自己的目的时,菲兰达只求他答应一点:别让自己死在情人床上。他们三人就这样继续过活,互不干扰。奥雷连诺第二对两个女人都很殷勤、温存,佩特娜·柯特庆幸自己的胜利,而菲兰达则假装不知道真情。
The pact did not succeed, however, in incorporating Fernanda into the family. úrsula insisted in vain that she take off the woolen ruff which she would have on when she got up from making love and which made the neighbors whisper. She could not convince her to use the bathroom or the night lavatory and sell the gold chamberpot to Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía so that he could convert it into little fishes. Amaranta felt so uncomfortable with her defective diction and her habit of using euphemisms to designate everything that she would always speak gibberish in front of her.不过,菲兰达虽和大夫达成了协议,却跟布恩蒂亚家中其余的人始终找不到共同语言。每一次,如果夜间和丈夫同了床,早晨她总是穿上一件黑色毛衣,乌苏娜要她把它脱掉,也投做到。这件毛衣已经引起邻人的窃窃私语。乌苏娜要她使用浴室和厕所,劝她把金便盆卖给奥雷连诺上校去做金鱼,她也不干,她那不正确的发音和说话婉转的习惯,使得阿玛兰塔感到很不舒服,阿玛兰塔经常在她面前瞎说一通。
"Thifisif." she would say, "ifisif onefos ofosif thofosif whosufu cantantant statantand thefesef smufumellu ofosif therisir owfisown shifisifit."“Thifislf,”阿玛兰塔说,“ifisif onesif thofosif whosufu Canta ntant statantand thefesef Smufumellu ofosiftherisir owfisown shifi sifit.”
One day, irritated by the mockery, Fernanda wanted to know what Amaranta was saying, and she did not use euphemisms in answering her.有一次,菲兰达被这种显然的愚弄惹恼了,就问这些莫名其妙的话是什么意思,阿玛兰塔毫不委婉地回答:
"I was saying," she told her, "that you're one of those people who mix up their ass and their ashes."“我说,你是一个把情欲和斋戒混在一起的人。”

A month later, unsuccessful in getting his wife to take off her nightgown, he had the picture taken of Petra Cotes dressed as a queen. Later on, when he succeeded in getting Fernanda to come back home, she gave in to his urges in the fever of reconciliation, but she could not give him the repose he had dreamed about when he went to fetch her in the city with the thirty-two belfries. Aureli-ano Segun-do found only a deep feeling of desolation in her. One night, a short time before their first child was born, Fernanda realized that her husband had returned in secret to the bed of Petra Cotes.
"That's what happened," he admitted. And he explained in a tone of prostrated resignation: "I had to do it so that the animals would keep on breeding."
He needed a little time to convince her about such a strange expedient, but when he finally did so by means of proofs that seemed irrefutable, the only promise that Fernanda demanded from him was that he should not be surprised by death in his concubine's bed. In that way the three of them continued living without bothering each other. Aureli-ano Segun-do, punctual and loving with both of them. Petra Cotes, strutting because of the reconciliation, and Fernanda, pretending that she did not know the truth.
The pact did not succeed, however, in incorporating Fernanda into the family. úrsula insisted in vain that she take off the woolen ruff which she would have on when she got up from making love and which made the neighbors whisper. She could not convince her to use the bathroom or the night lavatory and sell the gold chamberpot to Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía so that he could convert it into little fishes. Amaranta felt so uncomfortable with her defective diction and her habit of using euphemisms to designate everything that she would always speak gibberish in front of her.
"Thifisif." she would say, "ifisif onefos ofosif thofosif whosufu cantantant statantand thefesef smufumellu ofosif therisir owfisown shifisifit."
One day, irritated by the mockery, Fernanda wanted to know what Amaranta was saying, and she did not use euphemisms in answering her.
"I was saying," she told her, "that you're one of those people who mix up their ass and their ashes."

“Thifislf,”阿玛兰塔说,“ifisif onesif thofosif whosufu Canta ntant statantand thefesef Smufumellu ofosiftherisir owfisown shifi sifit.”
重点单词   查看全部解释    
resignation [.rezig'neiʃən]


n. 辞职,辞呈,顺从

expedient [iks'pi:diənt]


adj. 权宜的,有用的 n. 权宜之计,临时手段

unsuccessful [,ʌnsək'sesful]


adj. 失败的;不成功的

fever ['fi:və]


n. 发烧,发热,狂热
v. (使)发烧,(使

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

pact [pækt]


n. 契约,协定,条约

convince [kən'vins]


vt. 使确信,使信服,说服

mockery ['mɔkəri]


n. 嘲弄,笑柄,蔑视

desolation [.desə'leiʃən]


n. 荒芜,荒废,荒凉

repose [ri'pəuz]


n. 休息,睡眠,安静 v. (使)休息,(使)依靠





