Japanese parliamentarians visit controversial shrine
日本战败日 议员参拜靖国神社引众怒
Japanese parliamentarians and aides along with thousands of Japanese offered prayers at a controversial shrine to commemorate the end of World War Two. Yasukuni Shrine honours 14 Japanese wartime leaders convicted as war criminals by an Allied tribunal, along with war dead. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent an offering but did not visit in person.
日本议员和助手以及数千名日本民众一起参拜有争议的神社,纪念第二次世界大战结束 。靖国神社供奉着被盟军法庭宣判为甲级战犯的14名日本人以及战死士兵的亡灵 。日本首相安倍晋三提供了祭品,但是没有亲自参拜 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER SHINZO ABE SAYING: "I asked my special aide (Koichi) Hagiuda to make the offering on my behalf with a feeling of gratitude and respect for those who fought and gave their precious lives for their country." Visits to the shrine by top politicians have outraged Beijing and Seoul in the past. But many do not want to see their government bowing to foreign pressure.
日本首相安倍晋三:“我要求我的特别助手萩生田光一代表我去参拜,向那些为国家而战甚至奉献出宝贵生命的人们表示感激和尊敬 。”过去,日本高级政客参拜靖国神社的行为使北京和首尔非常愤怒 。但是日本许多人不希望看到自己的政府向外国压力低头 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) 73 YEAR OLD PENSIONER HIROSHI MATSUDA SAYING: "I wish the Prime Minister would try a bit harder,otherwise neighbouring countries who are quick to sniff out an advantage will think that Japanese just obeys to what is asked of them, and they will push us over and over and over. So I think they should stop this by saying at some point that this place is not what you think it is." Both China and Korea suffered under Japanese rule for decades.
73岁的退休老人HIROSHI MATSUDA:“我希望首相更加强势,否则善于强占优势的邻国会认为日本向他们屈服,他们会不断欺压我们 。所以我认为我们应该我行我素,而不是他们想怎样就怎样 。”中国和韩国都曾经遭受日本长时间的蹂躏 。
Fires burn in Cairo after deadly clashes
Fires burn through Cairo as night falls on a day of clamp down that left about 300 dead. Night time aerial shots show parts of the Egyptian capital ablaze, with thick smoke rising. Earlier in the day, Islamists clashed with police and troops who used bulldozers, teargas and live fire to break up camps of supporters of the ousted President Mohamed Mursi. A health ministry official said about 300 people were killed and more than 2,000 injured across the country. But the Muslim Brotherhood said the true death toll was far higher, calling it a "massacre". The military-installed government has declared a month-long state of emergency.
埃及首都开罗发生骚乱,造成大约300人死亡,夜幕降临后又发生大火 。晚间新闻节目镜头显示埃及首都陷入火海,浓烟滚滚 。当天早些时候,伊斯兰分子与警察和军队发生冲突,后者使用推土机,催泪弹和实弹来驱散被推翻总统穆苏里的支持者 。卫生部一名官员表示,全国大约300人遇难,超过2,000人受伤 。但是穆斯林兄弟会表示,真正的死亡人数高的多,简直就是一场“大屠杀” 。军方设立的政府已经宣布了长达一个月的紧急状态 。
Governor calls in National Guard after wildfire destroys Utah homes
犹他州大火 州长部署国民卫队直升机救火
Two National Guard helicopters are added to help battle a Utah wildfire. The lightning sparked blaze forced the evacuation of hundreds out of their homes in Lake Rockport, Utah, claiming at least 13 residences, officials say, estimated around $250,000 each.
国民卫队两架直升机加入扑灭犹他州大火的行列 。闪电引发的大火迫使犹他州Lake Rockport数百人撤离,烧毁至少13座住宅 。官员称,每一座住宅估价250,000美元 。
(SOUNDBITE) (English) GOVERNOR GARY HERBERT: "That's our first concern: protection of life, and protection of property. We have three helicopters. I've just authorized two more Black Hawk helicopters from our National Guard, so the National Guard has been activated to help and assist as needs be. We have approximately 175 personnel on the ground now."
州长赫伯特(Gary Herbert):“我们最关心的是保护生命和财产 。我们共有三架直升机 。我已经增派国民卫队两架黑鹰直升机,所以,国民卫队已经根据需求提供帮助 。现在大约有175人在救火现场 。”
The Governor says that the recent wildfire, in addition to other fires across the state, warranted the deployment of the Black Hawk helicopters, citing state resources as too "scarce." The Red Cross continues to operate shelters, and the Summit Country Government has not allowed residents to return home. According to Utah officials, firefighters have been stymied by high winds fanning the flames - causing the fire to jump fire lines.
州长表示,最近这起大火以及该州其他地方发生的大火要求派遣黑鹰直升机,然而资源非常稀缺 。红十字会仍在搭建庇护所,当地政府暂不允许居民返回家中 。据犹他州官员表示,由于狂风助力,大火迅速蔓延,消防员困难重重——目前火焰已经越过警戒线 。