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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第10章Part 8

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The news that Remedios Buendía was going to be the sovereign ruler of the festival went beyond the limits of the swamp in a few hours, reached distant places where the prestige of her beauty was not known, and it aroused the anxiety of those who still thought of her last name as a symbol of subversion. The anxiety was baseless. If anyone had become harmless at that time it was the aging and disillusioned Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, who was slowly losing all contact with the reality of the nation. Enclosed in his workshop, his only relationship with the rest of the world was his business in little gold fishes. One of the soldiers who had guarded his house during the first days of peace would go sell them in the villages of the swamp and return loaded down with coins and news. That the Conservative government, he would say, with the backing of the Liberals, was reforming the calendar so that every president could remain in power for a hundred years. That the concordat with the Holy See had finally been signed and a cardinal had come from Rome with a crown of diamonds and a throne of solid gold, and that the Liberal ministers had had their pictures taken on their knees in the act of kissing his ring. That the leading lady of a Spanish company passing through the capital had been kidnapped by a band of masked highwaymen and on the following Sunday she had danced in the nude at the summer house of the president of the republic. "Don't talk to me about politics," the colonel would tell him. "Our business is selling little fishes." The rumor that he did not want to hear anything about the situation in the country because he was growing rich in his workshop made úrsula laugh when it reached her ears. With her terrible practical sense she could not understand the colonel's business as he exchanged little fishes for gold coins and then converted the coins into little fishes, and so on, with the result that he had to work all the harder with the more he sold in order to satisfy an exasperating vicious circle. Actually, what interested him was not the business but the work. He needed so much concentration to link scales, fit minute rubies into the eyes, laminate gills, and put on fins that there was not the smallest empty moment left for him to fill with his disillusionment of the war. So absorbing was the attention required by the delicacy of his artistry that in a short time he had aged more than during all the years of the war, and his position had twisted his spine and the close work had used up his eyesight, but the implacable concentration awarded him with a peace of the spirit. The last time he was seen to take an interest in some matter related to the war was when a group of veterans from both parties sought his support for the approval of lifetime pensions, which had always been promised and were always about to be put into effect. "Forget about it," he told them. "You can see how I refuse my pension in order to get rid of the torture of waiting for it until the day I died." At first Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez would visit him at dusk and they would both sit in the street door and talk about the past. But Amaranta could not bear the memories that that man, whose baldness had plunged him into the abyss of premature old age, aroused in her, and she would torment him with snide remarks until he did not come back except on special occasions and he finally disappeared, extinguished by paralysis. Taciturn, silent, insensible to the new breath of vitality that was shaking the house, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía could understand only that the secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude. He would get up at five in the morning after a light sleep, have his eternal mug of bitter coffee in the kitchen, shut himself up all day in the workshop, and at four in the afternoon he would go along the porch dragging a stool, not even noticing the fire of the rose bushes or the brightness of the hour or the persistence of Amaranta, whose melancholy made the noise of a boiling pot, which was perfectly perceptible at dusk, and he would sit in the street door as long as the mosquitoes would allow him to. Someone dared to disturb his solitude once.

"How are you, Colonel?" he asked in passing.“你在作何贵干呀,上校?”
"Right here," he answered. "Waiting for my funeral procession to pass."“在这儿坐坐,”他回答。“等候我的送葬队伍过去。”
So that the anxiety caused by the public reappearance of his family name, having to do with the coronation of Remedios the Beauty, was baseless. Many people did not think that way, however. Innocent of the tragedy that threatened it, the town poured into the main square in a noisy explosion of merriment. The carnival had reached its highest level of madness and Aureli-ano Segun-do had satisfied at last his dream of dressing up like a tiger and was walking along the wild throng, hoarse from so much roaring, when on the swamp road a parade of several people appeared carrying in a gilded litter the most fascinating woman that imagination could conceive. For a moment the inhabitants of Ma-condo took off their masks in order to get a better look at the dazzling creature with a crown of emeralds and an ermine cape, who seemed invested with legitimate authority, and was not merely a sovereign of bangles and crepe paper. There were many people who had sufficient insight to suspect that it was a question of provocation. But Aureli-ano Segun-do immediately conquered his perplexity and declared the new arrivals to be guests of honor, and with the wisdom of Solomon he seated Remedios the Beauty and the intruding queen on the same dais. Until midnight the strangers, disguised as bedouins, took part in the delirium and even enriched it with sumptuous fireworks and acrobatic skills that made one think of the art of the gypsies. Suddenly, during the paroxysm of the celebration, someone broke the delicate balance.可见,由于俏姑娘雷麦黛丝的加冕,奥雷连诺的名字虽然重新出现在大家嘴里,但这种情况引起的不安却是没有现实根据的,然而许多人却持另外的看法。马孔多的居民们不知道临头的悲剧,都兴高采烈地糜集在市镇广场上。狂欢节的热劲儿已经达到了高潮,奥雷连诺第二终于如愿地扮成了一只老虎,在乱嘈嘈的人群中行进,吼叫得声音都哑了;这时,从沼泽地伸来的道路上突然出现了一大群化装的人:他们用金光闪闪的轿子抬着一个无比美丽的女人。马孔多的居民们一下子摘掉了自己的面具,竭力想看清这个光耀夺目的女人。她戴着绿宝石王冠,披着貂皮斗篷,仿佛真正拥有合法的权力,而不止是一个用金属片和皱纸假扮的女王,不少的人相当敏锐,怀疑这是一个诡计。然而,奥雷连诺第二立即克服了自己的慌乱:他宣布新来的人为贵宾,并且以所罗门王的智慧把俏姑娘雷麦黛丝和冒充的女王放在同一个台座上。到了半夜,扮成贝都英人(注:阿拉伯游牧民族)的外来者参回了狂欢,甚至用壮观的焰火和杂技表演丰富了游艺节目,他们的表演使得大家想起了早已忘却的吉卜赛人的高超技艺。忽然,在狂欢的高潮中有人打破了脆弱的平衡。
"Long live the Liberal party!" he shouted. "Long live Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía!"“自由党万岁,”这人叫道。“奥雷连诺上校万岁!”
The rifle shots drowned out the splendor of the fireworks and the cries of terror drowned out the music and joy turned into panic. Many years later there were those who still insisted that the royal guard of the intruding queen was a squad of regular army soldiers who were concealing government-issue rifles under their rich Moorish robes. The government denied the charge in a special proclamation and promised a complete investigation of the bloody episode. But the truth never came to light, and the version always prevailed that the royal guard, without provocation of any kind, took up combat positions upon a signal from their commander and opened fire without pity on the crowd. When calm was restored, not one of the false bedouins remained in town and there were many dead and wounded lying on the square: nine clowns, four Columbines, seventeen playing-card kings, one devil, three minstrels, two peers of France, and three Japanese empresses. In the confusion of the panic José Arcadio Segun-do managed to rescue Remedios the Beauty and Aureli-ano Segun-do carried the intruding queen to the house in his arms, her dress torn and the ermine cape stained with blood. Her name was Fernanda del Carpio. She had been chosen as the most beautiful of the five thousand most beautiful women in the land and they had brought her to Macon-do with the promise of naming her Queen of Madagascar. úrsula took care of her as if she were her own daughter. The town, instead of doubting her innocence, pitied her candor. Six months after the massacre, when the wounded had recovered and the last flowers on the mass grave had withered, Aureli-ano Segun-do went to fetch her from the distant city where she lived with her father and he married her in Macon-do with a noisy celebration that lasted twenty days.枪弹的闪光遮没了焰火的光彩,恐怖的叫声压倒了音乐,狂欢变成了混乱,多年以后人们还说,那个冒牌女王的卫队其实是一小队正规军,在贝都英人华丽的斗篷里面藏着政府发给的卡宾枪。政府在一道特别通告中否定了这一指责,并且答应对这一流血事件进行彻底的调查。可是真相始终未弄清楚。普遍的说法是,女王的卫队没有受到任何挑衅,就在队长的暗示下展开战斗队形,向人群无情地开火。恢复平静以后,镇上已经没有一个假扮的贝都英人,广场上却躺着死者和伤者:九个小丑、四个哥伦比亚人、十六个纸牌老K、一个魔鬼、三个乐师、两个法国绅士和三个日本皇后(注:这些都是化装的人物)。在一片混乱中,霍·阿卡蒂奥第二设法救出了俏姑娘雷麦黛丝,而奥雷连诺第二却把冒牌女王抱回家中,她的衣服已经撕破,貂皮斗篷沾满了血。她叫菲兰达。 德卡皮奥,是从全国五千名最美的女人中选出的头号美女,他们答应宣布她为马达加斯加女王,就送她到马孔多来了。乌苏娜照顾她就象照顾亲生女儿一样。镇上的人不仅没有怀疑她的清白无辜,反而同情她的天真。大屠杀之后过了六个月,当伤者已经康复、公墓上最后的花朵已经枯萎时,奥雷连诺第二就到一个遥远的城市去找菲兰达·德卡皮奥,因为她是跟她父亲住在那儿的。随后,他把她带到了马孔多,举行了整整二十天的热闹婚礼。

The news that Remedios Buendía was going to be the sovereign ruler of the festival went beyond the limits of the swamp in a few hours, reached distant places where the prestige of her beauty was not known, and it aroused the anxiety of those who still thought of her last name as a symbol of subversion. The anxiety was baseless. If anyone had become harmless at that time it was the aging and disillusioned Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, who was slowly losing all contact with the reality of the nation. Enclosed in his workshop, his only relationship with the rest of the world was his business in little gold fishes. One of the soldiers who had guarded his house during the first days of peace would go sell them in the villages of the swamp and return loaded down with coins and news. That the Conservative government, he would say, with the backing of the Liberals, was reforming the calendar so that every president could remain in power for a hundred years. That the concordat with the Holy See had finally been signed and a cardinal had come from Rome with a crown of diamonds and a throne of solid gold, and that the Liberal ministers had had their pictures taken on their knees in the act of kissing his ring. That the leading lady of a Spanish company passing through the capital had been kidnapped by a band of masked highwaymen and on the following Sunday she had danced in the nude at the summer house of the president of the republic. "Don't talk to me about politics," the colonel would tell him. "Our business is selling little fishes." The rumor that he did not want to hear anything about the situation in the country because he was growing rich in his workshop made úrsula laugh when it reached her ears. With her terrible practical sense she could not understand the colonel's business as he exchanged little fishes for gold coins and then converted the coins into little fishes, and so on, with the result that he had to work all the harder with the more he sold in order to satisfy an exasperating vicious circle. Actually, what interested him was not the business but the work. He needed so much concentration to link scales, fit minute rubies into the eyes, laminate gills, and put on fins that there was not the smallest empty moment left for him to fill with his disillusionment of the war. So absorbing was the attention required by the delicacy of his artistry that in a short time he had aged more than during all the years of the war, and his position had twisted his spine and the close work had used up his eyesight, but the implacable concentration awarded him with a peace of the spirit. The last time he was seen to take an interest in some matter related to the war was when a group of veterans from both parties sought his support for the approval of lifetime pensions, which had always been promised and were always about to be put into effect. "Forget about it," he told them. "You can see how I refuse my pension in order to get rid of the torture of waiting for it until the day I died." At first Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez would visit him at dusk and they would both sit in the street door and talk about the past. But Amaranta could not bear the memories that that man, whose baldness had plunged him into the abyss of premature old age, aroused in her, and she would torment him with snide remarks until he did not come back except on special occasions and he finally disappeared, extinguished by paralysis. Taciturn, silent, insensible to the new breath of vitality that was shaking the house, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía could understand only that the secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude. He would get up at five in the morning after a light sleep, have his eternal mug of bitter coffee in the kitchen, shut himself up all day in the workshop, and at four in the afternoon he would go along the porch dragging a stool, not even noticing the fire of the rose bushes or the brightness of the hour or the persistence of Amaranta, whose melancholy made the noise of a boiling pot, which was perfectly perceptible at dusk, and he would sit in the street door as long as the mosquitoes would allow him to. Someone dared to disturb his solitude once.
"How are you, Colonel?" he asked in passing.
"Right here," he answered. "Waiting for my funeral procession to pass."
So that the anxiety caused by the public reappearance of his family name, having to do with the coronation of Remedios the Beauty, was baseless. Many people did not think that way, however. Innocent of the tragedy that threatened it, the town poured into the main square in a noisy explosion of merriment. The carnival had reached its highest level of madness and Aureli-ano Segun-do had satisfied at last his dream of dressing up like a tiger and was walking along the wild throng, hoarse from so much roaring, when on the swamp road a parade of several people appeared carrying in a gilded litter the most fascinating woman that imagination could conceive. For a moment the inhabitants of Ma-condo took off their masks in order to get a better look at the dazzling creature with a crown of emeralds and an ermine cape, who seemed invested with legitimate authority, and was not merely a sovereign of bangles and crepe paper. There were many people who had sufficient insight to suspect that it was a question of provocation. But Aureli-ano Segun-do immediately conquered his perplexity and declared the new arrivals to be guests of honor, and with the wisdom of Solomon he seated Remedios the Beauty and the intruding queen on the same dais. Until midnight the strangers, disguised as bedouins, took part in the delirium and even enriched it with sumptuous fireworks and acrobatic skills that made one think of the art of the gypsies. Suddenly, during the paroxysm of the celebration, someone broke the delicate balance.
"Long live the Liberal party!" he shouted. "Long live Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía!"
The rifle shots drowned out the splendor of the fireworks and the cries of terror drowned out the music and joy turned into panic. Many years later there were those who still insisted that the royal guard of the intruding queen was a squad of regular army soldiers who were concealing government-issue rifles under their rich Moorish robes. The government denied the charge in a special proclamation and promised a complete investigation of the bloody episode. But the truth never came to light, and the version always prevailed that the royal guard, without provocation of any kind, took up combat positions upon a signal from their commander and opened fire without pity on the crowd. When calm was restored, not one of the false bedouins remained in town and there were many dead and wounded lying on the square: nine clowns, four Columbines, seventeen playing-card kings, one devil, three minstrels, two peers of France, and three Japanese empresses. In the confusion of the panic José Arcadio Segun-do managed to rescue Remedios the Beauty and Aureli-ano Segun-do carried the intruding queen to the house in his arms, her dress torn and the ermine cape stained with blood. Her name was Fernanda del Carpio. She had been chosen as the most beautiful of the five thousand most beautiful women in the land and they had brought her to Macon-do with the promise of naming her Queen of Madagascar. úrsula took care of her as if she were her own daughter. The town, instead of doubting her innocence, pitied her candor. Six months after the massacre, when the wounded had recovered and the last flowers on the mass grave had withered, Aureli-ano Segun-do went to fetch her from the distant city where she lived with her father and he married her in Macon-do with a noisy celebration that lasted twenty days.

枪弹的闪光遮没了焰火的光彩,恐怖的叫声压倒了音乐,狂欢变成了混乱,多年以后人们还说,那个冒牌女王的卫队其实是一小队正规军,在贝都英人华丽的斗篷里面藏着政府发给的卡宾枪。政府在一道特别通告中否定了这一指责,并且答应对这一流血事件进行彻底的调查。可是真相始终未弄清楚。普遍的说法是,女王的卫队没有受到任何挑衅,就在队长的暗示下展开战斗队形,向人群无情地开火。恢复平静以后,镇上已经没有一个假扮的贝都英人,广场上却躺着死者和伤者:九个小丑、四个哥伦比亚人、十六个纸牌老K、一个魔鬼、三个乐师、两个法国绅士和三个日本皇后(注:这些都是化装的人物)。在一片混乱中,霍·阿卡蒂奥第二设法救出了俏姑娘雷麦黛丝,而奥雷连诺第二却把冒牌女王抱回家中,她的衣服已经撕破,貂皮斗篷沾满了血。她叫菲兰达。 德卡皮奥,是从全国五千名最美的女人中选出的头号美女,他们答应宣布她为马达加斯加女王,就送她到马孔多来了。乌苏娜照顾她就象照顾亲生女儿一样。镇上的人不仅没有怀疑她的清白无辜,反而同情她的天真。大屠杀之后过了六个月,当伤者已经康复、公墓上最后的花朵已经枯萎时,奥雷连诺第二就到一个遥远的城市去找菲兰达·德卡皮奥,因为她是跟她父亲住在那儿的。随后,他把她带到了马孔多,举行了整整二十天的热闹婚礼。
重点单词   查看全部解释    
implacable [im'plækəbl]


adj. 难宽恕的,难和解的,执拗的

conservative [kən'sə:vətiv]


adj. 保守的,守旧的
n. 保守派(党),

cardinal ['kɑ:dinl]


n. 红衣主教,鲜红色,基数,北美红雀

delicacy ['delikəsi]


n. 柔软,精致,佳肴

refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望

premature [.premə'tjuə]


adj. 提前的,过早的,早产的 n. 早产儿,早熟

rumor ['ru:mə]


n. 谣言,传闻
vt. 谣传

cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队





