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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第10章Part 7

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The power of his presence was such that from the first time he was seen in the church everybody took it for granted that a silent and tense duel had been established between him and Remedios the Beauty, a secret pact, an irrevocable challenge that would end not only in love but also in death. On the sixth Sunday the gentleman appeared with a yellow rose in his hand. He heard mass standing, as he always did, and at the end he stepped in front of Remedios the Beauty and offered her the solitary rose. She took it with a natural gesture, as if she had been prepared for that homage, and then she uncovered her face and gave her thanks with a smile. That was all she did. Not only for the gentleman, but for all the men who had the unfortunate privilege of seeing her, that was an eternal instant.

From then on the gentleman had a band of musicians play beside the window of Remedios the Beauty, sometimes until dawn. Aureli-ano Segun-do was the only one who felt a cordial compassion for him and he tried to break his perseverance. "Don't waste your time any more," he told him one night. "The women in this house are worse than mules." He offered him his friendship, invited him to bathe in champagne, tried to make him understand that the females of his family had insides made of flint, but he could not weaken his obstinacy. Exasperated by the interminable nights of music, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía threatened to cure his affliction with a few pistol shots. Nothing made him desist except his own lamentable state of demoralization. From a welldressed and neat individual he became filthy and ragged. It was rumored that he had abandoned power and fortune in his distant nation, although his origins were actually never known. He became argumentative, a barroom brawler, and he would wake up rolling in his own filth in Catarino's store. The saddest part of his drama was that Remedios the Beauty did not notice him not even when he appeared in church dressed like a prince. She accepted the yellow rose without the least bit of malice, amused, rather, by the extravagance of the act, and she lifted her shawl to see his face better, not to show hers.自此以后,青年绅士就带了一个乐队来到她的窗下,有时一直演奏到天亮。奥雷连诺第二是布恩蒂亚家中唯一衷心同情他的人,试图让他放弃痴心妄想。“不要白白浪费时间了,”有一天夜里他向年轻的绅士说。“这个家庭的女人比母驴还犟。”他向陌生人表示友好,请他痛饮香槟酒,想要让他明白布恩蒂亚家的女人都是铁石心肠,可是始终未能说服他。奥雷连诺上校被这种没完没了的夜间音乐会搅得十分恼火,就恐吓年轻的绅士,说要用手枪治疗他的痛苦。可是,什么也不能促使他放弃自己的打算,除非到了完全绝望的地步。于是,他从一个衣冠楚楚、温文尔雅的青年变成了一个衣衫破烂、肮里肮脏的人。听说,在他那遥远的国度里,他放弃了权势和财富,虽然实际上谁也不知道他的身世。现在,他喜欢惹事生非、寻衅斗殴、狂喝滥饮,天亮时总在卡塔林诺游艺场里。他的悲剧中最惨痛的是,即使当他打扮得象个王子出现在教堂里的时候,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝实际上也没瞧上他。她接受他的黄玫瑰时毫无一点娇态,只是对他异常的举动感到有趣,而她撩起面纱只是为了看清他的面孔,根本不是为了拿自己的脸蛋儿让他欣赏。
Actually, Remedios the Beauty was not a creature of this world. Until she was well along in puberty Santa Sofía de la. Piedad had to bathe and dress her, and even when she could take care of herself it was necessary to keep an eye on her so that she would not paint little animals on the walls with a stick daubed in her own excrement. She reached twenty without knowing how to read or write, unable to use the silver at the table, wandering naked through the house because her nature rejected all manner of convention. When the young commander of the guard declared his love for her, she rejected him simply because his frivolity startled her. "See how simple he is," she told Amaranta. "He says that he's dying because of me, as if I were a bad case of colic." When, indeed, they found him dead beside her window, Remedios the Beauty confirmed her first impression.其实,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝并不是这个世界的人。在她脱离儿童时代之后很久,圣索菲娅·德拉佩德还得给她洗澡、穿衣服;即使在她自己能够料理这些事儿的时候,仍要盯住她,免得她用涂抹了自己的粪便的棍儿在墙上画小动物。到二十岁时,她还没学会读书写字,还不会使用餐具,而且赤身露体在屋子里走来走去——她的天性是反对一切规矩的。年轻的军官——卫队长向她求爱时,她拒绝了他,只是因为她对他的轻率感到奇怪。“瞧这个傻瓜,”她向阿玛兰塔说。“他说他要为我死,难道我患了绞肠痧不成?”发现这军官真的死在她的窗下时,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝证实了自己的第一个印象。
"You see," she commented. "He was a complete Simpleton."“你瞧,”她说,“一个十足的傻瓜。”
It seemed as if some penetrating lucidity permitted her to see the reality of things beyond any formalism. That at least was the point of view of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, for whom Remedios the Beauty was in no way mentally retarded, as was generally believed, but quite the opposite. "It's as if she's come back from twenty years of war," he would say. úrsula, for her part, thanked God for having awarded the family with a creature of exceptional purity, but at the same time she was disturbed by her beauty, for it seemed a contradictory virtue to her, a diabolical trap at the center of her innocence. It was for that reason that she decided to keep her away from the world, to protect her from all earthly temptation, not knowing that Remedios the Beauty, even from the time when she was in her mother's womb, was safe from any contagion. It never entered her head that they would elect her beauty queen of the carnival pandemonium. But Aureli-ano, Segun-do, excited at the caprice of disguising himself as a tiger,brought Father Antonio Isabel to the house in order to convince úrsula that the carnival was not a pagan feast, as she said, but a Catholic tradition. Finally convinced, even though reluctantly, she consented to the coronation.仿佛有一种超自然的洞察力使她能够撇开一切表面现象,看见事物的本质。这起码是奥雷连诺上校的认识。在他看来,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝决不是别人所谓的呆子,而是相反的人。“她好象经历过二十年战争,”他喜欢这么说。乌苏娜也感谢上帝赐给她家里一个特别纯洁的人,但曾孙女的姿色却使她焦心,她觉得这种姿色不是优点,而是缺点——是她那天真纯朴中坑人的鬼圈套。因此,乌苏娜希望俏姑娘雷麦黛丝远离人群,不受尘世的诱惑,其实她不知道,俏姑娘雷麦黛丝甚至还在娘肚子里时就有了防御任何“传染病”的能力。乌苏娜不能容忍别人把她的曾孙女选为魔鬼集会——所谓“狂欢节”——美的女王、可是,奥雷连诺第二热望扮一只老虎,就把安东尼奥·伊萨贝尔神父邀到家里,请他向乌苏娜解释,狂欢节并不象她认为的是异教徒的节日,而是天主教尊崇的民间习俗。神父终于说服了她,她才勉强同意了这样的加冕。

The power of his presence was such that from the first time he was seen in the church everybody took it for granted that a silent and tense duel had been established between him and Remedios the Beauty, a secret pact, an irrevocable challenge that would end not only in love but also in death. On the sixth Sunday the gentleman appeared with a yellow rose in his hand. He heard mass standing, as he always did, and at the end he stepped in front of Remedios the Beauty and offered her the solitary rose. She took it with a natural gesture, as if she had been prepared for that homage, and then she uncovered her face and gave her thanks with a smile. That was all she did. Not only for the gentleman, but for all the men who had the unfortunate privilege of seeing her, that was an eternal instant.
From then on the gentleman had a band of musicians play beside the window of Remedios the Beauty, sometimes until dawn. Aureli-ano Segun-do was the only one who felt a cordial compassion for him and he tried to break his perseverance. "Don't waste your time any more," he told him one night. "The women in this house are worse than mules." He offered him his friendship, invited him to bathe in champagne, tried to make him understand that the females of his family had insides made of flint, but he could not weaken his obstinacy. Exasperated by the interminable nights of music, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía threatened to cure his affliction with a few pistol shots. Nothing made him desist except his own lamentable state of demoralization. From a welldressed and neat individual he became filthy and ragged. It was rumored that he had abandoned power and fortune in his distant nation, although his origins were actually never known. He became argumentative, a barroom brawler, and he would wake up rolling in his own filth in Catarino's store. The saddest part of his drama was that Remedios the Beauty did not notice him not even when he appeared in church dressed like a prince. She accepted the yellow rose without the least bit of malice, amused, rather, by the extravagance of the act, and she lifted her shawl to see his face better, not to show hers.
Actually, Remedios the Beauty was not a creature of this world. Until she was well along in puberty Santa Sofía de la. Piedad had to bathe and dress her, and even when she could take care of herself it was necessary to keep an eye on her so that she would not paint little animals on the walls with a stick daubed in her own excrement. She reached twenty without knowing how to read or write, unable to use the silver at the table, wandering naked through the house because her nature rejected all manner of convention. When the young commander of the guard declared his love for her, she rejected him simply because his frivolity startled her. "See how simple he is," she told Amaranta. "He says that he's dying because of me, as if I were a bad case of colic." When, indeed, they found him dead beside her window, Remedios the Beauty confirmed her first impression.
"You see," she commented. "He was a complete Simpleton."
It seemed as if some penetrating lucidity permitted her to see the reality of things beyond any formalism. That at least was the point of view of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía, for whom Remedios the Beauty was in no way mentally retarded, as was generally believed, but quite the opposite. "It's as if she's come back from twenty years of war," he would say. úrsula, for her part, thanked God for having awarded the family with a creature of exceptional purity, but at the same time she was disturbed by her beauty, for it seemed a contradictory virtue to her, a diabolical trap at the center of her innocence. It was for that reason that she decided to keep her away from the world, to protect her from all earthly temptation, not knowing that Remedios the Beauty, even from the time when she was in her mother's womb, was safe from any contagion. It never entered her head that they would elect her beauty queen of the carnival pandemonium. But Aureli-ano, Segun-do, excited at the caprice of disguising himself as a tiger,brought Father Antonio Isabel to the house in order to convince úrsula that the carnival was not a pagan feast, as she said, but a Catholic tradition. Finally convinced, even though reluctantly, she consented to the coronation.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
compassion [kəm'pæʃən]


n. 同情,怜悯

weaken ['wi:kən]


v. 使 ... 弱,变弱,弄淡

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

extravagance [iks'trævigəns]


n. 奢侈,浪费,放肆的言行

solitary ['sɔlitəri]


adj. 孤独的,独立的,单个的,唯一的,荒凉的

obstinacy ['ɔbstinəsi]


n. 固执,顽固;(病痛等的)难治,难解除

temptation [temp'teiʃən]


n. 诱惑,引诱

amused [ə'mju:zd]


adj. 有趣的

commander [kə'mɑ:ndə]


n. 司令官,指挥官

eternal [i'tə:nəl]


adj. 永久的,永恒的
n. 永恒的事





