1 in 5 Americans die from Obesity - Columbia University
There's a 'fat' problem plaguing the well-being of Americans across the historically hamburger-hungry nation. 1 in 5 die eating themselves to death, according to Columbia University researchers who study the ongoing obesity epidemic. That's almost three times greater than previous estimates. Obesity --- particularly preventing it in children has been a priority for First Lady Michelle Obama, whose "Let's Move" program focuses on teaching kids about the importance of staying active and eating healthy, non-processed food. At least five percent of children and teenagers in the U.S. are considered seriously obese, according to the latest report from the Robert Wood Foundation. While extreme obesity --- which is defined as being more than 100 pounds overweight --- is on the rise in the U.S. --- the news on fat isn't all dire. A focus on fitness appears to be helping the country's already high obesity rate --- level off.
在这个长久以来都喜爱汉堡的国家,肥胖问题非常普遍 。哥伦比亚大学研究人员对持续的肥胖流行病进行了调查,认为五分之一的美国人因吃东西导致死亡,比以前的估计高出接近三倍 。对第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马来说,肥胖问题,尤其是避免儿童肥胖,成为当务之急 。米歇尔的“让我们行动起来”项目集中在教给孩子们保持运动,健康饮食,杜绝加工食品的重要性 。根据罗伯特·伍德基金的最新报告,至少5%的美国儿童和青少年严重肥胖 。极端肥胖——也就超重100磅以上的人数也在增长 。不过也有一些好消息 。对健康问题的关注似乎帮助这个国家本来已经很高的肥胖率平稳下来 。
A mosque becomes a battlefield in Cairo
Anger and defiance inside a mosque in Cairo where supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi sought shelter. They argue as security forces urge them to clear the building. Some opt to leave. An Egyptian officer offers assurances of safe passage. But some stand their ground. Amateur video which can not be independently verified captures the scene of chaos as people flee the mosque. Gun fire is exchanged. Security forces move in to clear the mosque. Egyptian authorities say they had rounded up more than 1,000 Islamists after Friday's protests. There are also reports that the brother of al Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, was also detained. The health ministry says 173 people died in clashes across Egypt Friday, in what the Brotherhood called a Day of Rage. The Prime Minister called it a "very bad, ugly day." Now the fear is there will be more days like it to come.
被推翻总统穆苏里的支持者寻求庇护的开罗一座清真寺内弥漫着愤怒和反抗Ayman al-Zawahiri)的兄弟也被拘留 。卫生部表示,周五,共有173人在埃及各地的冲突中遇难,穆斯林兄弟会称这一天为“愤怒日” 。总理称这是“非常糟糕,非常可耻的一天” 。现在人们担心会有更多类似的暴力冲突发生 。 。安全力量要求清场时他们争吵起来 。一些人选择离开 。一名埃及官员向他们保证可以安全离开 。但是一些人仍然坚守在原地 。难以得到独立证实的业余视频抓拍到了人们逃离清真寺时的混乱景象 。双方发生了交火 。安全力量介入,试图肃清清真寺 。埃及当局表示,周五的抗议活动后,他们已经围捕了1,000多名伊斯兰分子 。还有报告称,基地组织领袖扎瓦赫里(
Flames fill the sky of war-torn Syria
叙利亚冲突继续 战火弥漫全国
Syrian rebels target a government military base in a suburb in Idlib. Flames fill the skyline. More footage shows street fighting in the suburban streets of Damascus. The video which can not be independently verified by Reuters comes as rebel solders continue to take up arms in a war with no end game in sight. Nearly two million people have fled the violence. The sounds of war ring through empty streets. Anything can come under attack as all sides try to gain the upper hand in a war that has already claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people.
叙利亚叛军袭击了伊德利卜省郊区一个政府军事基地,火光冲天 。更多镜头显示大马士革郊区街头发生巷战 。路透社难以独立证实的视频显示,叛军仍在奋起抵抗,战争似乎没有那么快结束 。接近200万人为逃离暴力背井离乡 。战斗的声音在空旷的街道回响 。一切都有可能遭遇袭击,因为各方都试图在战争中获胜 。目前,这场战争已经造成超过100,000人死亡 。